Conclusion of this Book.
BEHOLD, O loving Lord, I offer Thee the talent of Thy condescending intimacy, which Thou hast confided to me, vile creature that I am. I have traded with it for love of Thy love in that which I have written, or which I may yet write. And I can boldly declare, by Thy grace, that I have had no other motive in saying or writing these things, except that of obeying Thy Will, of promoting Thy glory and of zeal for the salvation of souls. I desire, therefore, that all should praise Thee and give Thee thanks, that my unworthiness has not caused Thee to withdraw Thy mercy from me. I desire also that Thou shouldst be praised for those who, reading these things, are charmed with the sweetness of Thy charity, and inwardly drawn to desire the same; and also for those who, studying them as students, commence with the alphabet, and attain to philosophy—thus being led by the perusal of these things, as by pictures and images, to search for the hidden manna, which increases the hunger of those who partake of it, and which is not found in corporal substances.
Therefore, since Thou, the Almighty Dispenser of all good things, dost vouchsafe to pasture us during our exile until, “beholding the glory of the Lord with open face are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18); meanwhile, according to Thy faithful promises and the humble desire of my heart, grant, I beseech Thee, to all who read these writings with humility, the peace of Thy love, compassion for my miseries, and a salutary compunction for their furtherance in perfection, so that, elevating their hearts toward Thee with burning love, they may be like so many golden censers, whose sweet odors shall abundantly supply all my negligence and ingratitude. Amen.