Song of Solomon Notes

Song of Solomon 1

a 1:1 A Palestinian young woman (compare 6:13). The speaker and audience are identified according to the number, gender, and person of the Hebrew words. Occasionally the identity is not certain.

b 1:2 Masculine singular, that is, the Beloved

c 1:4 Masculine singular, that is, the Beloved

d 1:4 Feminine singular, that is, the Shulamite

e 1:4 Masculine singular, that is, the Beloved

f 1:4 Masculine singular, that is, the Beloved

g 1:7 Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate read wanders.

h 1:11 Feminine singular, that is, the Shulamite

Song of Solomon 2

a 2:17 Literally Separation

Song of Solomon 3

a 3:9 A portable enclosed chair

Song of Solomon 6

a 6:12 Hebrew Ammi Nadib

b 6:13 Hebrew Mahanaim

Song of Solomon 7

a 7:9 Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate read lips and teeth.

Song of Solomon 8

a 8:6 Or Sheol

b 8:6 Literally A flame of YAH (a poetic form of YHWH, the LORD)