

The human diet is a diverse range of flavors and preferences, and has evolved enormously with time. 10,000 years ago cavemen used to hunt for food and devour vegetables and fruits that grew on land. They fished from the sea and hunted wild beasts for their meat. This has been referred to as the Paleolilith era that advocated an organic diet that sufficed to say, was regarded as the diet for optimum health by scientists and doctors. Since, the emergence of agriculture, various toxins and additives have made their way into out diet and have started a chain reaction of several different medical problems like immune system disorders, celiac diseases, and other autoimmune diseases that overtime can cripple human health.

The purpose of this book is not just to take a look at the Paleo diet as a serious health upgrade diet, but it is also to take a peek into the world of Paleo desserts because most people wrongly assume that being on a Paleo diet means you can’t have desserts. Let’s face it we don’t know what desserts were available to the cavemen in their time and it could be really hard to grasp that once you’re on a Paleo diet you won’t enjoy a cupcake again.

This is the very point with which most scientists and nutrition experts have a beef about with the Paleo diet. They counteract Paleo diet principles with damning views over how due to the vast evolution of human diet, reverting back to a caveman’s diet is not something that is altogether doable.

Cavemen never had our technology, or ability to cultivate grains and wheat. In the opinion of modern nutritionists, the caveman diet is as obsolete as a typewriter with the explosion of new technology.




While, they are right to establish that the human tastes and flavors have expanded to new levels that were beyond the scope of cavemen, the Paleo diet isn’t really about being a caveman, it’s about adapting our diet to meet the organic goodness that sheltered human beings 12000 years ago, and nurtured their bodies with nutrition value that is quite frankly lacking in processed foods and produce of today.

No, Paleo does not mean you go cold turkey on desserts. In fact, the Paleo diet encourages desserts made of organic and fresh products that don’t just serve as empty calories, or make you slave to overeating with their high fructose sugar content. Another modern day sucrose conversion that is addictive and present in most foods and drinks, drinks especially, due to its solubility level.

Let’s take a look at what the Paleo diet is and what it has to offer.