
The collection you hold in your hands owes its existence to many people, and I am extremely grateful to them all. First and foremost, thank you to Michael Kelly for editing and publishing the collection and making it look incredible. Thank you to Olga Beliaeva and Serge N. Kozintsev for their art, and Vince Haig for his design work—I could not have asked for a more gorgeous cover! This collection certainly wouldn’t be here without all the editors who gave the reprinted stories their first homes. Mike Allen, Ellen Datlow, Scott Gable and C. Dombrowski, Paula Guran, Jacob Haddon, Alex Hofelich, Shannon Peavey and Kelly Sandoval, Erik Secker, Justin Steele and Sam Cowan, Lynne and Michael Thomas, and Sean Wallace and Silvia-Moreno Garcia—you are all wonderful! Thank you for all your hard work and everything you do for the genre. As always, thank you to all my critique buddies and con buddies for years of friendship and story-swapping. Even though the writing itself is usually a solitary pursuit, it’s nice knowing that I’m never really doing it alone. Thank you to my family, human and four-legged alike; I could not do any of this without you. Thank you to all the ghosts who inspired these stories and the ghost story writers and tellers too. And last, but absolutely not least, thank you, yes you, the person reading this right now; go do something amazing today.