Here are some of my favorite photographs of the people and places I write about in Spirits Out of Time.
Me and Betsy, circa 1966.
Ottawa, Minnesota, 1965.
Left to right: Betsy, me, and Randall in costume.
Me and my siblings at Grandma and Grandpa Haraldson’s
house in southern Minnesota, 1965. Left to right:
Thomas, me, Iris, Betsy, and Randall.
Big Uncle Thomas and his wife Irene in the driveway of the Irish family home, St. Paul, Minnesota, circa 1940.
Great-Grandma Maggie, Big Uncle Thomas, and me (with Cracker Jacks) at a family party, St. Paul, 1967.
Back row, left to right: Grandma Dorrie, Great-Aunt Mimi, Great-Aunt Norah; front: Big Uncle Thomas and Great-Aunt Nellie at a family wedding, circa 1975.
My dad with his great-grandma Tiny Gramma and his grandpa David Morgan at the South Farm, Willard, Montana, 1933.
Great-Grandma Schultz (Great-Great-Grandma Wieland’s daughter) as a baby in southern Minnesota, circa 1879.
(left) Great-Great-Grandma Wieland and her son, Uncle Henry, on their southern Minnesota farm, 1922 or ’23. (right) Great-Aunt Clara and Uncle Henry on the Wieland farm (these two photos were taken on the same day).
My grandpa Bernard and grandma Mae (Schultz) Morgan, Montana, early 1930s.
My dad (center) with his siblings
Larry and Sister, Montana, 1938.
(Bottom, front) Great-Grandma and Grandpa Schultz and his sisters Margaret (left) and Emma (back) in southern Minnesota, 1965. (Great-Grandma is the baby from page 211.)
My brothers and sisters and me on Grandma and Grandpa Morgan’s front porch in North Dakota with our cowboy cousins (Uncle Larry and Aunt Connie’s kids). I’m in the back row, second from left.
Uncle Jim (my dad’s youngest brother) arriving home from work, circa 1971.
Me in my first communion dress, Custer, South Dakota, circa 1971.
Left to right: Iris, Thomas, and me on horseback at Mountain Ranch, 1969. I’m riding Trigger.
My friend Deana at Lake Elmo, Minnesota, circa 1974.
My brothers Thomas and Sam and our dog Lobo in front of our barn at Lake Elmo, Minnesota, circa 1973.
Left to right: my brothers Sam, Dan (in back), and Randall, and our dog Rascal, at Lake Elmo, Minnesota, circa 1973.
Grandma Dorrie at age eighteen.
Grandma Dorrie and Grandpa Haraldson’s house in southern Minnesota.
Mrs. Baits, the woman who lived at Grandma and Grandpa Haraldson’s house.
Christmas Day at Grandma and Grandpa Haraldson’s house in the early 1980s. Left to right: my sister Maggie, brother Thomas (at piano), and sister Betsy.
Playing London Bridge at Grandma and Grandpa Haraldson’s house, circa 1967. Left to right: Unidentified girl, me, and my sisters Maggie and Betsy.
The antique seed poster door from the dirt room.
Graduation photo, Class of 1907, Hastings High School, Minnesota. Katrina Hartnett is in the center of the front row. (Photo courtesy of the Hastings Pioneer Room. Digital restoration by Images of the Past, Stillwater, MN.)
My daughter Molly.
Hudson, Wisconsin, circa 1983.
My son Jack.
Hudson, Wisconsin,
circa 1982.
Indian protection gargoyle that kept the ghosts away.
India “ghost in the mirror” photo. Left to right: ghost face, Jo, and Ivy. Jo and Ivy did not see the face at the time they took the picture.
Staircase at the Trempealeau Hotel, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, 2008.