As an e stirs up its Deut 32:11
e swooping on its prey Job 9:26
fly away like an e Prov 23:5
The way of an e Prov 30:19
nest as high as the e Jer 49:16
had the face of an e Ezek 1:10
like a flying e Rev 4:7
two wings of a great e Rev 12:14
up with wings like e Is 40:31
are swifter than e Jer 4:13
e will be gathered Matt 24:28
how I bore you on e Ex 19:4
shall pierce his e Ex 21:6
Does not the e test Job 12:11
Bow down Your e Ps 31:2
And the e of the wise Prov 18:15
He awakens My e Is 50:4
e is uncircumcised Jer 6:10
what you hear in the e Matt 10:27
cut off his right e John 18:10
not seen, nor e heard 1 Cor 2:9
if the e should say 1 Cor 12:16
He who has an e Rev 2:7
Very e in the morning Mark 16:2
arrived at the tomb e Luke 24:22
must give the more e Heb 2:1
if you e obey My Deut 11:13
He prayed more e Luke 22:44
in this we groan, e 2 Cor 5:2
e that it would not James 5:17
you to contend e Jude 3
both his e will tingle 2 Kin 21:12
Whoever shuts his e Prov 21:13
And hear with their e Is 6:10
He who has e Matt 11:15
e are hard of hearing Matt 13:15
they have itching e 2 Tim 4:3
e are open to their 1 Pet 3:12
e which is under you Deut 28:23
e are the LORD’s 1 Sam 2:8
coming to judge the e 1 Chr 16:33
service for man on e Job 7:1
He hangs the e on Job 26:7
foundations of the e Job 38:4
e is the LORD’s Ps 24:1
the shields of the e Ps 47:9
You visit the e Ps 65:9
You had formed the e Ps 90:2
let the e be moved Ps 99:1
glory is above the e Ps 148:13
wisdom founded the e Prov 3:19
there was ever an e Prov 8:23
For three things the e Prov 30:21
e abides forever Eccl 1:4
for the meek of the e Is 11:4
e is My footstool Is 66:1
and the e shone with Ezek 43:2
I will darken the e Amos 8:9
e will be filled Hab 2:14
shall inherit the e Matt 5:5
heaven and e pass away Matt 5:18
e as it is in heaven Matt 6:10
treasures on e Matt 6:19
then shook the e Heb 12:26
“Do not harm the e Rev 7:3
from whose face the e Rev 20:11
new heaven and a new e Rev 21:1
If I have told you e John 3:12
that if our e house 2 Cor 5:1
their mind on e things Phil 3:19
from above, but is e James 3:15
after the wind an e 1 Kin 19:11
as you fled from the e Zech 14:5
there was a great e Matt 28:2
there was a great e Rev 6:12
And there will be e Mark 13:8
I was at e Job 16:12
you women who are at e Is 32:9
to you who are at e Amos 6:1
take your e Luke 12:19
Which is e, to say Mark 2:9
It is e for a camel Mark 10:25
goes toward the e Gen 2:14
the LORD brought an e Ex 10:13
e wind scattered Job 38:24
As far as the e Ps 103:12
descendants from the e Is 43:5
wise men from the E Matt 2:1
many will come from e Matt 8:11
will come from the e Luke 13:29
e might be prepared Rev 16:12
you may freely e Gen 2:16
‘You shall not e Gen 3:17
my people as they e Ps 53:4
good to e much honey Prov 25:27
e this scroll Ezek 3:1
on your couches, e Amos 6:4
e the flesh of My Mic 3:3
life, what you will e Matt 6:25
You to e the Passover Matt 26:17
give us His flesh to e John 6:52
one believes he may e Rom 14:2
e meat nor drink wine Rom 14:21
I will never again e 1 Cor 8:13
neither shall he e 2 Thess 3:10
e your flesh like fire James 5:3
Have you e from the Gen 3:11
e my honeycomb with my Song 5:1
e the fruit of lies Hos 10:13
And he was e by worms Acts 12:23
The righteous e Prov 13:25
receives sinners and e Luke 15:2
Whoever e My flesh John 6:54
e this bread will live John 6:58
e despise him who does Rom 14:3
He who e, e to the Rom 14:6
an unworthy manner e 1 Cor 11:29
Mountain in Samaria, Deut 27:12, 13
Stones of the law erected upon, Deut 27:1–8; Josh 8:30–35
Site of Israel’s defeat, 1 Sam 4:1–10
Ark transferred from, 1 Sam 5:1
Site of memorial stone, 1 Sam 7:10, 12
Great-grandson of Shem, Gen 10:21–24; 1 Chr 1:25
Progenitor of the:
Hebrews, Gen 11:16–26
Arabians and Arameans, Gen 10:25–30
Ancestor of Christ, Luke 3:35
First home of mankind, Gen 2:8–15
Zion becomes like, Is 51:3
Called the “garden of God,” Ezek 28:13
his good, leading to e Rom 15:2
prophesies speaks e 1 Cor 14:3
things be done for e 1 Cor 14:26
the Lord gave us for e 2 Cor 10:8
has given me for e 2 Cor 13:10
rather than godly e 1 Tim 1:4
puffs up, but love e 1 Cor 8:1
he who prophesies e 1 Cor 14:4
but not all things e 1 Cor 10:23
and e one another 1 Thess 5:11
of the body for the e Eph 4:16
Name given to Esau, Gen 25:30
———Land of Esau; called Seir, Gen 32:3
Called Edom and Idumea, Mark 3:8
Descendants of Esau, Gen 36:9
Refuse passage to Israel, Num 20:18–20
Hostile to Israel, Gen 27:40; 1 Sam 14:47; 2 Chr 20:10; Ps 137:7
Prophecies concerning, Gen 27:37; Is 34:5–17; Ezek 25:12–14; 35:5–7; Amos 9:11, 12
for He who worked e Gal 2:8
e works in you who 1 Thess 2:13
in the white of an e Job 6:6
Or if he asks for an e Luke 11:12
Abram visits, Gen 12:10
Joseph sold into, Gen 37:28, 36
Joseph becomes leader in, Gen 39:1–4
Hebrews move to, Gen 46:5–7
Hebrews persecuted in, Ex 1:15–22
Plagues on, Ex 7–11
Israel leaves, Ex 12:31–33
Army of, perishes, Ex 14:26–28
Prophecies concerning, Gen 15:13; Is 19:18–25; Ezek 29:14, 15; 30:24, 25; Matt 2:15
Son of Gera, Judg 3:15
Slays Eglon, Judg 3:16–26
a few, that is, e 1 Pet 3:20
Philistine city, Josh 13:3
Captured by Judah, Judg 1:18
Assigned to Dan, Josh 19:40, 43
Ark sent to, 1 Sam 5:10
Denounced by the prophets, Jer 25:9, 20
King of Israel, 1 Kin 16:6, 8–10
Descendants of Shem, Gen 10:22
Destruction of, Jer 49:34–39
In Persian Empire, Ezra 4:9
Jews from, at Pentecost, Acts 2:9
Seaport on Red Sea, 1 Kin 9:26
Built by Azariah, 2 Kin 14:21, 22
Captured by Syrians, 2 Kin 16:6
Same as Ezion Geber, 2 Chr 8:17
Site of Jacob’s altar, Gen 35:6, 7
The e and honorable Is 9:15
against an e except 1 Tim 5:19
I who am a fellow e 1 Pet 5:1
and seventy of the e Ex 24:1
And teach his e Ps 105:22
and counsel from the e Ezek 7:26
the tradition of the e Matt 15:2
be rejected by the e Luke 9:22
they had appointed e Acts 14:23
and called for the e Acts 20:17
e who rule well be 1 Tim 5:17
lacking, and appoint e Titus 1:5
e obtained a good Heb 11:2
Let him call for the e James 5:14
e who are among you I 1 Pet 5:1
I saw twenty-four e Rev 4:4
of the hands of the e 1 Tim 4:14
Son of Aaron; succeeds him as high priest, Ex 6:23, 25; 28:1; Lev 10:6, 7; Num 3:32; 20:25–28; Josh 14:1; 24:33
whom I uphold, My E Is 42:1
and Israel My e Is 45:4
e shall long enjoy the Is 65:22
gather together His e Matt 24:31
e have obtained it Rom 11:7
e according to the 1 Pet 1:2
a chief cornerstone, e 1 Pet 2:6
e sister greet you 2 John 13
e they are beloved Rom 11:28
call and e sure 2 Pet 1:10
weak and beggarly e Gal 4:9
e will melt with 2 Pet 3:10
and his e sons Gen 32:22
e disciples went away Matt 28:16
numbered with the e Acts 1:26
Officiates in Shiloh, 1 Sam 1:3
Blesses Hannah, 1 Sam 1:12–19
Becomes Samuel’s guardian, 1 Sam 1:20–28
Samuel ministers before, 1 Sam 2:11
Sons of, 1 Sam 2:12–17
Rebukes sons, 1 Sam 2:22–25
Rebuked by a man of God, 1 Sam 2:27–36
Instructs Samuel, 1 Sam 3:1–18
Death of, 1 Sam 4:15–18
Brother of David, 1 Sam 16:5–13
Fights in Saul’s army, 1 Sam 17:13
Discounts David’s worth, 1 Sam 17:28, 29
Son of Hilkiah, 2 Kin 18:18
Confers with Rabshakeh, Is 36:4, 11–22
Sent to Isaiah, Is 37:2–5
Becomes type of the Messiah, Is 22:20–25
———Son of King Josiah, 2 Kin 23:34
Name changed to Jehoiakim, 2 Chr 36:4
High priest, Neh 12:10
Rebuilds Sheep Gate, Neh 3:1, 20, 21
Allies with foreigners, Neh 13:4, 5, 28
David’s brother, 1 Chr 27:18
Called Eliab, 1 Sam 16:6
———One who reproved Job and his friends, Job 32:2, 4–6
Denounces Ahab; goes into hiding; fed by ravens, 1 Kin 17:1–7
Dwells with widow; performs miracles for her, 1 Kin 17:8–24
Sends message to Ahab; overthrows prophets of Baal, 1 Kin 18:1–40
Brings rain, 1 Kin 18:41–45
Flees from Jezebel; fed by angels, 1 Kin 19:1–8
Receives revelation from God, 1 Kin 19:9–18
Condemns Ahab, 1 Kin 21:15–29
Condemns Ahaziah; fire consumes troops sent against him, 2 Kin 1:1–16
Taken up to heaven, 2 Kin 2:1–15
Appears with Christ in Transfiguration, Matt 17:1–4
Type of John the Baptist, Mal 4:5, 6; Luke 1:17
Naomi’s husband, Ruth 1:1–3; 2:1, 3; 4:3–9
One of Job’s friends, Job 2:11
Is forgiven, Job 42:7–9
Chosen as Elijah’s successor; follows him, 1 Kin 19:16–21
Witnesses Elijah’s translation; receives his spirit and mantle, 2 Kin 2:1–18
Performs miracles, 2 Kin 2:19–25; 4:1–6:23
Prophesies victory over Moab; fulfilled, 2 Kin 3:11–27
Prophesies end of siege; fulfilled, 2 Kin 7
Prophesies death of Ben-Hadad, 2 Kin 8:7–15
Sends servant to anoint Jehu, 2 Kin 9:1–3
Last words and death; miracle performed by his bones, 2 Kin 13:14–21
Barren wife of Zacharias, Luke 1:5–7
Conceives a son, Luke 1:13, 24, 25
Salutation to Mary, Luke 1:36–45
Mother of John the Baptist, Luke 1:57–60
Chief of Kohathites, Num 3:30
Heads family, 1 Chr 15:5, 8
Family consecrated, 2 Chr 29:12–16
Father of Samuel, 1 Sam 1:1–23
———Son of Korah, Ex 6:24
Escapes judgment, Num 26:11
Father of Nehushta, 2 Kin 24:8
Goes to Egypt, Jer 26:22
Entreats with king, Jer 36:25
“O my Lord, I am not e Ex 4:10
an e man and mighty Acts 18:24
Arabic name of Bar-Jesus, a false prophet, Acts 13:6–12
to e his father Gen 50:2
will build an e Luke 19:43
for your wares e Ezek 27:16
Town near Jerusalem, Luke 24:13–18
appear before Me e Ex 23:15
e things which 1 Sam 12:21
not listen to e talk Job 35:13
LORD makes the earth e Is 24:1
comes, he finds it e Matt 12:44
He has sent away e Luke 1:53
you with e words Eph 5:6
e man will be wise Job 11:12
Occupied by the Amorites, Gen 14:7
Assigned to Judah, Josh 15:62, 63
David’s hiding place, 1 Sam 23:29
Noted for vineyards, Song 1:14
Miraculous spring, Judg 15:14–19
Fountain outside Jerusalem, 2 Sam 17:17
Seat of Adonijah’s plot, 1 Kin 1:5–9
our Lord who has e 1 Tim 1:12
and the expert e Is 3:3
is, that I may be e Rom 1:12
and all may be e 1 Cor 14:31
their hearts may be e Col 2:2
yet your latter e Job 8:7
make me to know my e Ps 39:4
shall keep it to the e Ps 119:33
e is the way of death Prov 14:12
There was no e of all Eccl 4:16
Declaring the e Is 46:10
Our e was near Lam 4:18
whose iniquity shall e Ezek 21:25
what shall be the e Dan 12:8
e has come upon my Amos 8:2
the harvest is the e Matt 13:39
to pass, but the e Matt 24:6
always, even to the e Matt 28:20
He loved them to the e John 13:1
For Christ is the e Rom 10:4
the hope firm to the e Heb 3:6
but now, once at the e Heb 9:26
of Job and seen the e James 5:11
But the e of all 1 Pet 4:7
what will be the e 1 Pet 4:17
the latter e is worse 2 Pet 2:20
My works until the e Rev 2:26
Beginning and the E Rev 22:13
e to keep the unity Eph 4:3
and e genealogies 1 Tim 1:4
to the power of an e Heb 7:16
All the e of the world Ps 22:27
established all the e Prov 30:4
she came from the e Matt 12:42
to the e of the Acts 13:47
their words to the e Rom 10:18
For you have need of e Heb 10:36
e the race that Heb 12:1
But the LORD shall e Ps 9:7
as the sun and moon e Ps 72:5
His name shall e Ps 72:17
nor does a crown e Prov 27:24
Can your heart e Ezek 22:14
persecuted, we e 1 Cor 4:12
Therefore I e all 2 Tim 2:10
them blessed who e James 5:11
what persecutions I e 2 Tim 3:11
he had patiently e Heb 6:15
e as seeing Him who Heb 11:27
For consider Him who e Heb 12:3
And His truth e Ps 100:5
For His mercy e Ps 136:1
But he who e to the Matt 10:22
e only for a while Matt 13:21
for the food which e John 6:27
he has built on it e 1 Cor 3:14
hopes all things, e 1 Cor 13:7
is the man who e James 1:12
word of the LORD e 1 Pet 1:25
the LORD is clean, e Ps 19:9
e possession for Heb 10:34
Your e be scattered Num 10:35
delivers me from my e Ps 18:48
the presence of my e Ps 23:5
Let not my e triumph Ps 25:2
But my e are vigorous Ps 38:19
e will lick the dust Ps 72:9
me wiser than my e Ps 119:98
I count them my e Ps 139:22
e are the men of his Mic 7:6
to you, love your e Matt 5:44
e will be those Matt 10:36
be saved from our e Luke 1:71
e we were reconciled Rom 5:10
the gospel they are e Rom 11:28
till He has put all e 1 Cor 15:25
were alienated and e Col 1:21
His e are made His Heb 10:13
and devours their e Rev 11:5
then I will be an e Ex 23:22
regard me as Your e Job 13:24
He counts me as His e Job 33:10
or have plundered my e Ps 7:4
You may silence the e Ps 8:2
e does not triumph Ps 41:11
e who reproaches me Ps 55:12
e has persecuted my Ps 143:3
If your e is hungry Prov 25:21
e are deceitful Prov 27:6
with the wound of an e Jer 30:14
rejoice over me, my e Mic 7:8
and hate your e Matt 5:43
last e that will be 1 Cor 15:26
become your e because Gal 4:16
not count him as an e 2 Thess 3:15
makes himself an e James 4:4
two onyx stones and e Ex 28:9
e its inscription Zech 3:9
e its sabbaths as long Lev 26:34
therefore e pleasure Eccl 2:1
richly all things to e 1 Tim 6:17
than to e the passing Heb 11:25
So I commended e Eccl 8:15
He e nations Job 12:23
e his desire as hell Hab 2:5
E my eyes Ps 13:3
the LORD my God will e Ps 18:28
those who were once e Heb 6:4
And I will put e Gen 3:15
the carnal mind is e Rom 8:7
in His flesh the e Eph 2:15
putting to death the e Eph 2:16
with the world is e James 4:4
Father of Methuselah, Gen 5:21
Walks with God, Gen 5:22
Taken up to heaven, Gen 5:24
Prophecy of, cited, Jude 14, 15
never say, “E Prov 30:15
It is e Mark 14:41
servants have bread e Luke 15:17
being exceedingly e Acts 26:11
And the dragon was e Rev 12:17
And always be e Prov 5:19
that you were e 1 Cor 1:5
while you are e 2 Cor 9:11
The wicked is e Prov 12:13
sin which so easily e Heb 12:1
how they might e Matt 22:15
engaged in warfare e 2 Tim 2:4
E into His gates Ps 100:4
Do not e into judgment Ps 143:2
E into the rock Is 2:10
He shall e into peace Is 57:2
you will by no means e Matt 5:20
“E by the narrow Matt 7:13
e the kingdom of God Matt 19:24
E into the joy of your Matt 25:21
and pray, lest you e Matt 26:41
“Strive to e through Luke 13:24
you, he who does not e John 10:1
who have believed do e Heb 4:3
e the Holiest by the Heb 10:19
e the temple till the Rev 15:8
e through the gates Rev 22:14
Then Satan e Judas Luke 22:3
through one man sin e Rom 5:12
ear heard, nor have e 1 Cor 2:9
the forerunner has e Heb 6:20
e the Most Holy Place Heb 9:12
If anyone e by Me John 10:9
e the Presence behind Heb 6:19
You are holy, e in Ps 22:3
his own desires and e James 1:14
e speech she caused Prov 7:21
give yourself e 1 Tim 4:15
The e of Your words Ps 119:130
e will be supplied 2 Pet 1:11
“E me not to leave you Ruth 1:16
“But now e God’s favor Mal 1:9
being defamed, we e 1 Cor 4:13
man of God e the LORD 1 Kin 13:6
e our God for this Ezra 8:23
For I was e of the Ps 73:3
Do not be e of evil Prov 24:1
patriarchs, becoming e Acts 7:9
e slays a simple Job 5:2
e the oppressor Prov 3:31
e is rottenness Prov 14:30
not let your heart e Prov 23:17
e have now perished Eccl 9:6
full of e Rom 1:29
not in strife and e Rom 13:13
love does not e 1 Cor 13:4
e, murders Gal 5:21
living in malice and e Titus 3:3
For where e and James 3:16
deceit, hypocrisy, e 1 Pet 2:1
Leader of the Colossian church, Col 1:7, 8
Suffers as a prisoner in Rome, Philem 23
Messenger from Philippi, Phil 2:25–27
Brings a gift to Paul, Phil 4:18
Paul visits, Acts 18:18–21
Miracles done here, Acts 19:11–21
Demetrius stirs up riot in, Acts 19:24–29
Elders of, addressed by Paul at Miletus, Acts 20:17–38
Letter sent to, Eph 1:1
Site of one of seven churches, Rev 1:11
Joseph’s younger son, Gen 41:52
Obtains Jacob’s blessing, Gen 48:8–20
———Tribe of:
Predictions concerning, Gen 48:20
Territory assigned to, Josh 16:1–10
Quarrel with Gideon, Judg 8:1–3
Quarrel with Jephthah, Judg 12:1–4
Leading tribe of kingdom of Israel, Is 7:2–17
Provoke God by sin, Hos 12:7–14
Many of, join Judah, 2 Chr 15:8, 9
Captivity of, predicted, Hos 9:3–17
Messiah promised to, Zech 9:9–13
Ancient name of Bethlehem, Ruth 4:11
Prophecy concerning, Mic 5:2
Hittite who sold Machpelah to Abraham, Gen 23:8–20
Sect of pleasure-loving philosophers, Acts 17:18
You are our e written 2 Cor 3:2
you are an e 2 Cor 3:3
by word or our e 2 Thess 2:15
our word in this e 2 Thess 3:14
is a sign in every e 2 Thess 3:17
e of commendation to 2 Cor 3:1
as also in all his e 2 Pet 3:16
it was you, a man my e Ps 55:13
and you made them e Matt 20:12
making Himself e John 5:18
it robbery to be e Phil 2:6
that there may be e 2 Cor 8:14
You have established e Ps 99:4
judgment, and e Prov 1:3
and e cannot enter Is 59:14
and pervert all e Mic 3:9
with Me in peace and e Mal 2:6
Son of Judah, Gen 38:1–7; 46:12
Paul’s friend at Ephesus, Acts 19:21, 22; 2 Tim 4:20
Treasurer of Corinth, Rom 16:23
you cause you to e Is 3:12
My people Israel to e Jer 23:13
God that it was an e Eccl 5:6
e which was due Rom 1:27
a sinner from the e James 5:20
led away with the e 2 Pet 3:17
and the spirit of e 1 John 4:6
run greedily in the e Jude 11
can understand his e Ps 19:12
Son of Sennacherib; king of Assyria (681–669 B.C.), 2 Kin 19:36, 37
Isaac’s favorite son, Gen 25:25–28
Sells his birthright, Gen 25:29–34
Deprived of blessing; seeks to kill Jacob, Gen 27
Reconciled to Jacob, Gen 33:1–17
Descendants of, Gen 36
E to the mountains Gen 19:17
and they shall not e Job 11:20
Shall they e by Ps 56:7
speaks lies will not e Prov 19:5
and how shall we e Is 20:6
e all these things Luke 21:36
same, that you will e Rom 2:3
also make the way of e 1 Cor 10:13
how shall we e if we Heb 2:3
e who refused Him who Heb 12:25
my flesh, and I have e Job 19:20
Our soul has e as a Ps 124:7
after they have e 2 Pet 2:20
Valley near Hebron, Num 13:22–27; Deut 1:24
to e them forever 2 Chr 9:8
‘Your seed I will e Ps 89:4
e the work of our Ps 90:17
E Your word to Your Ps 119:38
e an everlasting Ezek 16:60
e justice in the gate Amos 5:15
seeking to e their own Rom 10:3
faithful, who will e 2 Thess 3:3
E your hearts James 5:8
a while, perfect, e 1 Pet 5:10
also is firmly e 1 Chr 16:30
David my father be e 2 Chr 1:9
a rock, and e my steps Ps 40:2
e a testimony in Jacob Ps 78:5
Your throne is e Ps 93:2
let all your ways be e Prov 4:26
e the clouds above Prov 8:28
lip shall be e forever Prov 12:19
house shall be e Is 2:2
by His power, He has e Jer 10:12
built up in Him and e Col 2:7
covenant, which was e Heb 8:6
that the heart be e Heb 13:9
The king e the land by Prov 29:4
Now He who e us with 2 Cor 1:21
high wall in his own e Prov 18:11
and we did not e Is 53:3
e others better than Phil 2:3
and hold such men in e Phil 2:29
e them very highly 1 Thess 5:13
For what is highly e Luke 16:15
those who are least e 1 Cor 6:4
One person e one day Rom 14:5
Selected for harem, Esth 2:7–16
Chosen to be queen, Esth 2:17, 18
Agrees to intercede for her people, Esth 4
Invites king to banquet, Esth 5:1–8
Denounces Haman; obtains reversal of decree, Esth 7:1–8:8
Establishes Purim, Esth 9:29–32
The wicked are e Ps 58:3
because they are all e Ezek 14:5
You have become e Gal 5:4
Rock where Samson took refuge, Judg 15:8–19
e God is your refuge Deut 33:27
For man goes to his e Eccl 12:5
I do that I may have e Matt 19:16
and inherit e life Matt 19:29
in the age to come, e Mark 10:30
not perish but have e John 3:15
you think you have e John 5:39
And I give them e life John 10:28
that He should give e John 17:2
And this is e life John 17:3
e life to those who by Rom 2:7
the gift of God is e Rom 6:23
e weight of glory 2 Cor 4:17
are not seen are e 2 Cor 4:18
not made with hands, e 2 Cor 5:1
lay hold on e life 1 Tim 6:12
e life which God Titus 1:2
and of e judgment Heb 6:2
e life which was 1 John 1:2
that no murderer has e 1 John 3:15
God has given us e 1 John 5:11
that you have e life 1 John 5:13
Jesus Christ unto e Jude 21
Also He has put e Eccl 3:11
One who inhabits e Is 57:15
Hostile to Israel and Judah, 2 Chr 12:2, 3; 14:9–15; Is 43:3; Dan 11:43
Prophecies against, Is 20:1–6; Ezek 30:4–9
Skin of, unchangeable, Jer 13:23
Mother of Timothy, 2 Tim 1:5
of Ethiopia, a e Acts 8:27
have made themselves e Matt 19:12
River of Eden, Gen 2:14
Boundary of Promised Land, Gen 15:18; 1 Kin 4:21, 24
Scene of battle, Jer 46:2, 6, 10
Angels bound there, Rev 9:14
Sleeps during Paul’s sermon, Acts 20:9
Restored to life, Acts 20:12
of Philip the e Acts 21:8
do the work of an e 2 Tim 4:5
some prophets, some e Eph 4:11
E in laughter the Prov 14:13
E a child is known Prov 20:11
e nature itself teach 1 Cor 11:14
e denying the Lord who 2 Pet 2:1
At e they return Ps 59:6
e it is cut down and Ps 90:6
of my hands as the e Ps 141:2
e do not withhold your Eccl 11:6
and more fierce than e Hab 1:8
God of Israel from e 1 Chr 16:36
of the LORD is from e Ps 103:17
righteousness is an e Ps 119:142
Your kingdom is an e Ps 145:13
in YAH, the LORD, is e Is 26:4
will be to you an e Is 60:19
from E is Your name Is 63:16
awake, some to e life Dan 12:2
not perish but have e John 3:16
Him who sent Me has e John 5:24
endures to e life John 6:27
in Him may have e John 6:40
believes in Me has e John 6:47
unworthy of e life Acts 13:46
of the Spirit reap e Gal 6:8
e destruction from the 2 Thess 1:9
said, ‘Repent now e Jer 25:5
e who is born of the John 3:8
E who is of the truth John 18:37
e of things not seen Heb 11:1
the sight of God is e Gal 3:11
of some are clearly e 1 Tim 5:25
e that our Lord arose Heb 7:14
of good and e Gen 2:9
knowing good and e Gen 3:5
his heart was only e Gen 6:5
e have been the Gen 47:9
rebellious and e city Ezra 4:12
e shall touch you Job 5:19
I looked for good, e Job 30:26
nor shall e dwell Ps 5:4
I will fear no e Ps 23:4
E shall slay the Ps 34:21
he does not abhor e Ps 36:4
e more than good Ps 52:3
e shall befall you Ps 91:10
To do e is like sport Prov 10:23
shall be filled with e Prov 12:21
e will bow before the Prov 14:19
Keeping watch on the e Prov 15:3
Whoever rewards e Prov 17:13
E will not depart Prov 17:13
e all the days of her Prov 31:12
There is a severe e Eccl 5:13
of men are full of e Eccl 9:3
to those who call e Is 5:20
is taken away from e Is 57:1
of peace and not of e Jer 29:11
commit this great e Jer 44:7
Seek good and not e Amos 5:14
deliver us from the e Matt 6:13
If you then, being e Matt 7:11
“Why do you think e Matt 9:4
e treasure brings Matt 12:35
everyone practicing e John 3:20
bear witness of the e John 18:23
e I will not to do Rom 7:19
then a law, that e Rom 7:21
done any good or e Rom 9:11
Abhor what is e Rom 12:9
Repay no one e for Rom 12:17
not be overcome by e Rom 12:21
simple concerning e Rom 16:19
provoked, thinks no e 1 Cor 13:5
from every form of e 1 Thess 5:22
Babylonian king (562–560 B.C.), 2 Kin 25:27–30
strife, deceit, e Rom 1:29
“If He were not an e John 18:30
suffer trouble as an e 2 Tim 2:9
a thief, an e 1 Pet 4:15
e shall be cut off Ps 37:9
Depart from me, you e Ps 119:115
iniquity, a brood of e Is 1:4
e shall never be Is 14:20
against you as e 1 Pet 2:12
e have surrounded me Ps 40:12
have committed two e Jer 2:13
God, and I will e Ex 15:2
e the horn of His 1 Sam 2:10
e His name together Ps 34:3
E the LORD our God Ps 99:5
are my God, I will e Ps 118:28
if I do not e Ps 137:6
into heaven, I will e Is 14:13
E the humble Ezek 21:26
and he shall e himself Dan 8:25
e comes neither from Ps 75:6
who rejoice in My e Is 13:3
brother glory in his e James 1:9
Let God be e 2 Sam 22:47
built You an e 2 Chr 6:2
name, which is e Neh 9:5
when vileness is e Ps 12:8
I will be e among the Ps 46:10
righteous shall be e Ps 75:10
favor our horn is e Ps 89:17
You are e far above Ps 97:9
His name alone is e Ps 148:13
upright the city is e Prov 11:11
LORD alone shall be e Is 2:11
valley shall be e Is 40:4
Him God has e Acts 5:31
And lest I should be e 2 Cor 12:7
also has highly e Phil 2:9
Righteousness e Prov 14:34
high thing that e 2 Cor 10:5
e himself above all 2 Thess 2:4
E me, O LORD Ps 26:2
But let a man e 1 Cor 11:28
But let each one e Gal 6:4
to make her a public e Matt 1:19
I have given you an e John 13:15
in following my e Phil 3:17
to make ourselves an e 2 Thess 3:9
youth, but be an e 1 Tim 4:12
us, leaving us an e 1 Pet 2:21
making them an e 2 Pet 2:6
are set forth as an e Jude 7
happened to them as e 1 Cor 10:11
so that you became e 1 Thess 1:7
to you, but being e 1 Pet 5:3
He might show the e Eph 2:7
for the LORD must be e 1 Chr 22:5
You have made him e Ps 21:6
is far off and e deep Eccl 7:24
e high mountain Matt 4:8
Rejoice and be e Matt 5:12
your righteousness e Matt 5:20
you His angels, who e Ps 103:20
but you e them all Prov 31:29
that you seek to e 1 Cor 14:12
e You have overthrown Ex 15:7
did not come with e 1 Cor 2:1
He is e in power Job 37:23
It shall be as e Ps 141:5
will speak of e things Prov 8:6
like Lebanon, e Song 5:15
for He has done e Is 12:5
in counsel and e Is 28:29
Inasmuch as an e Dan 5:12
the things that are e Rom 2:18
the things that are e Phil 1:10
e sacrifice than Cain Heb 11:4
came to Him from the E 2 Pet 1:17
Do you see a man who e Prov 22:29
I saw that wisdom e Eccl 2:13
of the glory that e 2 Cor 3:10
man give in e for his soul Matt 16:26
Nor can it be e Job 28:17
e the truth of God for Rom 1:25
For even their women e Rom 1:26
you, and when they e Luke 6:22
they want to e you Gal 4:17
God be angry at your e Eccl 5:6
but now they have no e John 15:22
they are without e Rom 1:20
do you think that we e 2 Cor 12:19
began to make e Luke 14:18
e vengeance on the Ps 149:7
if you thoroughly e Jer 7:5
e the fierceness Hos 11:9
e judgment also John 5:27
e wrath on him who Rom 13:4
by the judgment He e Ps 9:16
e righteousness Ps 103:6
e justice for the Ps 146:7
e justice for me Mic 7:9
those who are great e Matt 20:25
e yourself toward 1 Tim 4:7
e profits a little 1 Tim 4:8
have their senses e Heb 5:14
we command and e 2 Thess 3:12
e him as a father 1 Tim 5:1
and e these things 1 Tim 6:2
doctrine, both to e Titus 1:9
Speak these things, e Titus 2:15
e one another Heb 3:13
you have any word of e Acts 13:15
he who exhorts, in e Rom 12:8
to reading, to e 1 Tim 4:13
with the word of e Heb 13:22
For I earnestly e Jer 11:7
e and strengthened Acts 15:32
as you know how we e 1 Thess 2:11
and also an e from 2 Sam 15:19
The captive e hastens Is 51:14
things which do not e Rom 4:17
by Your will they e Rev 4:11
an hour you do not e Luke 12:40
The e of the poor Ps 9:18
God alone, for my e Ps 62:5
the people were in e Luke 3:15
a certain fearful e Heb 10:27
and the e enchanter Is 3:3
those of an e warrior Jer 50:9
because you are e Acts 26:3
was no one who could e Gen 41:24
days they could not e Judg 14:14
“E this parable to us Matt 15:15
to say, and hard to e Heb 5:11
He e all things to His Mark 4:34
e all your Is 58:3
against those who e Mal 3:5
they will e you with 2 Pet 2:3
his deeds should be e John 3:20
all things that are e Eph 5:13
He e to them in all Luke 24:27
man cannot e it Eccl 1:8
of His glory and the e Heb 1:3
of the LORD came e Ezek 1:3
Now the Spirit e 1 Tim 4:1
none to e mercy to him Ps 109:12
“Behold, I will e Is 66:12
did not e to you 2 Cor 10:14
broken, my days are e Job 17:1
They are e Is 43:17
I will e You Ps 30:1
e Him who rides Ps 68:4
shall be exalted and e Is 52:13
e gathers it for him Prov 28:8
your neighbors by e Ezek 22:12
they are full of e Matt 23:25
e will inherit 1 Cor 6:10
in anguish I would e Job 6:10
e for e Ex 21:24
the ear, but now my e Job 42:5
guide you with My e Ps 32:8
Behold, the e of the Ps 33:18
He who formed the e Ps 94:9
and the seeing e Prov 20:12
who has a generous e Prov 22:9
A man with an evil e Prov 28:22
e that mocks his Prov 30:17
e is not satisfied Eccl 1:8
labors, nor is his e Eccl 4:8
for they shall see e Is 52:8
e seen any God besides Is 64:4
the apple of His e Zech 2:8
if your right e Matt 5:29
it was said, ‘An e Matt 5:38
plank in your own e Matt 7:3
e causes you to sin Matt 18:9
Or is your e evil Matt 20:15
e causes you to sin Mark 9:47
the e of a needle Luke 18:25
“Because I am not an e 1 Cor 12:16
whole body were an e 1 Cor 12:17
the twinkling of an e 1 Cor 15:52
every e will see Him Rev 1:7
your eyes with e salve Rev 3:18
His eyes behold, His e Ps 11:4
e look right before Prov 4:25
e will be opened Gen 3:5
and you can be our e Num 10:31
she put paint on her e 2 Kin 9:30
For the e of the 2 Chr 16:9
Do You have e of flesh Job 10:4
And my e shall behold Job 19:27
I was e to the blind Job 29:15
e observe from afar Job 39:29
e are secretly fixed Ps 10:8
e are ever toward the Ps 25:15
The e of the LORD are Ps 34:15
e fail while I wait Ps 69:3
e shall you look Ps 91:8
I will lift up my e Ps 121:1
not give sleep to my e Ps 132:4
e saw my substance Ps 139:16
e look straight ahead Prov 4:25
but the e of a fool Prov 17:24
Will you set your e Prov 23:5
Who has redness of e Prov 23:29
be wise in his own e Prov 26:5
so the e of man are Prov 27:20
The wise man’s e Eccl 2:14
e than the wandering Eccl 6:9
You have dove’s e Song 1:15
e have seen the King Is 6:5
of the book, and the e Is 29:18
e fail from looking Is 38:14
O LORD, are not Your e Jer 5:3
Who have e and see Jer 5:21
e will weep bitterly Jer 13:17
For I will set My e Jer 24:6
rims were full of e Ezek 1:18
full of e all around Ezek 10:12
that horn which had e Dan 7:20
horn between his e Dan 8:5
You are of purer e Hab 1:13
But blessed are your e Matt 13:16
“He put clay on my e John 9:15
e they have closed Acts 28:27
e that they should not Rom 11:8
plucked out your own e Gal 4:15
have seen with our e 1 John 1:1
the lust of the e 1 John 2:16
as snow, and His e Rev 1:14
and anoint your e Rev 3:18
creatures full of e Rev 4:6
horns and seven e Rev 5:6
tear from their e Rev 21:4
not with e Eph 6:6
the flesh, not with e Col 3:22
the beginning were e Luke 1:2
e of His majesty 2 Pet 1:16
Sent to rebellious Israel, Ezek 2; 3
Prophesies by symbolic action:
siege of Jerusalem, Ezek 4
destruction of Jerusalem, Ezek 5
captivity of Judah, Ezek 12:1–20
destruction of the temple, Ezek 24:15–27
Visions of:
God’s glory, Ezek 1:4–28
abominations, Ezek 8:5–18
valley of dry bones, Ezek 37:1–14
messianic times, Ezek 40–48
river of life, Ezek 47:1–5
Parables, allegories, dirges of, Ezek 15; 16; 17; 19; 23; 24
Town on the Red Sea, 1 Kin 9:26
Israelite encampment, Num 33:35
Seaport of Israel’s navy, 1 Kin 22:48
Scribe, priest and reformer of postexilic times; commissioned by Artaxerxes, Ezra 7
Returns with exiles to Jerusalem, Ezra 8
Institutes reforms, Ezra 9
Reads the Law, Neh 8
Assists in dedication of wall, Neh 12:27–43
nor give heed to f 1 Tim 1:4
be turned aside to f 2 Tim 4:4
cunningly devised f 2 Pet 1:16
“For I have seen God f Gen 32:30
f shone while he Ex 34:29
he put a veil on his f Ex 34:33
the LORD make His f Num 6:25
Then he turned his f 2 Kin 20:2
curse You to Your f Job 1:11
me, I will see Your f Ps 17:15
Why do You hide Your f Ps 44:24
and cause His f Ps 67:1
of his f is changed Eccl 8:1
sins have hidden His f Is 59:2
I have made your f Ezek 3:8
but to us shame of f Dan 9:7
deep sleep on my f Dan 10:9
before Your f who Matt 11:10
f shone like the sun Matt 17:2
always before my f Acts 2:25
dimly, but then f 1 Cor 13:12
look steadily at the f 2 Cor 3:7
with unveiled f 2 Cor 3:18
withstood him to his f Gal 2:11
his natural f in a James 1:23
but the f of the LORD 1 Pet 3:12
They shall see His f Rev 22:4
f were not ashamed Ps 34:5
hid, as it were, our f Is 53:3
be afraid of their f Jer 1:8
and all f turned pale Jer 30:6
they disfigure their f Matt 6:16
there must also be f 1 Cor 11:19
we all f as a leaf Is 64:6
and the leaf shall f Jer 8:13
rich man also will f James 1:11
and that does not f 1 Pet 1:4
withers, the flower f Is 40:7
eyes shall look and f Deut 28:32
flesh and my heart f Ps 73:26
of the thirsty to f Is 32:6
their tongues f Is 41:17
whose waters do not f Is 58:11
have caused wine to f Jer 48:33
of the olive may f Hab 3:17
nor shall the vine f Mal 3:11
that when you f Luke 16:9
tittle of the law to f Luke 16:17
faith should not f Luke 22:32
they will f 1 Cor 13:8
Your years will not f Heb 1:12
For the time would f Heb 11:32
Not a word f of any Josh 21:45
My relatives have f Job 19:14
refuge has f me Ps 142:4
men’s hearts f Luke 21:26
my strength f because Ps 31:10
my spirit f Ps 143:7
and every vision f Ezek 12:22
Love never f 1 Cor 13:8
the youths shall f Is 40:30
shall walk and not f Is 40:31
my heart is f in me Jer 8:18
and the infants f Lam 2:11
thirsty, their soul f Ps 107:5
unruly, comfort the f 1 Thess 5:14
longs, yes, even f Ps 84:2
My soul f for Your Ps 119:81
And the whole heart f Is 1:5
the earth, neither f Is 40:28
Behold, you are f Song 1:15
of the Lord is not f Ezek 18:25
to a place called F Acts 27:8
what is just and f Col 4:1
These were more f Acts 17:11
f than the sons Ps 45:2
another beloved, O f Song 5:9
your beloved gone, O f Song 6:1
in whom is no f Deut 32:20
shall live by his f Hab 2:4
you, O you of little f Matt 6:30
not found such great f Matt 8:10
f as a mustard seed Matt 17:20
that you have no f Mark 4:40
to them, “Have f Mark 11:22
“Increase our f Luke 17:5
will He really find f Luke 18:8
a man full of f Acts 6:5
are sanctified by f Acts 26:18
for obedience to the f Rom 1:5
God is revealed from f Rom 1:17
God, through f Rom 3:22
f apart from the deeds Rom 3:28
his f is accounted for Rom 4:5
f is made void and the Rom 4:14
those who are of the f Rom 4:16
f which we preach Rom 10:8
f comes by hearing Rom 10:17
and you stand by f Rom 11:20
in proportion to our f Rom 12:6
Do you have f Rom 14:22
he does not eat from f Rom 14:23
though I have all f 1 Cor 13:2
And now abide f 1 Cor 13:13
For we walk by f 2 Cor 5:7
the flesh I live by f Gal 2:20
or by the hearing of f Gal 3:2
f are sons of Abraham Gal 3:7
the law is not of f Gal 3:12
But after f has come Gal 3:25
f working through love Gal 5:6
of the household of f Gal 6:10
been saved through f Eph 2:8
one Lord, one f Eph 4:5
to the unity of the f Eph 4:13
taking the shield of f Eph 6:16
your work of f 1 Thess 1:3
for not all have f 2 Thess 3:2
having f and a good 1 Tim 1:19
the mystery of the f 1 Tim 3:9
he has denied the f 1 Tim 5:8
I have kept the f 2 Tim 4:7
in our common f Titus 1:4
not being mixed with f Heb 4:2
f is the substance Heb 11:1
without f it is Heb 11:6
someone says he has f James 2:14
Show me your f James 2:18
and not by f only James 2:24
f will save the sick James 5:15
add to your f virtue 2 Pet 1:5
on your most holy f Jude 20
the patience and the f Rev 13:10
of God and the f Rev 14:12
God, He is God, the f Deut 7:9
f disappear from among Ps 12:1
LORD preserves the f Ps 31:23
whose spirit was not f Ps 78:8
eyes shall be on the f Ps 101:6
f spirit conceals a Prov 11:13
But who can find a f Prov 20:6
f witness between us Jer 42:5
the Holy One who is f Hos 11:12
“Who then is a f Matt 24:45
good and f servant Matt 25:23
He who is f in what Luke 16:10
if you have not been f Luke 16:12
have judged me to be f Acts 16:15
God is f 1 Cor 1:9
is my beloved and f 1 Cor 4:17
But as God is f 2 Cor 1:18
f brethren in Christ Col 1:2
He who calls you is f 1 Thess 5:24
This is a f saying and 1 Tim 1:15
f High Priest in Heb 2:17
as Moses also was f Heb 3:2
He who promised is f Heb 10:23
He is f and just to 1 John 1:9
Be f until death Rev 2:10
words are true and f Rev 21:5
I have declared Your f Ps 40:10
f You shall establish Ps 89:2
Your f also surrounds Ps 89:8
and Your f every night Ps 92:2
f endures to all Ps 119:90
In Your f answer me Ps 143:1
counsels of old are f Is 25:1
great is Your f Lam 3:23
unbelief make the f Rom 3:3
“O f generation Mark 9:19
If we are f 2 Tim 2:13
a deep sleep to f Gen 2:21
but do not let me f 2 Sam 24:14
Let them f by their Ps 5:10
For I am ready to f Ps 38:17
Yes, all kings shall f Ps 72:11
righteous man may f Prov 24:16
but the wicked shall f Prov 24:16
digs a pit will f Prov 26:27
all their host shall f Is 34:4
men shall utterly f Is 40:30
of music, you shall f Dan 3:5
And great was its f Matt 7:27
the blind, both will f Matt 15:14
the stars will f Matt 24:29
“I saw Satan f Luke 10:18
that they should f Rom 11:11
take heed lest he f 1 Cor 10:12
with pride he f 1 Tim 3:6
if they f away Heb 6:6
lest anyone f short of Heb 12:15
it all joy when you f James 1:2
and rocks, “F on us Rev 6:16
“Babylon is f Is 21:9
you have f from grace Gal 5:4
And I saw a star f Rev 9:1
“Babylon is f Rev 14:8
great drops of blood f Luke 22:44
f away comes first 2 Thess 2:3
who is alone when he f Eccl 4:10
And whoever f Matt 21:44
master he stands or f Rom 14:4
its flower f James 1:11
so that no rain f Rev 11:6
“You shall not bear f Ex 20:16
I hate every f way Ps 119:104
gives heed to f lips Prov 17:4
f witness shall perish Prov 21:28
and do not love a f Zech 8:17
“Beware of f prophets Matt 7:15
f christs and f Matt 24:24
and we are found f 1 Cor 15:15
among f brethren 2 Cor 11:26
of f brethren Gal 2:4
f prophets have gone 1 John 4:1
mouth of the f prophet Rev 16:13
those who speak f Ps 5:6
and brings forth f Ps 7:14
For their deceit is f Ps 119:118
remove f and lies far Prov 30:8
under f we have hidden Is 28:15
offspring of f Is 57:4
it, and swears f Lev 6:3
nor have we dealt f Ps 44:17
surely they swear f Jer 5:2
words, swearing f Hos 10:4
of evil against you f Matt 5:11
f called knowledge 1 Tim 6:20
Sheba heard of the f 1 Kin 10:1
Your f went out Ezek 16:14
them for praise and f Zeph 3:19
Then His f went Matt 4:24
in you all the f Gen 12:3
and makes their f Ps 107:41
the God of all the f Jer 31:1
f which the LORD has Jer 33:24
in your seed all the f Acts 3:25
shall mourn, every f Zech 12:12
f were baptized Acts 16:33
from whom the whole f Eph 3:15
Now there was a f Gen 12:10
keep them alive in f Ps 33:19
He called for a f Ps 105:16
send the sword, the f Jer 24:10
of the fever of f Lam 5:10
I will increase the f Ezek 5:16
there arose a severe f Luke 15:14
And there will be f Matt 24:7
righteous soul to f Prov 10:3
honorable men are f Is 5:13
and may his name be f Ruth 4:14
not to f or to cleanse Jer 4:11
His winnowing f Matt 3:12
with their own f Prov 1:31
removed my brothers f Job 19:13
Your judgments are f Ps 10:5
Be not f from Me Ps 22:11
those who are f Ps 73:27
The LORD is f from the Prov 15:29
but it was f from me Eccl 7:23
removed their hearts f Is 29:13
Those near and those f Ezek 22:5
their heart is f from Matt 15:8
going to a f country Mark 13:34
though He is not f Acts 17:27
you who once were f Eph 2:13
The hardworking f 2 Tim 2:6
See how the f waits James 5:7
have made me and f Job 10:8
He f their hearts Ps 33:15
f for me Esth 4:16
f as you do this day Is 58:4
f that I have chosen Is 58:5
Consecrate a f Joel 1:14
“Moreover, when you f Matt 6:16
disciples do not f Matt 9:14
I f twice a week Luke 18:12
‘Why have we f Is 58:3
‘When you f and Zech 7:5
And when He had f Matt 4:2
were its foundations f Job 38:6
‘the peg that is f Is 22:25
I was f and praying Neh 1:4
humbled myself with f Ps 35:13
are weak through f Ps 109:24
house on the day of f Jer 36:6
prayer and supplications, with f Dan 9:3
except by prayer and f Matt 17:21
Four days ago I was f Acts 10:30
give yourselves to f 1 Cor 7:5
served God with f and prayers Luke 2:37
in sleeplessness, in f 2 Cor 6:5
in f often 2 Cor 11:27
and you will eat the f Gen 45:18
f is the LORD’s Lev 3:16
Now Eglon was a very f Judg 3:17
have closed up their f Ps 17:10
man shall leave his f Gen 2:24
and you shall be a f Gen 17:4
‘You are my f Job 17:14
I was a f to the poor Job 29:16
A f of the fatherless Ps 68:5
f pities his children Ps 103:13
the instruction of a f Prov 4:1
God, Everlasting F Is 9:6
You, O LORD, are our F Is 63:16
time cry to Me, My F Jer 3:4
for I am a F to Israel Jer 31:9
“A son honors his f Mal 1:6
Have we not all one F Mal 2:10
Our F in heaven Matt 6:9
He who loves f Matt 10:37
does anyone know the F Matt 11:27
‘He who curses f Matt 15:4
for One is your F Matt 23:9
F will be divided Luke 12:53
F loves the Son John 3:35
F has been working John 5:17
F raises the dead John 5:21
F judges no one John 5:22
He has seen the F John 6:46
F who sent Me bears John 8:18
we have one F John 8:41
of your f the devil John 8:44
I and My F are one John 10:30
and believe that the F John 10:38
‘I am going to the F John 14:28
F is the vinedresser John 15:l
came forth from the F John 16:28
that he might be the f Rom 4:11
“I have made you a f Rom 4:17
“I will be a F 2 Cor 6:18
one God and F of all Eph 4:6
but exhort him as a f 1 Tim 5:1
“I will be to Him a F Heb 1:5
without f, without mother Heb 7:3
comes down from the F James 1:17
if you call on the F 1 Pet 1:17
and testify that the F 1 John 4:14
you in My F kingdom Matt 26:29
I must be about My F Luke 2:49
F house are many John 14:2
that a man has his f 1 Cor 5:1
my hand against the f Job 31:21
the helper of the f Ps 10:14
to do justice to the f Ps 10:18
He relieves the f Ps 146:9
the fields of the f Prov 23:10
do not defend the f Is 1:23
they may rob the f Is 10:2
You the f finds mercy Hos 14:3
the LORD God of our f Ezra 7:27
f trusted in You Ps 22:4
our ears, O God, our f Ps 44:1
have sinned with our f Ps 106:6
f ate the manna John 6:31
of whom are the f Rom 9:5
you do not have many f 1 Cor 4:15
unaware that all our f 1 Cor 10:1
and the f together Is 11:6
as with marrow and f Ps 63:5
of the root and f Rom 11:17
f cattle are Matt 22:4
has killed the f Luke 15:27
f your hearts as James 5:5
find no charge or f Dan 6:4
I have found no f Luke 23:14
does He still find f Rom 9:19
of God without f Phil 2:15
for they are without f Rev 14:5
covenant had been f Heb 8:7
to present you f Jude 24
“I remember my f Gen 41:9
me from secret f Ps 19:12
are beaten for your f 1 Pet 2:20
granted me life and f Job 10:12
f You will Ps 5:12
His f is for life Ps 30:5
A good man obtains f Prov 12:2
but his f is like dew Prov 19:12
and seek the LORD’s f Jer 26:19
and stature, and in f Luke 2:52
God and having f Acts 2:47
to do the Jews a f Acts 24:27
And will He be f Ps 77:7
LORD, You have been f Ps 85:1
because You f them Ps 44:3
“Rejoice, highly f Luke 1:28
do not show personal f Luke 20:21
God shows personal f Gal 2:6
this and live, for I f God Gen 42:18
f the people of the Num 14:9
to put the dread and f Deut 2:25
f Me all the days Deut 4:10
f the LORD your God Deut 6:2
book, that you may f Deut 28:58
said, “Does Job f Job 1:9
Yes, you cast off f Job 15:4
Surely no f of me will Job 33:7
He mocks at f Job 39:22
they are in great f Ps 14:5
The f of the LORD is Ps 19:9
of death, I will f Ps 23:4
whom shall I f Ps 27:1
Let all the earth f Ps 33:8
Oh, f the LORD Ps 34:9
there is no f of God Ps 36:1
they are in great f Ps 53:5
hear, all you who f Ps 66:16
f You as long as the Ps 72:5
heart to f Your name Ps 86:11
The f of the LORD is Ps 111:10
f You will be glad Ps 119:74
f the LORD and depart Prov 3:7
The f of man brings a Prov 29:25
it, that men should f Eccl 3:14
F God and keep His Eccl 12:13
let Him be your f Is 8:13
“Be strong, do not f Is 35:4
Do you not f Me Jer 5:22
who would not f Jer 10:7
but I will put My f Jer 32:40
who f My name the Sun Mal 4:2
f Him who is able Matt 10:28
“Do not f Luke 12:32
a judge who did not f Luke 18:2
“Do you not even f Luke 23:40
And walking in the f Acts 9:31
the rest also may f 1 Tim 5:20
given us a spirit of f 2 Tim 1:7
those who through f Heb 2:15
His rest, let us f Heb 4:1
because of His godly f Heb 5:7
F God 1 Pet 2:17
love casts out f 1 John 4:18
Do not f any of Rev 2:10
But the midwives f Ex 1:17
He is also to be f 1 Chr 16:25
f God more than Neh 7:2
Yourself, are to be f Ps 76:7
Then those who f Mal 3:16
f in praises, doing Ex 15:11
them, “Why are you f Matt 8:26
It is a f thing to Heb 10:31
to those who are f Is 35:4
f and wonderfully made Ps 139:14
F and trembling have Ps 55:5
f has seized the Is 33:14
is devoted to f You Ps 119:38
sincerity of heart, f Col 3:22
forsook Egypt, not f Heb 11:27
upright man, one who f Job 1:8
Who is the man that f Ps 25:12
me from all my f Ps 34:4
an oath as he who f Eccl 9:2
every nation whoever f Acts 10:35
f has not been made 1 John 4:18
Then he made them a f Gen 19:3
and you shall keep a f Num 29:12
f is made for laughter Eccl 10:19
f day the terrors that Lam 2:22
hate, I despise your f Amos 5:21
every year at the F Luke 2:41
when you give a f Luke 14:13
Now the Passover, a f John 6:4
great day of the f John 7:37
let us keep the f 1 Cor 5:8
go to the house of f Eccl 7:2
I will turn your f Amos 8:10
the best places at f Luke 20:46
spots in your love f Jude 12
f me all my life long Gen 48:15
and f you with manna Deut 8:3
but the shepherds f Ezek 34:8
f you with milk and 1 Cor 3:2
strengthened the f Job 4:4
And there was none f Ps 105:37
And my flesh is f Ps 109:24
Every hand will be f Ezek 7:17
hang down, and the f Heb 12:12
ravens to f you there 1 Kin 17:4
death shall f on them Ps 49:14
of the righteous f Prov 10:21
and f your flocks Is 61:5
to him, “F My lambs John 21:15
to him, “F My sheep John 21:17
your enemy hungers, f Rom 12:20
my goods to f the poor 1 Cor 13:3
“Ephraim f on the wind Hos 12:1
your heavenly Father f Matt 6:26
So she lay at his f Ruth 3:14
so my f did not slip 2 Sam 22:37
f they hang far Job 28:4
I was f to the lame Job 29:15
all things under his f Ps 8:6
He makes my f like the Ps 18:33
You have set my f Ps 31:8
does not allow our f Ps 66:9
f had almost stumbled Ps 73:2
f have been standing Ps 122:2
For their f run to Prov 1:16
Her f go down to death Prov 5:5
sandals off your f Is 20:2
called him to His f Is 41:2
up the dust of your f Is 49:23
mountains are the f Is 52:7
place of My f glorious Is 60:13
are the dust of His f Nah 1:3
my f like deer’s f Hab 3:19
in that day His f Zech 14:4
two hands or two f Matt 18:8
began to wash His f Luke 7:38
also sat at Jesus’ f Luke 10:39
wash the disciples’ f John 13:5
at the apostles’ f Acts 4:35
f are swift to shed Rom 3:15
beautiful are the f Rom 10:15
all things under His f 1 Cor 15:27
and having shod your f Eph 6:15
fell at His f as dead Rev 1:17
And I fell at his f Rev 19:10
Governor of Judea; letter addressed to, Acts 23:24–30
Paul’s defense before, Acts 24:1–27
f servants who owed Matt 18:28
begins to beat his f Matt 24:49
f worker concerning 2 Cor 8:23
f citizens with the Eph 2:19
Gentiles should be f Eph 3:6
rest of my f workers Phil 4:3
These are my only f Col 4:11
that we may become f 3 John 8
I am your f servant Rev 19:10
doctrine and f Acts 2:42
were called into the f 1 Cor 1:9
not want you to have f 1 Cor 10:20
f has righteousness 2 Cor 6:14
the right hand of f Gal 2:9
And have no f with the Eph 5:11
for your f in the Phil 1:5
of love, if any f Phil 2:1
and the f of His Phil 3:10
also may have f 1 John 1:3
we say that we have f 1 John 1:6
the light, we have f 1 John 1:7
and a tottering f Ps 62:3
He has f up my way Job 19:8
I dig around it and f Luke 13:8
and being f in spirit Acts 18:25
f prayer of a James 5:16
all things have f 1 Pet 4:8
will melt with f 2 Pet 3:10
you, always laboring f Col 4:12
love one another f 1 Pet 1:22
night when a holy f Is 30:29
or regarding a f Col 2:16
Governor of Judea, Acts 24:27
Paul’s defense made to, Acts 25:1–22
f my knowledge from Job 36:3
hurt his feet with f Ps 105:18
their nobles with f Ps 149:8
f which shall Lev 26:16
my bones burn with f Job 30:30
and rebuked the f Luke 4:39
f and evil have been Gen 47:9
f days and full of Job 14:1
Let his days be f Ps 109:8
let your words be f Eccl 5:2
and there are f Matt 7:14
but the laborers are f Matt 9:37
called, but f chosen Matt 20:16
“Lord, are there f Luke 13:23
prepared, in which a f 1 Pet 3:20
I have a f things Rev 2:20