1 A Revived God in The Antichrist? Nietzsche and the Sacralization of Natural Life Lawrence J. Hatab
2 History, Nature, and the “Genetic Fallacy” in The Antichrist’s Revaluation of Values Tom Stern
4 Nietzsche’s Antichristian Ethics: Renaissance Virtù and the Project of Reevaluation David Owen
5 Nietzsche’s Critique of Kant's Priestly Philosophy Paul S. Loeb
6 Nietzsche’s Quest for the Historical Jesus Anthony K. Jensen
7 Nietzsche and the Critique of Religion Tracy B. Strong
8 Nihilism, Naturalism, and the Will to Power in Nietzsche’s The Antichrist Christian J. Emden
9 Resurgent Nobility and the Problem of False Consciousness Daniel Conway
10 Deconstructing the Human: Ludwig Binswanger on Homo Natura in Nietzsche and Freud Vanessa Lemm
11 Reading Dostoevsky in Turin: The Antichrist’s Accelerationism Gary Shapiro