God creates a good world.
Genesis sets the stage for everything that follows by taking us back to the beginning—the very beginning—of everything. Even though the Bible is made up of sixty-six books, it is actually one book presenting one complete story—the greatest story ever told. By exploring Genesis, we begin this account at the appropriate place. The book’s earliest chapters provide background that make sense of the words and actions to come. Chronologically, the first three chapters of Genesis tell at least one-third of the Bible’s story. Chapters 4–11 present the drama of human history up to about 2000 B.C.
The word genesis means “origin.” This title is closely related to the first words in the book: “In the beginning” (Gen. 1:1). Origination is a major theme of Genesis. It narrates the start of …
• The universe (Gen. 1). The eternal God created a universe of space and time. Genesis declares what happened without necessarily detailing how it happened, so we can trust the account even as we encounter different ideas about the mechanics involved. Because God created the earth and its creatures, everything in the world belongs to Him. He reigns as sovereign over the earth, and there He accomplishes His purposes.
• People (Gen. 1–2). God created human beings in His image. In its description of Eden, Genesis lets us glimpse God’s original intent for us, how we were meant to relate to Him, each other, and our world. It shows that He designed us to carry out His work in the world, giving the gift of work prior to humanity’s fall into sin, and that the mandate to serve continues after the Fall.
• Evil and sin (Gen. 3). When God made the world, He declared it “very good” (1:31). But evil entered this perfect creation when Adam and Eve chose to disobey (3:1–7). Genesis reveals the tragic consequences of their choice, showing that sin gives people an appalling ability to misuse every good thing, brings shame and guilt, unleashes difficulties in all human relationships, and eventually results in death.
• Salvation and redemption (Gen. 3, 12). God’s ultimate response to sin would one day come through Jesus’ death on the cross. And immediately following the Fall, God acted to rescue His world and its people. His words to Adam and Eve hinted at His plan (3:15), and the remainder of Genesis outlines how He began to work through Abraham and his descendants to bless all the people of the earth (12:3). Genesis shows that God’s will, purpose, and grace continue to operate even in this broken world.
Genesis also begins to reveal the nature and character of God, showing Him as without beginning. God is eternal. Genesis 1:1 shows us how God already exists at the start of all things. The God we meet at the opening of Genesis is known as Elohim, a plural form of a Hebrew word that reflects the fact that God is a triune God—three Persons in one Being—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each of whom is God. Thus God in His very nature exists in relationship, and He does His work in partnership (see “The Divine Partnership” at John 1:1–3).
The theme of the Trinity, or God in relationship, persists throughout Scripture. Among its most important implications is this: God’s grace is not merely an individual or personal blessing. Because we are made in His image, He intends for us to make His blessings available to our communities—as Genesis shows, to a world of families, tribes, and nations. In Genesis, God began …
• Families (Gen. 2, 4). God created people as male and female, and established the institution of the family. Families in Genesis, as throughout the Bible, are not just relatives living under one roof. Families are bonded together across generational and geographic lines.
• Cities (Gen. 4). God established the rule of law, which led to the founding of the world’s first city. Genesis shows that cities originated as a civilizing influence and means of protection.
• Nations (Gen. 10). The nations are a product of God’s grand design. Genesis shows Him working out a plan that reaches to all the peoples of the world.
• Israel (Gen. 12). The nation of Israel resulted from the faith and obedience of Abraham when God enabled Abraham and his wife Sarah to produce a son through whom Israel was born (15:1–6; 18:10–15). Genesis discloses the origins of this nation and its special place in God’s far-reaching plan.
Genesis covers more time than all of the rest of the Bible as it moves from ancient prehistory (Gen. 1–11) to the death of Joseph in Egypt around 1800 B.C. (50:26). From the earliest traditions, the Pentateuch—the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy—has been attributed to Moses (Lev. 1:1, 2; Neh. 13:1; Luke 24:27). To find out more about this man regarded as Israel’s greatest prophet (Deut. 34:10), see his profile at Exodus 2:10.
The Land of Genesis
Most of the Genesis narrative takes place in three locations:
• The region of the Tigris and Euphrates River valleys, also known as the Fertile Crescent (Gen. 1–11; see the map at “The Garden of Eden” at Gen. 2:10–14).
• Canaan (Gen. 12–36; see the map at “The Geography of Canaan” at Gen. 10:11, 12).
• Egypt (Gen. 37–50; see the map at “The Egyptians” at Ex. 11:7).
Key Events in Genesis
• God creates the universe (Gen. 1–2).
• God pronounces the Curse after Adam and Eve’s sin (Gen. 3:14–19).
• Cain murders Abel (Gen. 4:1–15).
• Noah builds an ark to save his family and the animals from the Flood (Gen. 6–9).
• People attempt to build the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1–9).
• God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18–19).
• God commands Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac (Gen. 22).
• Jacob dreams about a ladder to heaven (Gen. 28:10–17).
• Joseph’s father gives him a coat of many colors (Gen. 37:1–4).
• Joseph’s brothers conspire to kill him, sell him into slavery, and lie about it (Gen. 38:18–36).
• Joseph rises to power in Egypt and saves the nation from famine (Gen. 41:37–57).