Job Notes

Job 1

a 1:5 Literally blessed, but used here in the evil sense, and so in verse 11 and 2:5, 9

b 1:6 Literally the Adversary, and so throughout this book

c 1:15 Literally Sheba (compare 6:19)

d 1:19 Septuagint omits across.

Job 3

a 3:6 Septuagint, Syriac, Targum, and Vulgate read be joined.

b 3:24 Literally my bread

Job 5

a 5:5 Septuagint reads They shall not be taken from evil men; Vulgate reads And the armed man shall take him by violence.

b 5:5 Septuagint reads The might shall draw them off; Vulgate reads And the thirsty shall drink up their riches.

Job 7

a 7:15 Literally my bones

b 7:20 Following Masoretic Text, Targum, and Vulgate; Septuagint and Jewish tradition read to You.

Job 8

a 8:22 Literally will not be

Job 9

a 9:13 Hebrew rahab

Job 12

a 12:5 Or disaster

b 12:19 Literally priests, but not in a technical sense

c 12:24 Literally heart

Job 13

a 13:27 Literally inscribe a print

b 13:28 Literally He

Job 14

a 14:3 Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate read him.

b 14:17 Literally plaster over

Job 15

a 15:11 Septuagint reads a secret thing.

Job 16

a 16:13 Literally kidneys

b 16:14 Vulgate reads giant.

c 16:15 Literally horn

Job 17

a 17:10 Following some Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate; Masoretic Text and Targum read all of them.

Job 18

a 18:17 Literally before the outside, meaning distinguished, famous

Job 19

a 19:3 A Jewish tradition reads make yourselves strange to me.

Job 20

a 20:20 Literally belly

Job 21

a 21:13 Or Sheol

b 21:19 Literally his

c 21:24 Septuagint and Vulgate read bowels; Syriac reads sides; Targum reads breasts.

d 21:28 Vulgate omits the tent.

Job 22

a 22:17 Septuagint and Syriac read us.

b 22:20 Septuagint reads substance.

c 22:25 The ancient versions suggest defense; Hebrew reads gold as in verse 24.

Job 23

a 23:2 Following Masoretic Text, Targum, and Vulgate; Septuagint and Syriac read His.

Job 24

a 24:19 Or Sheol

Job 27

a 27:15 Literally his

b 27:18 Following Masoretic Text and Vulgate; Septuagint and Syriac read spider (compare 8:14); Targum reads decay.

c 27:19 Following Masoretic Text and Targum; Septuagint and Syriac read But shall not add (that is, do it again); Vulgate reads But take away nothing.

Job 28

a 28:8 Literally sons of pride, figurative of the great lions

b 28:27 Literally it

Job 29

a 29:6 Masoretic Text reads wrath; ancient versions and some Hebrew manuscripts read cream (compare 20:17).

Job 30

a 30:11 Following Masoretic Text, Syriac, and Targum; Septuagint and Vulgate read His.

Job 31

a 31:18 Literally her (compare verse 16)

b 31:20 Literally loins

c 31:26 Literally light

d 31:32 Following Septuagint, Syriac, Targum, and Vulgate; Masoretic Text reads road.

e 31:39 Literally its strength

Job 32

a 32:4 Vulgate reads till Job had spoken.

b 32:7 Literally Days, that is, years

c 32:9 Or Men of many years

Job 33

a 33:6 Literally as your mouth

b 33:28 Or my (Kethib)

c 33:28 Or my (Kethib)

Job 36

a 36:12 Masoretic Text reads as one without knowledge.

b 36:14 Hebrew qedeshim, that is, those practicing sodomy and prostitution in religious rituals

Job 37

a 37:12 Literally the world of the earth

Job 38

a 38:32 Literally Constellations

b 38:36 Literally inward parts

Job 39

a 39:3 Literally pangs, figurative of offspring

b 39:19 Or a mane

Job 40

a 40:15 A large animal, exact identity unknown

Job 41

a 41:1 A large sea creature, exact identity unknown

b 41:6 Or bargain over him

c 41:12 Literally keep silent about

d 41:25 Or purify themselves

Job 42

a 42:10 Literally Job’s captivity, that is, what was captured from Job