Finding the right kind of dessert that appeases your taste buds should not be a problem with the decadent examples of desserts that can be whipped up with Paleo ingredients. Not only are they fresh, but these recipes are quick.
This book was meant to give you a peek into the world of Paleo desserts, and these twelve recipes are by no means the complete look at the versatility of Paleo ingredients. Paleo might be somewhat limited approved ingredients, but it is by no means limited in providing taste to your favorite desserts.
Making the change over to a Paleo way of life can be a big change and can take some getting just to, but the health benefits are unrivaled and far greater than not accepting the challenge and putting your health before processed food cravings.
The ‘craze’ of Paleo as you will discover with your increased knowledge of the Paleo diet is not just a craze, or a fad diet that will eventually melt away into the unknown depths of forgotten failed diet fads. Paleo is here to stay and steadily rising in popularity. What you can do to get a better feel of what you are getting into is gain as much knowledge of the ingredients and Paleo concepts that bring about that wonderful change in your life that everyone else who has been getting positive results from the Paleo lifestyle has been experiencing.
Hopefully by now you do understand the true significance and meaning of the Paleo lifestyle and hopefully you can see what the Paleo lifestyle can do for your own health and happiness.
As mentioned before, Paleo is not a diet. A diet has limits, but the Paleo way of thinking can be adapted to everything related to food, recipes, baking and cooking that your mind desires.
Be as creative with it as you like, but just respect the Paleo rules that you can refer back to in the beginning of this book.
We chose to demonstrate Paleo with dessert recipes so that you do understand this powerful lifestyle that you can create for yourself. Usually, dessert recipes are associated by society with guilt and shame, but at the same time with pleasure. To show you the power of Paleo we chose the toughest type of food that is desserts in order to show you how Paleo can even be applied to sugar and guilt loaded desserts.
As you got started reading the book, you probably thought guilt free desserts no way and it looked impossible and suspicious to you to turn desirable desserts that are associated with guilt into something guilt free.
This book is going to enables you to figure out the problem how to turn any desired food type like desserts into a pleasure that is guilt free because it respects the rules of the Paleo lifestyle.
Once you have figured out this problem you are in the zone, at least mentally, so we congratulate you on reading through the book and getting the knowledge that you need in order to make this lifestyle change a successful one.
Make sure to go to the next step and that is taking action. Make sure to have a clear goal in mind and get started with one or two recipes and explore more from there.
Now you have learned that Paleo is not something like a diet that comes with limits, but you have been able to see with your very onw eyes how even desserts that we desire and love eating but that we have been conditioned not to eat so much because they are bad for us can be turned into a an exciting new experience that is far away from feeling guilty about something like desserts.
We encourage you to explore this lifestyle further on your own and have fun to find out many other guilt free Paleo recipe applications for yourself. This knowledge empowers you to explore new levels and dimensions of eating that you have never thought possible before.
Do not let anybody tell you that this is not the way to go. Do not become discouraged if little things do not turn out right once in a while. Keep trying until you reach your goal. Once you are able to see it and apply it to your daily meal plan, you will never want to go back to your past eating habits.
Once you are able to apply Paleo to all your food choices, you will feel the magical power of Paleo and that is when you are living the Paleo Lifestyle!