
Many, many thanks to everyone who helped get this book off the ground—Beth Phelan for getting the ball rolling and Louise Fury for kicking it in the goal. Last cheesy sports metaphor, I promise. (Read: no, I don’t.)

To everyone at Entangled Publishing for making this book awesome. To Kate Brauning and her team—especially Bethany Robison and Hoda Agharazi. I’ve loved working with you ladies over the past five(!) books. Bethany, I feel like I really do need to insert a sports SOMETHING here for you, so here it goes: you are all as lovely and wonderful as Christian Laettner in his prime. I can bestow no higher praise upon you.

Thank you to Liz Pelletier, Stacy Abrams, Curtis Svehlak, Holly Simpson, Riki Cleveland, Alethea Spiridon, Heather Riccio, and everyone else who saw this book to completion. Winky-face.

Thank you to my home team, especially John for getting everyone out of the house when I needed to work and the kids for being okay with watching way too much Gravity Falls this summer when I was on deadline.

Thanks to my mom and dad and John’s mom and dad for helping me out by watching their grandkids so they didn’t have to watch TV every afternoon.

And thank you—yes, you!—for reading.