1 ‘No war was being’: Quoted in Pugh, We Danced All Night, 443.
2 ‘our time is approaching’: HO 45/24895/3-4.
3 Fellowship of the Services: Liddell Diaries, 11 March, 1940, KV 4/186.
4 ‘that Geary was trying’: HO 45/23775.
5 ‘young man employed’: KV 4/227/1a.
6 ‘that this man is’: KV 2/840/20d.
7 ‘It was a real pleasure’: KV 2/840/20a.
8 ‘with thanks for’: Ibid.
9 ‘I hope I am right’: Ibid.
10 ‘Dear Captain King’: KV 2/840/20cdd.
11 ‘pedigree’: KV 2/902/79a.
12 ‘She had some idea’: KV 2/543/38x.
13 ‘John Kent’: KV 2/543/1ab.