
using the recipes

You’ll find a keto meter at the top of each recipe, indicating whether the recipe is high, medium, or low on the keto scale. If a recipe is medium or low and your main goal is weight loss, leave that recipe for when you are closer to your goal. All the recipes are designed for ketosis, but if you are feeling stuck, look for those that rank high on the keto scale.

Icons also appear at the top of each recipe to let you know if it is dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, and/or vegetarian. If a recipe can be made free of dairy, nuts, or eggs by omitting an ingredient or swapping one ingredient for another, the icon will have the word “option” beneath it and you’ll find the details within the ingredient list. The number of calories and the amounts and percentages of fat, protein, carbs, and fiber that each recipe contains can be found at the bottom of the recipe.