CHAPTER FIVE My Husband’s Love Language Is Sex (and Other Things I’ve Learned in 17 Years of Marriage)

According to Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages, my love language is “acts of service,” like when I cook a meal for my husband or remember to iron his favorite shirt for a date night. It’s my way to show him how much I love him. My husband’s love language, on the other hand, is “physical touch.” This means having sex or holding hands. My husband does not want to hold my hand unless that is followed by having sex. He has also never given me a back rub that ended as a back rub. Back rubs always end as front rubs and then sex. So, let’s talk about sex, shall we?


I always laugh when my husband tries to compare our sex life now to back before we had kids. If you ask me, that is kind of like comparing apples to a car. You thought I was going to say “oranges,” but an orange and an apple are still fruits and probably have way too many commonalities. Let’s take a look at sex before kids and sex after kids.

Sex Before Kids: Privacy

You can do it anywhere and at any time in your home. You are literally the only people who live there. You can do it on the kitchen table if you want, but make sure to properly sanitize prior to serving food or entertaining guests. You have the ability to be spontaneous. You have the ability to leave the door open. You have the ability to scream and moan, and just be in the moment without the fear of being walked in on by someone who just wet the bed.

Sex After Kids: Privacy

You are never alone. Someone is always trying to get into your room or into your bed. It can be difficult to snag some “sexy time” with a bed-wetting toddler in between you and your husband. There is no such thing as privacy any longer.

Sex Before Kids: Energy

You had so much energy and free time. Before having kids, you had time to be bored. Let that marinate for a hot second. You used to be bored. Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You also used to think you were busy. You had increased energy because you actually got to sleep at night without interruptions. With more energy, the thought of touching your husband’s penis is more of a pleasure than a chore. It is amazing what happens if you have eight hours of sleep.

Being spontaneous is simple when you don’t have kids. You aren’t bound to other people’s schedules, so you don’t have to plan your sex life.

Sex After Kids: Energy

The level of exhaustion you feel after having children is unimaginable. You have never felt so tired in your entire life. You used to think you were tired, but then you had kids. You were so dumb before.

Sex Before Kids: Touching

Before having kids, you had so much time on your hands, meaning, your hands were free to do things like touch your husband’s penis. You would spend time thinking about sex. Talking with your friends about the sex. Imagining how amazing the sex would be. You were also more bendy and flexible. You were excited to be touched. You wanted to be touched. It was a pleasurable experience that most often ended with your “O” face and not your “OH MY GOD, A KID JUST WALKED IN” face.

Sex After Kids: Touching

You have been touched all day long. Literally someone has been hanging on you, your breasts, your hair, your leg, your back ALL. DAY. LONG. When your husband comes home to greet you with a “stiff” surprise, it is really hard to want to be touched.

Sex Before Kids: The Vagina

It was tight. It was impressive. It was in peak condition. It was red-carpet ready. I can go on and on. The pre-baby vagina is something to be cherished.

Sex After Kids: The Vagina

Once you have a vaginal delivery, there is absolutely no going back. It will never look the same; at least mine doesn’t. My poor vagina was torn, ripped, and basically dragged behind a truck for miles down an unpaved country road. Let’s take a moment of silence for all the broken vaginas out in the world. Your pre-baby vagina was like a pretty sports car. It was shiny and new. Your post-baby vagina is more of a reliable minivan. Don’t worry—the minivan can have lots of fun, I promise.

As your kids get older and you are less like a zombie, your sex life will improve. Plus, as you get older, you will know what you like and don’t like. Be vocal and tell your partner what you need in the bedroom. Make your sexy time count. If you want him to pull your hair, just ask. My husband stopped me one morning and said, “I need a quickie. I had a sex dream about you and we gotta do it. Meet you in the bathroom in two minutes.” He was very specific with what he needed. Women, we CAN and SHOULD be as crystal clear as our partners. It will definitely lead to more smiles.


My husband is a wonderful man. He is also a slob. I love him each and every day, but there are plenty of times when I do not like him. Before you think I am an awful person, I guarantee you there are plenty of days when he does not like me either. Marriages sometimes involve mutual disdain, and that is okay. It truly is. It is not easy to live with another person and share all of your things. I mean, consider all the things you actually share with your spouse:

1. The Marriage Bed: The place where you lay your head down and close your eyes is shared with another person. The place where you are the most vulnerable. I mean, he could roll over at any given moment and try to smother you. More likely, he will roll over and attempt to deliver a package that you have received before on many, many occasions.

2. The Bathroom: The place where you poop is also the place where your spouse poops. Poop is awful. It smells terrible, and if your husband is like my husband, he likes to poop naked. It is a legit thing that people do. I have no idea why, but someone somewhere started this movement, and each day there are new members in the naked pooper society. Walking in and seeing my naked husband taking a crap is never a mood enhancer. Maybe it’s just me.

3. The Bathroom Sink: This is its own separate item on the list because the bathroom counter and sink are serious. My husband is a very messy counter partner. He is always leaving his used Q-tips on the counter and beard trimmings in the bathroom sink, along with massive globs of toothpaste. I personally think that leaving disgusting shaving trimmings in the bathroom sink should be an arrestable offense.

4. Hairbrush: I have found beard hair in my hairbrush, because I apparently have to share my hairbrush with my bald husband. Yes, my husband is bald, but he does have a glorious beard, which he brushes with my hairbrush. I just love when I find his beard hairs in my hair later on in the day.

5. The Driveway: This might sound funny to you, but, like our bed, our driveway has his and hers sides. I like to park on the left-hand side of the driveway. It is my side. I claimed it and it should be respected. My husband knows I prefer the left side, yet I will come home to find him on my side of the driveway. Why? Seriously, why would anyone do that? When you claim a side, your partner should respect that. If this sounds petty to you, please know that I don’t care. It is a thing and it irks me.

6. Treats: When I go to the grocery store, I will sometimes buy myself a treat. I will place said treat in the fridge only to later discover that the treat was eaten by my husband. I sometimes consider labeling my food like people in office buildings.

7. Love: We share so much mind-numbing, gag-inducing love for each other that it is nauseating. Wait, that is probably just Susan’s marriage. Most marriages will and should include love, but they will also include arguments, periods of silence, periods of resentment, periods of joy and laughter, and periods of relationship repair. I can tell you that during our 17-year marriage, we have had massive arguments and moments where I was so worried that I would lose him that I could feel my heart break inside of my chest.

Marriage is all about sharing and most of the time that is great, but we are all humans and it can be taxing. So don’t let the internet or relatives in your life get you down on your marriage. Marriage is tough, and it rarely looks like a wedding magazine cover photo. If you want a true snapshot of love in a marriage, picture this: My husband really knew I loved him when I had to “glove up” and give him an anal suppository after his appendectomy. Now, that is love. Not the type of unforgettable moment I was hoping for, but still, love.


I don’t get to watch a ton of television, but when I do, I really love it. It is my favorite way to zone out and not think about anything. I love making my mind go blank and watching my favorite actors and actresses act out a story for my entertainment. There’s a certain kind of sex scene, though, that always makes me laugh. I’m talking, of course, about shower sex. Truth: NO ONE HAS SHOWER SEX LIKE THAT!!!!

Think about it. Seriously, think back to every shower sex scene you have seen on TV and in the movies. Have you ever had epic shower sex like they do in the movies? If so, I want you to call me immediately—I need every detail. If not, continue reading why I think it is totally bullshit and causes people to have warped expectations about sex.

In the movies, the shower is big enough for both people to adequately fit and it’s so clean it shines bright like Rihanna’s diamond. There is one shampoo bottle, one conditioner bottle, and one massage oil bottle. All expensive organic brands with pretty pink and teal labels. The shower probably has a bench seat so that lovers can recline in some tantric sex position while the massaging showerhead blasts them with pulsing water vibrations. The kind of water vibrations that can keep you in the mood all night long. Sometimes the extremely thin, attractive, athletic-looking couple is so hot to trot for each other, they get into the shower with their clothes on. Yes, that’s right. They jump into the shower with their jeans on and somehow, only explained by their beliefs in black magic, they are able to sexily pull the jeans off each other in one fell swoop. The showerhead seems to spray them evenly, water flowing over them in just the right places so as to not hinder their epic make-out session, which obviously includes French kissing (that means tongue kissing). You will see steamy hand and ass prints sliding down the door in slow motion. The steam continues to billow out the top of the shower like a forest fire. Eventually two simultaneous erotic scream-moans are heard when the epic sex has commenced.

I have never had epic movie-scene shower sex, but I have most definitely had real married shower sex. It usually looks like this: “Hey, I haven’t showered in a week and I have about seven minutes until I need to switch this load of laundry, and I have a new episode of Grey’s Anatomy that I want to watch tonight, so if you want to do it, we need to do it now.” My husband usually drops his pants immediately and pushes me into our milk-carton-sized shower, which is filled with toys, razors, children’s bathing suits, beach floats, empty shampoo bottles, and a body loofa sponge that should never, ever be used again. It’s basically now a science experiment. The showerhead sprays on my husband while I freeze. I am usually attempting to wash my hair and brush my teeth at the same time. I usually say, “Are you almost done?” about three times, while also saying, “Man, we are wasting a lot of water.” I have a handicap bar in my shower that I usually hit my head on at least once during the magical lovemaking session. At this point one of our children usually enters and asks why both Mom and Dad are in the shower, to which I reply, “I’m conserving water—we gotta look out for Mother Earth.” To which they reply, “Mom, I’ve never seen you recycle.” “FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY! GET OUT OF HERE SO I CAN FINISH YOUR FATHER AND WATCH MY TV SHOW TONIGHT IN PEACE AND QUIET!”

My point is very simple and clear. No one has a sex life like those we see in the movies, not even Susan and her husband. I am positive of that. So, if you are like me and you are using shower sex to gain an extra 15 minutes of sleep, please know you are not alone, it is normal, and your sex life is just fine. If Chris Pratt or Ryan Reynolds want to prove me wrong, they can call me. Both are on my laminated list.


Picture it: It’s a school night. You have on your Christmas jammies even though it’s May. It’s been a really long day. You went grocery shopping. You had to take the dog to the vet. You did 37 loads of laundry. You walk into your bedroom and get all snuggly under the covers. You turn on the television and put on the latest episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Your hair is in a bun and you already have your retainer or mouth guard in. All of a sudden your husband crawls into bed and you find his hand inside your pants. What do you do?

Here are some of my favorite go-to responses when my husband is in the mood and I’m not feeling it.

1. I’m a bit gassy. I had tacos for lunch. (True story)

2. I have a headache. (I have three kids… I definitely had a headache.)

3. I have a bad case of swamp ass. (This is legitimately a thing. Swamp ass occurs in the southern parts of the United States as well as countries located in continents that have high humidity. Swamp ass is basically when you sweat nonstop and your crotch-er-ler region gets raw and rashy from being sweaty all day. It’s the pits.)

4. We did it yesterday. (’Cuz we did. So stop it.)

5. I just washed the sheets. (Why is it wrong to want to sleep on clean sheets??? At least for one night.)

6. I dreamt you had an affair and I’m not over that yet. (That bitch Susan was trying to get my man again.)

7. I wore the kids like a coat today—can I have a pass, please? (No one wants to be touched all day long.)

8. I have cramps. (I had to stop using this one in November 2018, as I had a hysterectomy. Super sad about that.)

9. I’M SO TIRED. (Also a true story. I did like 18 loads of laundry, cleaned the house, had seven conference calls, took the kids to practice, and chased the dog down the street in the rain.)

10. How about a blow job instead? (This one always works, and subsequently gets me out of having sex. I’m not a complete bitch.)

I do not use excuses every time my husband initiates sex. I love having sex with my husband, but my husband wants to have sex all the time. He equates the act of sex as a way for us to connect and how he shows me that he loves me. I know he thinks his penis is a present, but I can think of a few other presents that I would love… perhaps some help with the laundry, dishes, or toilet cleaning. All of these things would most likely get him direct access to pound town.


Marriage, much like parenting, is something you can’t understand until you go through it. We all think we know what to expect, but I promise you truly don’t. I married my husband when I was 23 and he was 24. I can tell you that today, as I’m 40 and he 41, we are not those people. We have been through a lot and have changed over the years. It is impossible not to change, and if we are being honest, we should change. Two of the big myths that we need to bust as a society are that marriage fixes problems and that if you are in love, it should be easy.

When you first get married, you think your spouse can walk on water. You are so in love and you think the honeymoon will never end. It does end. It’s supposed to end. It’s a stage or phase of marriage, and you have to move past it. I think sometimes we fight to reinvent the honeymoon phase, and we end up setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves and our spouse.

My husband and I were in a bit of a funk last year. The stress of everyday life was wearing on both of us. We hadn’t really been connecting.

I wanted to make sure he knew how much I love him. I would make grand plans in my mind, like after I pick the kids up from school I will stop at the store and get something special for dinner. I will prepare a beautiful, elegant, romantic meal. I will make sure the kids go to bed early and we can snuggle on the couch and gaze into each other’s eyes, until we both fully realize how lucky we are to have each other. The night will end with amazing sex and a complete feeling of oneness.

But reality would get in the way every time. I would pick up the kids from school and they would fight nonstop in the car. We would stop at the grocery store and I would have to whisper-scream at them to stop putting food into the cart. When we arrived home, the house would always be a disaster. Whenever I asked my husband to do the dishes before I left, SHOCKER, he didn’t do them. I’d cook dinner, but there were always 1,000 things going on with the kids, and I would get distracted and burn the chicken or otherwise derail the entire meal. I’d usually scream for approximately 30 minutes for the kids to shower and get ready for bed. The bedtime routine would take about an hour, as every child would need something. By the time I could finally sit on the couch with my husband, the last thing I’d want to do is snuggle, let alone look into his eyes. The same eyes that refused to look at the dishes that needed to be done, which I ended up doing. He would then make an advance, and we would be interrupted by a dehydrated child who desperately needed a glass of water.

Does any of this sound familiar? I find that I do this to myself often when it comes to my marriage. I build it up in my mind and then I am crushed when reality hits. It is so easy to paint the picture that we want to materialize, but it is so hard to make that reality happen. I’m not saying that we have to lower our expectations, I’m simply saying we need to be honest about our expectations. I know how rough the day gets once I pick the kids up from school. It is a nonstop cycle of homework, practices, fighting, meals, showers, more fighting over what TV show they are going to watch, and the struggle that is bedtime.

I’m sure my husband has expectation-versus-reality moments with me as well. I am positive that my husband would love it if I would ask him to take me to Home Depot so we can work on some home renovation project together. He would be so fucking jazzed if I asked him to teach me how to hold a drill or use a wrench. However, the reality is clear: I have no desire to do these things. Like none. I hate home renovation projects. They actually make me anxious and angry.

Living with another person is hard. Living with children is hard. Our expectation is that because we are living with loved ones it is going to be easy and wonderful and like a scene from The Sound of Music. In reality, our lives resemble more of a mix of Games of Thrones and House of Cards, with a side of Shameless.

The point is pretty simple. Marriage is tough. Raising kids is tough. When we stop to reflect on our lives we usually think, “Should life really be this much of a fucking circus?” Sometimes the simple answer is yes. As a wife, mother, business owner, and friend, I have to please a lot of people. I have to show up and be involved. I have to give even when I don’t receive. It can be thankless at times and mind-numbing, but it’s that way for the majority of people. With all that said, that doesn’t mean we don’t find joy each and every day. We find the happy. We do our best to remember that it’s all worth it. Obtaining anything of value requires hard work and dedication. Staying married and raising kids are two of the most stressful things we can do in our lives. It takes daily effort and energy; it simply is not going to be easy. No relationship worth having is easy. I might want to run away once a week and hit my husband with a baseball bat on occasion, but I would put my life on the line for my family.


Before you get your panties in a bunch, let me explain a few things. I believe you need to be honest with your spouse. However, we all tell a few white lies here and there. I fully believe that some lies are not only acceptable but necessary to keep the peace in a marriage, while others are completely off limits, much like Mommy’s secret stash of dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

I will touch the thermostat and then say I didn’t touch it. He gets very cranky when I touch it, but sometimes it needs to be adjusted. I’m an adult, damn it. I lie because I don’t want to talk about the freaking thermostat. I enjoy keeping the house at 74 degrees while wearing a sweater. What can I say, I am a bit of a contradiction.

Prior to 2018 when my husband started grocery shopping for the household, I used to lie about how much I spent at the grocery store. I had a hard time staying on the budget he set up, so I would pay for some of the bill with cash. Yup, I said it. Grocery shopping for a household of five isn’t cheap, and we always disagreed on a “want” versus a “need.” Ice cream, for example. I both “want” and “need” it. This got tricky with the invention of credit card alerts. I was standing at the cashier paying for the groceries when my husband called and asked me why I spent $275 at the grocery store. I told him I didn’t and he said, “I just got a text alert with the total you spent.” Well, SON OF A BITCH. I can’t even lie about this anymore. The damn credit card companies rat my ass out before I even get home.

Anytime my husband asks if I read a bill or letter that came in the mail, I say yes, but we both know that was a bold-faced lie. I hate looking through the bills. The “important” pile of bills is a massive stack; it brings me crippling anxiety to even look at it. When I say I “looked” at the bills, it basically means I took the mail in from the mailbox and placed it in the stack of unopened angry red envelopes. Thankfully, we now have everything set up on auto pay. I continue to take the mail in from the mailbox and set it in a pile, and we both ignore the stack.

I lie when I tell my husband that I don’t care where we go to dinner. I want to not care, but when he tells me where he wants to go, I obviously don’t want to go there. So, much like every couple on the planet, we play this game until he is yelling and I am upset because he can’t telepathically know where I want to go to dinner. In all honesty, I don’t really know where I want to go to dinner, I just know where I don’t want to go to dinner. Does that make sense?

Anytime my husband asks if I am listening to him, I say yes, but most likely I wasn’t. My brain is a constant swirl of thoughts, and they are very, very loud. I have the attention span of a squirrel on crack cocaine, so it can be difficult for me to keep and hold conversations. I am pretty sure he is guilty of this same lie, because he never has any idea of what I was talking about either.


Saying “I love you.” Every single time I say those words, I mean it. My husband is a good man who has been super supportive of my dreams, both personally and professionally. He is my rock and I will always love him. If we are annoyed with each other, I will say, “I love you more.” And he will say, “I know.”

Saying “I’m sorry.” I only apologize when I am actually sorry. If I’m not sorry, I will not say it. I don’t want him to give me a fake apology, so I will not give him one. I used to say sorry to avoid or end an argument. I don’t do that any longer. I found that when I apologized when I didn’t mean it, I would carry resentment, and we would fight about the same things over and over again.

Saying “I was wrong.” For the first 14 years of our marriage, I was really bad at this. As a very competitive person, I felt like the first ten years of our marriage were spent keeping score. I didn’t want to admit being wrong because that meant I was losing. I still struggle at times. I don’t like being wrong. We have grown a lot since I got sick in 2014. We have learned to become teammates instead of competitors. I have learned that when I am wrong, I need to admit it and move on. However, if I don’t believe I am in the wrong, I try to talk it out with my husband, to figure out his feelings about the situation and see his point of view.

My feelings. When I am upset, I tell him. I do my best to be super specific, as my husband has a hard time with feelings. When my husband pisses me off, I tell him at that exact moment. I don’t want to collect resentments and pull them up at a later date to fight about.

Needing help. I used to make my list and pretend that I could do it all—the house, the kids, work, life. I needed to be everyone’s everything, at all times. Not only is that impossible, but it quickly builds resentment and causes people to keep score in their relationships. I pretended to not need any help for the first 12 years of our marriage. It caused me to be bitter and resentful, and in turn, soured our marriage. Once I opened up about how overwhelmed I was, it was like a light switch went off in my husband’s head. He was finally able to see what I needed, because I was finally able to tell him. He is not a mind reader and neither am I. We need to help each other in order to have stability in our relationship and family.

Marriage is tricky, but if you put your best foot forward, you can navigate the bumpy waters. There are days I look at my husband and think, “I need you to go away for a few hours… maybe days.” There are times when I think, “I am the luckiest woman on the planet. I don’t deserve him.” Finding the middle ground keeps us going. I know I sometimes drive him nuts, but my true intention is to always love him, stand by him, and take care of him. I know he loves me too, so we work each day to stay afloat. It’s not sexy. It’s not the stuff they make movies about, but it’s reality. And the last time I checked, we aren’t in a Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan rom-com; marriage is more like a battle scene out of Gladiator.


I am the least sentimental female on the planet. We recently did a 23 and Me genetic test and I have almost 100 more Neanderthal markers than my husband. Apparently, my lack of sentimentalism is straight-up genetic. I almost feel vindicated. I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day either. I personally think that Valentine’s Day was created by the greeting card companies in order to boost the GDP. It then became a massive holiday where you have to prove your undying love for your special person on February 14 so that person knows you are committed. If you ask me, it is simply ridiculous. Now, I know some of you are going to say that you love Valentine’s Day and I need to shut the fuck up, and I hear you. If you love Valentine’s Day, I think you should celebrate it and enjoy every second of it. I simply refuse to participate.

My husband has always been the better gift giver over the years. We don’t exchange gifts often, but when we do, he out-gifts me. He has always been more sentimental. He is a loving husband. However, I lack the romance-and-lace genetic marker, and his gestures tend to be lost on me. I am the first one to admit that I am emotionally stunted, so when I receive a very emotionally charged gift, I become uncomfortable. The time my husband framed a magazine that I was on the cover of, I made a face that resembles Chandler’s photo face from Friends. You know the face. You are trying to smile but you smile too big and all of your teeth are showing. You start to look like some kind of startled animal that is at the beginning of a panic attack. Your eyes are big and the proper words escape you. Anyway, the point is, romance and sentiment escape me.

One time I bought lingerie to say “I’m sorry” to my husband. I assumed this was a traditional and sentimental way to show him that I was sorry and I do in fact love him. I put it on and walked into the bedroom. My husband was lying in bed. I walked over and locked the bedroom door. I began to strut over to the bed. In my head, my strut was sexy. Something you would see on the Victoria’s Secret runway. However, my strut resembled something more along the lines of a male gorilla approaching a bunch of bananas across the jungle in the Congo. I jumped onto the bed like a feline on crack cocaine and pushed him down, while trying to move my head from side to side, making confused moaning sounds. Mind you, in my head I was the sexiest person on the planet in that moment. My husband was a good sport and after we did the deed, he told me how awkward I’d looked. We laughed about it, because honestly, being sexy is not my thing. I’m comfortable in my skin; however, my skin is more of a sweatpants and “you want a blow job?” kind of sexy.

I might not understand or be comfortable with traditional romance, but I do know what makes my panties drop. I love when my husband helps around the house without being asked. Yup, that’s what turns on my engine. If I see my husband wash a dish without being prompted. If he buys me edible cookie dough at the grocery store. If he spends the evening playing outside with the kids so I can work on video editing or writing a book. When he is attentive to what I need, I want to jump on him like a Ugandan gorilla and go primitive ape on his ass. I am less about flash and more about “Hot damn, you took out the trash!” I have hit a point in my life where things are simply things. His acts of understanding are what make me hot and bothered. Him knowing I am out of coffee filters and bringing home a Coke because I had a stressful day are what make me feel loved and supported.

For me, my husband pitching in is catnip. I am high-strung and high anxiety. I am a list maker, and when he checks something off my list, I want to touch his penis more. My point, which seems to have gone rather sideways, is that sexy comes in all packages. It’s not always roses; it could very well be cleaning a toilet. Romance changes over the years of marriage and in this season of our wedded bliss, I drop my drawers for thoughtful chores. What can I say, I am a classy lady.