Wail, O o of Bashan Zech 11:2


people feared the o 1 Sam 14:26

for the sake of your o Eccl 8:2

I may establish the o Jer 11:5

And you shall be an o Jer 42:18

he denied with an o Matt 26:72

o which He swore Luke 1:73

themselves under an o Acts 23:12


shall perform your o Matt 5:33

because of the o Matt 14:9


King Ahab’s steward, 1 Kin 18:3–16

———Prophet of Judah, Obad 1


Son of Boaz and Ruth, Ruth 4:17–22


Philistine from Gath; ark of the Lord left in his house, 2 Sam 6:10–12; 1 Chr 13:13, 14


and apostleship for o Rom 1:5

o many will be made Rom 5:19

captivity to the o 2 Cor 10:5

confidence in your o Philem 21

yet He learned o Heb 5:8

for o and sprinkling 1 Pet 1:2


you are willing and o Is 1:19

of the priests were o Acts 6:7

make the Gentiles o Rom 15:18

bondservants, be o to Eph 6:5

Himself and became o Phil 2:8

homemakers, good, o Titus 2:5

as o children 1 Pet 1:14


LORD, that I should o Ex 5:2

God and o His voice Deut 4:30

o the commandments Deut 11:27

His voice we will o Josh 24:24

o is better than 1 Sam 15:22

they hear of me they o Ps 18:44

if you diligently o Zech 6:15

o God rather than men Acts 5:29

and do not o the truth Rom 2:8

yourselves slaves to o Rom 6:16

o your parents in all Col 3:20

Bondservants, o in all Col 3:22

on those who do not o 2 Thess 1:8

O those who rule Heb 13:17

if some do not o 1 Pet 3:1


of sin, yet you o Rom 6:17

they have not all o Rom 10:16

By faith Abraham o Heb 11:8

as Sarah o Abraham 1 Pet 3:6


o the truth through 1 Pet 1:22


shall see out of o Is 29:18


the LORD, a solemn o Ex 12:42


does not come with o Luke 17:20


man, and o the upright Ps 37:37

and let your eyes o Prov 23:26

o mercy and justice Hos 12:6

teaching them to o all Matt 28:20

o days and months and Gal 4:10

o your chaste conduct 1 Pet 3:2


o the wind will not Eccl 11:4

He who o the day Rom 14:6


o his natural face James 1:23


nothing, but is o 1 Tim 6:4


Now what is becoming o Heb 8:13


and made his heart o Deut 2:30

I knew that you were o Is 48:4


They shall o joy and Is 35:10

they also may o mercy Rom 11:31

o salvation through 1 Thess 5:9

and covet and cannot o James 4:2


o a part in this Acts 1:17

yet have now o mercy Rom 11:30

endured, he o the Heb 6:15

To those who have o 2 Pet 1:1


o favor from the LORD Prov 8:35


Prophet of Samaria, 2 Chr 28:9–15


I will o no more Job 34:31

that devour him will o Jer 2:3

lest we o them Matt 17:27

than that he should o Luke 17:2

them, “Does this o John 6:61


So they were o at Him Matt 13:57

stumbles or is o Rom 14:21


who make a man an o Is 29:21

For if I am an o Acts 25:11


and a rock of o Is 8:14

You are an o to Me Matt 16:23

by the one man’s o Rom 5:17

Give no o 1 Cor 10:32

the o of the cross Gal 5:11

sincere and without o Phil 1:10

and a rock of o 1 Pet 2:8


For o must come Matt 18:7

impossible that no o Luke 17:1

up because of our o Rom 4:25


o the blind as a Mal 1:8

come and o your gift Matt 5:24

let us continually o Heb 13:15


to eat those things o 1 Cor 8:10

the eternal Spirit o Heb 9:14

so Christ was o Heb 9:28

o one sacrifice Heb 10:12

By faith Abel o Heb 11:4


you shall bring your o Lev 1:2

o You did not require Ps 40:6

You make His soul an o Is 53:10

to the LORD an o Mal 3:3

Himself for us, an o Eph 5:2

out as a drink o Phil 2:17

o You did not Heb 10:5

o He has perfected Heb 10:14

is no longer an o Heb 10:18


and offered burnt o Gen 8:20

He remember all your o Ps 20:3

In burnt o and Heb 10:6


let another take his o Ps 109:8

sitting at the tax o Matt 9:9


also make your o Is 60:17


You have made us an o Lam 3:45

the o of all things 1 Cor 4:13


My blessing on your o Is 44:3

He seeks godly o Mal 2:15

wife and raise up o Matt 22:24

For we are also His o Acts 17:28

am the Root and the O Rev 22:16


o I wanted to gather Luke 13:34

as o as you eat this 1 Cor 11:26

in sleeplessness o 2 Cor 11:27

should offer Himself o Heb 9:25


Amorite king of Bashan, Deut 3:1–13

Defeated and killed by Israel, Num 21:32–35


Symbolic name of Samaria, Ezek 23:4, 5, 36


for the anointing o Ex 25:6

I cease giving my o Judg 9:9

a bin, and a little o 1 Kin 17:12

poured out rivers of o Job 29:6

anointed with fresh o Ps 92:10

the heart of man, o Ps 104:15

like the precious o Ps 133:2

be as excellent o Ps 141:5

thousand rivers of o Mic 6:7

very costly fragrant o Matt 26:7

o might have been sold Matt 26:9

anointing him with o James 5:14

and do not harm the o Rev 6:6


O and perfume delight Prov 27:9

your name is o Song 1:3


young, and now am o Ps 37:25

all manner, new and o Song 7:13

was said to those of o Matt 5:21

yet fifty years o John 8:57

but when you are o John 21:18

Your o men shall dream Acts 2:17

o man was crucified Rom 6:6

of the O Testament 2 Cor 3:14

o things have passed 2 Cor 5:17

have put off the o man Col 3:9

obsolete and growing o Heb 8:13

that serpent of o Rev 20:2


o shall serve the Gen 25:23

o than your father Job 15:10

“Now his o son was Luke 15:25

not rebuke an o man 1 Tim 5:1

o women as mothers 1 Tim 5:2


beginning with the o John 8:9


a freshly plucked o Gen 8:11

I am like a green o Ps 52:8

of the o may fail Hab 3:17

o tree which is wild Rom 11:24


David flees to, 2 Sam 15:30

Prophecy concerning, Zech 14:4

Christ’s triumphal entry from, Matt 21:1

Prophetic discourse delivered from, Matt 24:3

Christ’s ascension from, Acts 1:9–12


For the Lord God O Rev 19:6


Made king of Israel by army, 1 Kin 16:16, 21, 22

Builds Samaria; reigns wickedly, 1 Kin 16:23–27


City of Lower Egypt; center of sun worship, Gen 41:45, 50

Called Beth Shemesh, Jer 43:13


Second son of Judah; slain for failure to give his brother an heir, Gen 38:8–10


died, He died to sin o Rom 6:10

for men to die o Heb 9:27

also suffered o 1 Pet 3:18


God may speak in o way Job 33:14

Two are better than o Eccl 4:9

O thing you lack Mark 10:21

o thing is needed Luke 10:42

I and My Father are o John 10:30

Me, that they may be o John 17:11

o accord in the temple Acts 2:46

for you are all o Gal 3:28

to create in Himself o Eph 2:15

o body and o Spirit Eph 4:4

o hope of your calling Eph 4:4

o Lord, o faith, o Eph 4:5

o God and Father of Eph 4:6

For there is o God and 1 Tim 2:5

o Mediator between God 1 Tim 2:5

the husband of o wife 1 Tim 3:2

a thousand years as o 2 Pet 3:8

and these three are o 1 John 5:7


Slave of Philemon converted by Paul in Rome, Philem 10–17

With Tychicus, carries Paul’s letters to Colosse and to Philemon, Col 4:7–9


Ephesian Christian commended for his service, 2 Tim 1:16–18


o His lips against you Job 11:5

You o Your hand Ps 104:28

O your mouth for the Prov 31:8

and no one shall o Is 22:22

a lamb in o country Hos 4:16

Can a demon o the eyes John 10:21

our heart is wide o 2 Cor 6:11

things are naked and o Heb 4:13

o the scroll and to Rev 5:2


o not His mouth Is 53:7

Then their eyes were o Luke 24:31

o the Scriptures Luke 24:32

o their understanding Luke 24:45

effective door has o 1 Cor 16:9

when the Lamb o Rev 6:1

Now I saw heaven o Rev 19:11


o the ears of men Job 33:16

The LORD o the eyes of Ps 146:8

him the doorkeeper o John 10:3

and shuts and no one o Rev 3:7


Famous for gold, 1 Chr 29:4


Town in Manasseh; home of Gideon, Judg 6:11, 15

Site of Gideon’s burial, Judg 8:32


dared not declare my o Job 32:6

be wise in your own o Rom 11:25


falter between two o 1 Kin 18:21


But sin, taking o Rom 7:8

as we have o Gal 6:10

but you lacked o Phil 4:10

they would have had o Heb 11:15


who o and exalts 2 Thess 2:4


you shall not o Lev 25:17

You that You should o Job 10:3

He does not o Job 37:23

he loves to o Hos 12:7

o the widow or the Zech 7:10

Do not the rich o James 2:6


Whom have I o 1 Sam 12:3

For he has o and Job 20:19

fatherless and the o Ps 10:18

for all who are o Ps 103:6

The tears of the o Eccl 4:1

He was o and He was Is 53:7

her midst, and the o Amos 3:9

healing all who were o Acts 10:38

Lot, who was o by 2 Pet 2:7


o the poor reproaches Prov 14:31

o the poor to increase Prov 22:16

A poor man who o Prov 28:3


have surely seen the o Ex 3:7

“For the o of the Ps 12:5

Do not trust in o Ps 62:10

their life from o Ps 72:14

brought low through o Ps 107:39

Redeem me from the o Ps 119:134

considered all the o Eccl 4:1

o destroys a wise Eccl 7:7

justice, but behold, o Is 5:7

surely seen the o Acts 7:34


of o they cry out Job 35:9


the voice of the o Job 3:18

Do not envy the o Prov 3:31

is a great o Prov 28:16

of the fury of the o Is 51:13

No more shall an o Zech 9:8


not leave me to my o Ps 119:121

o there is power Eccl 4:1


received the living o Acts 7:38

were committed the o Rom 3:2

principles of the o Heb 5:12

let him speak as the o 1 Pet 4:11


infants You have o Ps 8:2

o you a prophet Jer 1:5

the Man whom He has o Acts 17:31


‘Set your house in o 2 Kin 20:1

set your words in o Job 33:5

you, and set them in o Ps 50:21

swept, and put in o Matt 12:44

done decently and in o 1 Cor 14:40

each one in his own o 1 Cor 15:23

to see your good o Col 2:5

according to the o Heb 5:6


o his conduct aright I Ps 50:23


resists the o of God Rom 13:2

yourselves to every o 1 Pet 2:13


Do you know the o Job 38:33

“If those o depart Jer 31:36

not appointed the o Jer 33:25

gone away from My o Mal 3:7

and fleshly o imposed Heb 9:10


Brilliant constellation, Job 9:9


will be a graceful o Prov 1:9

of gold and an o Prov 25:12

with them all as an o Is 49:18


a virgin forget her o Jer 2:32


Ruth’s sister-in-law, Ruth 1:4, 14


We have become o Lam 5:3

I will not leave you o John 14:18

to visit o and widows James 1:27


Called “the great and noble,” Ezra 4:10


o will dwell there Is 13:21

is cruel, like o Lam 4:3

a mourning like the o Mic 1:8


Son of Kenaz, Caleb’s youngest brother, Judg 1:13

Captures Kirjath Sepher; receives Caleb’s daughter as wife, Josh 15:15–17

First judge of Israel, Judg 3:9–11


what Israel o to do 1 Chr 12:32

These you o to have Matt 23:23

pray for as we o Rom 8:26

how you o to conduct 1 Tim 3:15

which they o not 1 Tim 5:13

persons o you to be 2 Pet 3:11


they called you an o Jer 30:17


gathers together the o Ps 147:2

will assemble the o Is 11:12

hide the o Is 16:3

Let My o dwell with Is 16:4


that there be no o Ps 144:14


lewdness and o in Judg 20:6


the other disciple o John 20:4


and dish, that the o Matt 23:26

Pharisees make the o Luke 11:39

toward those who are o Col 4:5

to Him, o the camp Heb 13:13

But o are dogs and Rev 22:15


and with an o arm Deut 26:8

against you with an o Jer 21:5


at the o appearance 1 Sam 16:7

adornment be merely o 1 Pet 3:3


appear beautiful o Matt 23:27

not a Jew who is one o Rom 2:28


The enemy shall not o Ps 89:22


make them as a fiery o Ps 21:9

burning like an o Mal 4:1

is thrown into the o Matt 6:30


My throne, as I also o Rev 3:21

And they o him by Rev 12:11


good cheer, I have o John 16:33

o evil with good Rom 12:21

because you have o 1 John 2:13

and the Lamb will o Rev 17:14


of God o the world 1 John 5:4

o I will give to eat Rev 2:7

o shall not be hurt Rev 2:11

o shall inherit all Rev 21:7


My heart is o with a Ps 45:1


Then he made him o Gen 39:4

having no captain, o Prov 6:7

to the Shepherd and O 1 Pet 2:25


Spirit has made you o Acts 20:28

you, serving as o 1 Pet 5:2


of the Highest will o Luke 1:35


does righteousness o Is 59:9

you feared shall o Jer 42:16

and o this chariot Acts 8:29

that this Day should o 1 Thess 5:4


No temptation has o 1 Cor 10:13

if a man is o in any Gal 6:1


So He o those cities Gen 19:25

will be as when God o Is 13:19

As God o Sodom and Jer 50:40

“I o some of you Amos 4:11


you shall utterly o Ex 23:24

o the righteous in Prov 18:5

o the throne of Hag 2:22

o the faith of some 2 Tim 2:18


Their judges are o Ps 141:6

of Sodom, which was o Lam 4:6

I will make it o Ezek 21:27

and Nineveh shall be o Jon 3:4


and o the mighty Job 12:19

o them in the night Job 34:25

o the words of the Prov 22:12


my heart is o within Lam 1:20

o the tables of the Matt 21:12

money and o the tables John 2:15


o the fatherless Job 6:27

sends them out, they o Job 12:15


when my heart is o Ps 61:2

and my spirit was o Ps 77:3

o their enemies Ps 78:53

waters would have o Ps 124:4

my spirit is o within Ps 143:4


Do not o to be rich Prov 23:4


‘How much do you o Luke 16:5

O no one anything Rom 13:8

o me even your own Philem 19


o him ten thousand Matt 18:24

fellow servants who o Matt 18:28

o five hundred denarii Luke 7:41


He came to His o John 1:11

having loved His o John 13:1

world would love its o John 15:19

and you are not your o 1 Cor 6:19

But each one has his o 1 Cor 7:7

For all seek their o Phil 2:21

from our sins in His o Rev 1:5


shall not muzzle an o Deut 25:4

“Will the wild o Job 39:9

you bind the wild o Job 39:10

like a young wild o Ps 29:6

exalted like a wild o Ps 92:10

o knows its owner Is 1:3

had the face of an o Ezek 1:10

Sabbath loose his o Luke 13:15

shall not muzzle an o 1 Cor 9:9


are majestic in p Prov 30:29


A gift in secret p Prov 21:14

for conciliation p Eccl 10:4


Same as Mesopotamia, Gen 24:10; see MESOPOTAMIA

Home of Isaac’s wife, Gen 25:20

Jacob flees to, Gen 28:2–7

Jacob returns from, Gen 31:17, 18

People of, called Syrians, Gen 31:24

Language of, called Aramaic, 2 Kin 18:26


p you shall bring Gen 3:16

p as a woman in Is 13:8

are filled with p Is 21:3

before her p came Is 66:7

Why is my p perpetual Jer 15:18

shall be no more p Rev 21:4


My heart is severely p Ps 55:4

I am p in my very Jer 4:19


this, it was too p Ps 73:16

for the present, but p Heb 12:11


The p of death Ps 116:3

having loosed the p Acts 2:24

upon them, as labor p 1 Thess 5:3


and she put p on her 2 Kin 9:30

your eyes with p Jer 4:30


it with cedar and p Jer 22:14


enter the King’s p Ps 45:15

a p of foreigners Is 25:2

guards his own p Luke 11:21

evident to the whole p Phil 1:13


out of the ivory p Ps 45:8

God is in her p Ps 48:3

has entered our p Jer 9:21


his face now grow p Is 29:22

and all faces turned p Jer 30:6

behold, a p horse Rev 6:8


of water and seventy p Ex 15:27

p trees and went out John 12:13

p branches in their Rev 7:9


struck Him with the p Matt 26:67

PALTI (or Paltiel)

Man to whom Saul gives Michal, David’s wife, in marriage, 1 Sam 25:44; 2 Sam 3:15


p his servant from Prov 29:21


People from, at Pentecost, Acts 2:10

Paul visits; John Mark returns home from, Acts 13:13; 15:38

Paul preaches in cities of, Acts 14:24, 25


The p of death Ps 18:4

P and sorrows will Is 13:8

labors with birth p Rom 8:22


the men of Benjamin p Judg 20:41


They p after the dust Amos 2:7


As the deer p for the Ps 42:1


Paul blinds Elymas at, Acts 13:6–13


“Can the p grow up Job 8:11


open my mouth in a p Ps 78:2

p He did not speak Matt 13:34

do You speak this p Luke 12:41


‘Does he not speak p Ezek 20:49

understand all the p Mark 4:13

rest it is given in p Luke 8:10


love does not p 1 Cor 13:4


will be with Me in P Luke 23:43

was caught up into P 2 Cor 12:4

in the midst of the P Rev 2:7


Residence of exiled Ishmael, Gen 21:21

Israelites camp in, Num 10:12

Headquarters of spies, Num 13:3, 26

Site of David’s refuge, 1 Sam 25:1


especially the p 2 Tim 4:13


p your transgressions Ex 23:21

O LORD, p my iniquity Ps 25:11

He will abundantly p Is 55:7

p all their iniquities Jer 33:8


is a God like You, p Mic 7:18


will rise up against p Matt 10:21

has left house or p Luke 18:29

disobedient to p Rom 1:30

to lay up for the p 2 Cor 12:14


One of the first seven deacons, Acts 6:5


You have no p in the Josh 22:25

has chosen that good p Luke 10:42

you, you have no p John 13:8

For we know in p 1 Cor 13:9

p has a believer 2 Cor 6:15

shall take away his p Rev 22:19


for we all p of that 1 Cor 10:17

you cannot p of the 1 Cor 10:21


and have been a p Ps 50:18

in hope should be p 1 Cor 9:10

Christ, and also a p 1 Pet 5:1


Gentiles have been p Rom 15:27

of the sacrifices p 1 Cor 10:18

know that as you are p 2 Cor 1:7

gospel, you all are p Phil 1:7

qualified us to be p Col 1:12

For we have become p Heb 3:14


them, that He was p Luke 24:51

so sharp that they p Acts 15:39


You shall not be p Lev 19:15


You shall not show p Deut 1:17

unjustly, and show p Ps 82:2

is not good to show p Prov 18:5

but have shown p Mal 2:9

that God shows no p Acts 10:34

For there is no p Rom 2:11

doing nothing with p 1 Tim 5:21

but if you show p James 2:9

good fruits, without p James 3:17


revelries, drinking p 1 Pet 4:3


the Testimony, and p Ex 40:3


Whoever is a p with a Prov 29:24

you count me as a p Philem 17


when one hunts a p 1 Sam 26:20


anything but death p Ruth 1:17

in the inward p Ps 51:6

Shout, you lower p Is 44:23

but our presentable p 1 Cor 12:24

into the lower p Eph 4:9


Official opposing Jeremiah, Jer 21:1; 38:1–13

———Priest who puts Jeremiah in jail, Jer 20:1–6


I will p over you Ex 12:13

All have come to p Josh 23:14

of the sea that p Ps 8:8

When you p through the Is 43:2

“I will make you p Ezek 20:37

I will not p by them Amos 7:8

and earth will p Matt 24:35


And behold, the LORD p 1 Kin 19:11

forbearance God had p Rom 3:25

High Priest who has p Heb 4:14

know that we have p 1 John 3:14


For the wind p over it Ps 103:16

of Christ which p Eph 3:19


than to burn with p 1 Cor 7:9

uncleanness, p, evil Col 3:5


gave them up to vile p Rom 1:26


It is the LORD’s P Ex 12:11

of King Josiah this P 2 Kin 23:23

I will keep the P Matt 26:18

indeed Christ, our P 1 Cor 5:7

By faith he kept the P Heb 11:28


My days are p Job 17:11

lo, the winter is p Song 2:11

and His ways p finding Rom 11:33

ways spoke in time p Heb 1:1

p lifetime in doing 1 Pet 4:3


and some p and Eph 4:11


the sheep of Your p Ps 74:1

the people of His p Ps 95:7

feed them in good p Ezek 34:14

in and out and find p John 10:9


to lie down in green p Ps 23:2


p no bird knows Job 28:7

You will show me the p Ps 16:11

lead me in a smooth p Ps 27:11

But the p of the just Prov 4:18

way in the sea and a p Is 43:16


Described as a lowly kingdom, Ezek 29:14–16

Refuge for dispersed Jews, Jer 44:1–15

Jews to be regathered from, Is 11:11


He leads me in the p Ps 23:3

Teach me Your p Ps 25:4

and all her p are Prov 3:17

p they have not Is 42:16

themselves crooked p Is 59:8

Make His p straight Matt 3:3

and make straight p Heb 12:13


‘Master, have p Matt 18:26

and bear fruit with p Luke 8:15

Now may the God of p Rom 15:5

labor of love, and p 1 Thess 1:3

faith, love, p 1 Tim 6:11

your faith produces p James 1:3

p have its perfect James 1:4

in the kingdom and p Rev 1:9

Here is the p and the Rev 13:10


rejoicing in hope, p Rom 12:12

uphold the weak, be p 1 Thess 5:14


the LORD, and wait p Ps 37:7

if you take it p 1 Pet 2:20


John, banished here, receives the Revelation, Rev 1:9


begot the twelve p Acts 7:8


p which you were Ex 26:30

as you have us for a p Phil 3:17

Hold fast the p 2 Tim 1:13

p shown you on the Heb 8:5


Roman citizen from Tarsus; studied under Gamaliel, Acts 22:3, 25–28

Originally called Saul; persecutes the church, Acts 7:58; 8:1, 3; 9:1, 2

Converted on road to Damascus, Acts 9:3–19

Preaches in Damascus; escapes to Jerusalem and then to Tarsus, Acts 9:20–30

Ministers in Antioch; sent to Jerusalem, Acts 11:25–30

First missionary journey, Acts 13; 14

Speaks for Gentiles at Jerusalem Council, Acts 15:1–5, 12

Second missionary journey, Acts 15:36–18:22

Third missionary journey, Acts 18:23–21:14

Arrested in Jerusalem; defense before Roman authorities, Acts 21:15–26:32

Sent to Rome, Acts 27:1–28:31

His epistles, Rom; 1 and 2 Cor; Gal; Eph; Phil; Col; 1 and 2 Thess; 1 and 2 Tim; Titus; Philem


Roman proconsul of Cyprus, Acts 13:4, 7


shall hide me in His p Ps 27:5

them secretly in a p Ps 31:20


He p in the valley Job 39:21


with which to p Prov 22:27

priests teach for p Mic 3:11

with me, and I will p Matt 18:26

p taxes to Caesar Matt 22:17

For you p tithe of Matt 23:23


“These men are at p Gen 34:21

I will give p in the Lev 26:6

you, and give you p Num 6:26

‘Make p with me by a 2 Kin 18:31

field shall be at p Job 5:23

both lie down in p Ps 4:8

seek p and pursue it Ps 34:14

for He will speak p Ps 85:8

p have those who Ps 119:165

I am for p Ps 120:7

for the p of Jerusalem Ps 122:6

P be within your walls Ps 122:7

P be upon Israel Ps 125:5

war, and a time of p Eccl 3:8

Father, Prince of P Is 9:6

keep him in perfect p Is 26:3

p they have not Is 59:8

slightly, saying, ‘P Jer 6:14

“We looked for p Jer 8:15

give you assured p Jer 14:13

they will seek p Ezek 7:25

P be multiplied Dan 4:1

this One shall be p Mic 5:5

place I will give p Hag 2:9

is worthy, let your p Matt 10:13

that I came to bring p Matt 10:34

and on earth p Luke 2:14

if a son of p is there Luke 10:6

that make for your p Luke 19:42

I leave with you, My p John 14:27

in Me you may have p John 16:33

Grace to you and p Rom 1:7

by faith, we have p Rom 5:1

God has called us to p 1 Cor 7:15

p will be with you 2 Cor 13:11

Spirit is love, joy, p Gal 5:22

He Himself is our p Eph 2:14

and the p of God Phil 4:7

heaven, having made p Col 1:20

And let the p of God Col 3:15

Be at p among 1 Thess 5:13

faith, love, p 2 Tim 2:22

meaning “king of p,”Heb 7:2

is sown in p by those James 3:18

p be multiplied 2 Pet 1:2


and p life in all 1 Tim 2:2

is first pure, then p James 3:17


on you, live p Rom 12:18


in a p habitation Is 32:18


Blessed are the p Matt 5:9


had found one p Matt 13:46

gate was of one p Rev 21:21


nor cast your p Matt 7:6

hair or gold or p 1 Tim 2:9

gates were twelve p Rev 21:21


wife, took a tent p Judg 4:21

will fasten him as a p Is 22:23


Son of Remaliah; usurps Israel’s throne, 2 Kin 15:25–28

Forms alliance with Rezin of Syria against Ahaz, Is 7:1–9

Alliance defeated; captives returned, 2 Kin 16:5–9

Territory of, overrun by Tiglath-Pileser, 2 Kin 15:29

Assassinated by Hoshea, 2 Kin 15:30


Son of Menahem; king of Israel, 2 Kin 15:22–26

Assassinated by Pekah, 2 Kin 15:23–25


My tongue is the p Ps 45:1

on it with a man’s p Is 8:1

to write to you with p 3 John 13


have paid the last p Matt 5:26


P had fully come Acts 2:1


Place east of Jordan; site of Jacob’s wrestling with angel, Gen 32:24–31

Inhabitants of, slain by Gideon, Judg 8:8, 9, 17


will take you as My p Ex 6:7

Who is like you, a p Deut 33:29

p shall be my p Ruth 1:16

if My p who are called 2 Chr 7:14

p who know the joyful Ps 89:15

We are His p and the Ps 100:3

Happy are the p Ps 144:15

“Blessed is Egypt My p Is 19:25

this is a rebellious p Is 30:9

p who provoke Me Is 65:3

and they shall be My p Jer 24:7

for you are not My p Hos 1:9

like p, like priest Hos 4:9

to make ready a p Luke 1:17

take out of them a p Acts 15:14

who were not My p Rom 9:25

and they shall be My p 2 Cor 6:16

His own special p Titus 2:14

LORD will judge His p Heb 10:30

but are now the p 1 Pet 2:10

tribe and tongue and p Rev 5:9

they shall be His p Rev 21:3


Mountain of Moab opposite Jericho, Num 23:28

Israel’s camp seen from, Num 24:2

———Moabite god called Baal of Peor, Num 25:3, 5, 18

Israelites punished for worship of, Num 31:16


given you a heart to p Deut 29:4

but I cannot p Job 23:8

seeing, but do not p Is 6:9

may see and not p Mark 4:12


except the son of p John 17:12

to them a proof of p Phil 1:28

revealed, the son of p 2 Thess 2:3

who draw back to p Heb 10:39

day of judgment and p 2 Pet 3:7


One of Judah’s twin sons by Tamar, Gen 38:24–30


Noah was a just man, p Gen 6:9

one who is p in Job 36:4

for God, His way is p Ps 18:30

You were p in your Ezek 28:15

Father in heaven is p Matt 5:48

“If you want to be p Matt 19:21

they may be made p John 17:23

and p will of God Rom 12:2

when that which is p 1 Cor 13:10

present every man p Col 1:28

the law made nothing p Heb 7:19

of just men made p Heb 12:23

good gift and every p James 1:17

in word, he is a p James 3:2

p love casts out fear 1 John 4:18


third day I shall be p Luke 13:32

or am already p Phil 3:12

the Son who has been p Heb 7:28

the love of God is p 1 John 2:5


the p of beauty Ps 50:2

consummation of all p Ps 119:96

let us go on to p Heb 6:1


p Your statutes Ps 119:112

am ready to p My word Jer 1:12

how to p what is good Rom 7:18


Visited by Paul, Acts 13:13, 14; 14:25


Site of one of the seven churches, Rev 1:11

Special message to, Rev 2:12–17


or nakedness, or p Rom 8:35


from the p pestilence Ps 91:3

in the last days p 2 Tim 3:1


journeys often, in p 2 Cor 11:26


“Surely we die, we p Num 17:12

All flesh would p Job 34:15

they p at the rebuke Ps 80:16

very day his plans p Ps 146:4

so that we may not p Jon 1:6

little ones should p Matt 18:14

will all likewise p Luke 13:3

in Him should not p John 3:16

they shall never p John 10:28

concern things which p Col 2:22

among those who p 2 Thess 2:10

that any should p 2 Pet 3:9


do it to obtain a p 1 Cor 9:25


p being innocent Job 4:7

Truth has p and has Jer 7:28

The faithful man has p Mic 7:2


We are p Matt 8:25

to those who are p 2 Cor 4:3


One of seven Canaanite nations, Deut 7:1

Possessed Palestine in Abraham’s time, Gen 13:7

Jacob’s fear of, Gen 34:30

Many of, slain by Judah, Judg 1:4, 5


p shall be expelled Zech 5:3


the Spirit did not p Acts 16:7

I do not p a woman 1 Tim 2:12


you, if the Lord p 1 Cor 16:7

we will do if God p Heb 6:3


p no one to do them Ps 105:14


Your name shall be p Nah 1:14


at one another, p John 13:22

we are p 2 Cor 4:8


p me as God does Job 19:22

p me wrongfully Ps 119:86

when they revile and p Matt 5:11

Bless those who p Rom 12:14


p the poor and needy Ps 109:16

p the prophets who Matt 5:12

If they p Me John 15:20

p the church of God 1 Cor 15:9

p, but not forsaken 2 Cor 4:9

p us now preaches the Gal 1:23


wicked in his pride p Ps 10:2


p arises because of Matt 13:21

At that time a great p Acts 8:1

do I still suffer p Gal 5:11


a blasphemer, a p 1 Tim 1:13


tribulation produces p Rom 5:3

to this end will all p Eph 6:18

longsuffering, love, p 2 Tim 3:10

to self-control p 2 Pet 1:6


kept My command to p Rev 3:10


p he will rise and Luke 11:8


In whose eyes a vile p Ps 15:4

p will suffer hunger Prov 19:15

do not regard the p Matt 22:16

express image of His p Heb 1:3

let it be the hidden p 1 Pet 3:4


“You almost p me Acts 26:28

the Lord, we p men 2 Cor 5:11

For do I now p men Gal 1:10


a ruler is p Prov 25:15

neither will they be p Luke 16:31

p that He is able 2 Tim 1:12


p words of human 1 Cor 2:4

you with p words Col 2:4


Priest in things p Heb 2:17

for men in things p Heb 5:1


things the earth is p Prov 30:21


your way is p Num 22:32

for the p person is an Prov 3:32

p lips far from you Prov 4:24

p heart will be Prov 12:8

p man sows strife Prov 16:28

but he who is p Prov 28:18

from this p generation Acts 2:40


in oppression and p Is 30:12


You shall not p Deut 16:19

and p all equity Mic 3:9

p the gospel of Christ Gal 1:7


We found this fellow p Luke 23:2

will you not cease p Acts 13:10


p the words of the Ex 23:8

p his ways will become Prov 10:9


from the perilous p Ps 91:3

p that walks in Ps 91:6

Before Him went p Hab 3:5


will be famines, p Matt 24:7


Fisherman; called to discipleship, Matt 4:18–20; John 1:40–42

Called as apostle, Matt 10:2–4

Walks on water, Matt 14:28–33

Confesses Christ’s deity, Matt 16:13–19

Rebuked by Christ, Matt 16:21–23

Witnesses Transfiguration, Matt 17:1–8; 2 Pet 1:16–18

Denies Christ three times, Matt 26:69–75

Commissioned to feed Christ’s sheep, John 21:15–17

Leads disciples, Acts 1:15–26

Preaches at Pentecost, Acts 2:1–41

Performs miracles, Acts 3:1–11; 5:14–16; 9:32–43

Called to minister to Gentiles, Acts 10

Defends his visit to Gentiles, Acts 11:1–18

Imprisoned and delivered, Acts 12:3–19

Speaks at Jerusalem Council, Acts 15:7–14

Writes epistles, 1 Pet 1:1; 2 Pet 1:1


of Israel grant your p 1 Sam 1:17


fulfill all your p Ps 20:5

p that we have asked 1 John 5:15


Kings of Egypt, contemporaries of:

Abraham, Gen 12:15–20

Joseph, Gen 40; 41

Moses in youth, Ex 1:8–11

the Exodus, Ex 5–14

Solomon, 1 Kin 3:1; 11:17–20

Other Pharaohs, 1 Kin 14:25, 26; 2 Kin 17:4; 18:21; 19:9; 23:29; Jer 44:30


to pray, one a P Luke 18:10

and brethren, I am a P Acts 23:6


City of Lydia in Asia Minor; church established here, Rev 1:11


Christian at Colosse to whom Paul writes, Philem 1

Paul appeals to him to receive Onesimus, Philem 9–21


False teacher, 2 Tim 2:17, 18


Son of Herod the Great, Matt 14:3

———One of the twelve apostles, Matt 10:3

Brings Nathanael to Christ, John 1:43–48

Tested by Christ, John 6:5–7

Introduces Greeks to Christ, John 12:20–22

Gently rebuked by Christ, John 14:8–12

———One of the first seven deacons, Acts 6:5

Called an evangelist, Acts 21:8

Preaches in Samaria, Acts 8:5–13

Leads the Ethiopian eunuch to Christ, Acts 8:26–40


City of Macedonia (named after Philip of Macedon); visited by Paul, Acts 16:12; 20:6

Paul writes letter to church of, Phil 1:1


The land of the Philistines, Gen 21:32, 34; Josh 13:2; Ps 60:8


Not attacked by Joshua, Josh 13:1–3

Left to test Israel, Judg 3:1–4

God delivers Israel to, as punishment, Judg 10:6, 7

Israel delivered from, by Samson, Judg 13–16

Capture, then return the ark of the Lord, 1 Sam 4–6

Wars and dealings with Saul and David, 1 Sam 13:15–14:23; 17:1–52; 18:25–27; 21:10–15; 27:1–28:6; 29:1–11; 31:1–13; 2 Sam 5:17–25

Originally on the island of Caphtor, Jer 47:4

Prophecies concerning, Is 9:11, 12; Jer 25:15–20; 47:1–7; Ezek 25:15–17; Zeph 2:4–6


p encountered him Acts 17:18


cheat you through p Col 2:8


Aaron’s grandson; executes God’s judgment, Num 25:1–18; Ps 106:30, 31

Settles dispute over memorial altar, Josh 22:11–32

———Younger son of Eli; abuses his office, 1 Sam 1:3; 2:12–17, 22–36

Killed by Philistines, 1 Sam 4:11, 17


Mediterranean coastal region including the cities of Ptolemais, Tyre, Zarephath and Sidon; evangelized by early Christians, Acts 11:19

Jesus preaches here, Matt 15:21


Jews from, at Pentecost, Acts 2:1, 10

Visited twice by Paul, Acts 16:6


They make their p Matt 23:5


Gilead, is there no p Jer 8:22

have no need of a p Matt 9:12

Luke the beloved p Col 4:14


are all worthless p Job 13:4

her livelihood on p Luke 8:43


for my wages thirty p Zech 11:12

they took the thirty p Matt 27:9

shall be dashed to p Rev 2:17


and his master shall p Ex 21:6

a sword will p Luke 2:35


p My hands and My feet Ps 22:16

on Me whom they have p Zech 12:10

of the soldiers p John 19:34

p themselves through 1 Tim 6:10

and they also who p Rev 1:7


p even to the division Heb 4:12


first learn to show p 1 Tim 5:4


Israel camps there before crossing the Red Sea, Ex 14:2, 9; Num 33:7, 8


Governor of Judea (A.D. 26–36), Luke 3:1

Questions Jesus and delivers Him to Jews, Matt 27:2, 11–26; John 18:28–19:16


heart is set on p Ps 84:5

In the house of my p Ps 119:54


we are aliens and p 1 Chr 29:15

were strangers and p Heb 11:13


and she became a p Gen 19:26

and by night in a p Ex 13:21

the living God, the p 1 Tim 3:15


break their sacred p Ex 34:13

I set up its p firmly Ps 75:3

out her seven p Prov 9:1

blood and fire and p Joel 2:30

and his feet like p Rev 10:1


rudder wherever the p James 3:4


cypress tree and the p Is 41:19

for these p away Lam 4:9


set Him on the p Luke 4:9


Balaam offers sacrifice upon, Num 23:14

Moses views Promised Land from, Deut 3:27

Site of Moses’ death, Deut 34:1–7


One of Eden’s four rivers, Gen 2:10, 11


Twice visited by Paul, Acts 13:13, 14; 14:24


cast him into some p Gen 37:20

soul draws near the P Job 33:22

who go down to the p Ps 28:1

woman is a deep p Prov 22:14

a harlot is a deep p Prov 23:27

fall into his own p Prov 28:10

my life in the p Lam 3:53

who descend into the P Ezek 31:16

up my life from the p Jon 2:6

from the waterless p Zech 9:11

if it falls into a p Matt 12:11

into the bottomless p Rev 20:3


hand, with empty p Judg 7:16


of all men the most p 1 Cor 15:19


The proud have dug p Ps 119:85


eye shall have no p Deut 7:16

“Have p on me Job 19:21

for someone to take p Ps 69:20

He who has p on the Prov 19:17

p He redeemed them Is 63:9

land, and p His people Joel 2:18

And should I not p Jon 4:11

just as I had p Matt 18:33


p know him anymore Job 7:10

All go to one p Eccl 3:20

return again to My p Hos 5:15

Come, see the p Matt 28:6

My word has no p John 8:37

I go to prepare a p John 14:2

might go to his own p Acts 1:25


set them in slippery p Ps 73:18

dark p of the earth Ps 74:20

and the rough p Is 40:4

They love the best p Matt 23:6

in the heavenly p Eph 1:3


bring yet one more p Ex 11:1

p come near your Ps 91:10

and the p was stopped Ps 106:30


I will send all My p Ex 9:14

I will be your p Hos 13:14

p that are written Rev 22:18


the Christ, tell us p John 10:24

now You are speaking p John 16:29

such things declare p Heb 11:14


p evil things in their Ps 140:2

Let none of you p Zech 7:10


First remove the p Matt 7:5


He makes the p of the Ps 33:10

in that very day his p Ps 146:4

that devises wicked p Prov 6:18

A man’s heart p Prov 16:9

P are established Prov 20:18


A time to p Eccl 3:2

Him as a tender p Is 53:2

they shall p vineyards Is 65:21

p of an alien vine Jer 2:21

p which My heavenly Matt 15:13


shall be like a tree p Ps 1:3

Your right hand has p Ps 80:15

shall they be p Is 40:24

by the roots and be p Luke 17:6

I p, Apollos watered 1 Cor 3:6


our sons may be as p Ps 144:12

down its choice p Is 16:8

neither he who p 1 Cor 3:7


scribe stood on a p Neh 8:4


head here on a p Matt 14:8


and rose up to p Ex 32:6

p skillfully with a Ps 33:3

nursing child shall p Is 11:8

and rose up to p 1 Cor 10:7


the one who would p Judg 6:31

Oh, that one might p Job 16:21

p my cause against an Ps 43:1

p with your friend Prov 6:3

Behold, I will p Jer 2:35

p His case with all Jer 25:31


Then Moses p with the Ex 32:11

this thing I p with 2 Cor 12:8


though God were p 2 Cor 5:20


food, that it was p Gen 3:6

they despised the p Ps 106:24

how good and how p Ps 133:1

and knowledge is p Prov 2:10

P words are like a Prov 16:24

p places of the Jer 23:10

Is he a p child Jer 31:20

I ate no p food Dan 10:3


Her ways are ways of p Prov 3:17


When a man’s ways p Prov 16:7

do those things that p John 8:29

in the flesh cannot p Rom 8:8

p his neighbor for his Rom 15:2

how he may p the Lord 1 Cor 7:32

Or do I seek to p men Gal 1:10

is impossible to p Him Heb 11:6


Then You shall be p Ps 51:19

The LORD is well p Is 42:21

Would he be p with you Mal 1:8

in whom I am well p Matt 3:17

God was not well p 1 Cor 10:5

testimony, that he p Heb 11:5

in whom I am well p 2 Pet 1:17


He does whatever He p Ps 115:3

Whatever the LORD p Ps 135:6


sacrifice, well p Phil 4:18

for this is well p Col 3:20

in you what is well p Heb 13:21


not a God who takes p Ps 5:4

Do good in Your good p Ps 51:18

Your servants take p Ps 102:14

p will be a poor man Prov 21:17

for He has no p Eccl 5:4

shall perform all My p Is 44:28

your fast you find p Is 58:3

nor finding your own p Is 58:13

Do I have any p Ezek 18:23

I have no p in you Mal 1:10

your Father’s good p Luke 12:32

to the good p of His Eph 1:5

fulfill all the good p 2 Thess 1:11

p is dead while 1 Tim 5:6

for sin You had no p Heb 10:6

back, My soul has no p Heb 10:38

p that war in your James 4:1

on the earth in p James 5:5


Your right hand are p Ps 16:11

cares, riches, and p Luke 8:14

to enjoy the passing p Heb 11:25


Part of God’s creation, Job 9:9; Amos 5:8


You, O God, sent a p Ps 68:9

The harvest truly is p Matt 9:37


rich man yielded p Luke 12:16


p which were in the Gen 41:53

LORD will grant you p Deut 28:11

his land will have p Prov 28:19


He laughs at the p Job 9:23


and the people p Ps 2:1

p became known to Saul Acts 9:24


The wicked p against Ps 37:12


and p to take Jesus by Matt 26:4

chief priests p John 12:10


lazy man will not p Prov 20:4

Does one p there with Amos 6:12

put his hand to the p Luke 9:62

he who plows should p 1 Cor 9:10


“Zion shall be p Jer 26:18

You have p wickedness Hos 10:13

of you Zion shall be p Mic 3:12


p shall overtake the Amos 9:13


grain, you may p Deut 23:25

who pass by the way p Ps 80:12

obey, I will utterly p Jer 12:17

p the heads of grain Mark 2:23


p the victim from his Job 29:17

cheeks to those who p Is 50:6

And His disciples p Luke 6:1

you would have p Gal 4:15


a p line, with a p Amos 7:7

rejoice to see the p Zech 4:10


p the Egyptians Ex 3:22

who pass by the way p Ps 89:41

The p of the poor is Is 3:14

p you shall become Jer 30:16

house and p his goods Matt 12:29


stouthearted were p Ps 76:5

a people robbed and p Is 42:22

“And when you are p Jer 4:30

Because you have p Hab 2:8


me because of the p Is 22:4

accepted the p of your Heb 10:34


some of your own p Acts 17:28


the p of asps is under Ps 140:3

“The p of asps is Rom 3:13

evil, full of deadly p James 3:8


p by bitterness Acts 8:23

p their minds against Acts 14:2


have escaped the p 2 Pet 2:20


multitude and their p Is 5:14

p is brought down to Is 14:11

had come with great p Acts 25:23


and a mouth speaking p Dan 7:8


P the path of your Prov 4:26


p them in her heart Luke 2:19


p all his paths Prov 5:21


Jews from, at Pentecost, Acts 2:5, 9

Home of Aquila, Acts 18:2

Christians of, addressed by Peter, 1 Pet 1:1


the wilderness a p Is 41:18

by the Sheep Gate a p John 5:2


also covers it with p Ps 84:6

a wilderness into p Ps 107:35

your eyes like the p Song 7:4


p shall not give less Ex 30:15

be partial to the p Lev 19:15

p will never cease Deut 15:11

So the p have hope Job 5:16

and forsaken the p Job 20:19

I delivered the p Job 29:12

soul grieved for the p Job 30:25

p shall eat and be Ps 22:26

p man cried out Ps 34:6

But I am p and needy Ps 40:17

goodness for the p Ps 68:10

Let the p and needy Ps 74:21

yet He sets the p Ps 107:41

He raises the p Ps 113:7

a slack hand becomes p Prov 10:4

p man is hated even Prov 14:20

has mercy on the p Prov 14:21

who oppresses the p Prov 14:31

p reproaches his Maker Prov 17:5

p man is better than a Prov 19:22

p have this in common Prov 22:2

Do not rob the p Prov 22:22

p man who oppresses Prov 28:3

remembered that same p Eccl 9:15

for silver, and the p Amos 2:6

the alien or the p Zech 7:10

in particular the p Zech 11:7

“Blessed are the p Matt 5:3

p have the gospel Matt 11:5

For you have the p Matt 26:11

your sakes He became p 2 Cor 8:9

should remember the p Gal 2:10

God not chosen the p James 2:5

have dishonored the p James 2:6

wretched, miserable, p Rev 3:17


Paul stands trial before, Acts 25:1–22


For the LORD’s p Deut 32:9

double p of your spirit 2 Kin 2:9

This is the p from God Job 20:29

O LORD, You are the p Ps 16:5

heart and my p forever Ps 73:26

You are my p Ps 119:57

I will divide Him a p Is 53:12

rejoice in their p Is 61:7

The P of Jacob is not Jer 10:16

they have trodden My p Jer 12:10

“The LORD is my p Lam 3:24

and appoint him his p Matt 24:51

to give them their p Luke 12:42

give me the p Luke 15:12


Christ was clearly p Gal 3:1


If a man desires the p 1 Tim 3:1


descendants shall p Gen 22:17

p the land which Josh 1:11

By your patience p Luke 21:19

p his own vessel 1 Thess 4:4


much land yet to be p Josh 13:1

“The LORD p me at Prov 8:22

of the things he p Acts 4:32


and yet p all things 2 Cor 6:10


as an everlasting p Gen 17:8

the rest of their p Ps 17:14

they did not gain p Ps 44:3

of the purchased p Eph 1:14

and an enduring p Heb 10:34


is full of Your p Ps 104:24

kinds of precious p Prov 1:13

Yes, I had greater p Eccl 2:7

for he had great p Mark 10:22

and there wasted his p Luke 15:13

and sold their p Acts 2:45


God all things are p Matt 19:26

p that the blood Heb 10:4


to preserve a p Gen 45:7

p shall serve Him Ps 22:30

p who approve their Ps 49:13


to Aaron, “Take a p Ex 16:33

from a boiling p Job 41:20

The refining p is for Prov 17:3

p that had the manna Heb 9:4


the blessed and only P 1 Tim 6:15


High Egyptian officer, Gen 39:1

Puts Joseph in jail, Gen 39:20


when we sat by the p Ex 16:3

also took away the p Jer 52:18

are regarded as clay p Lam 4:2


for himself a p Job 2:8

is dried up like a p Ps 22:15

Let the p strive with Is 45:9


Judas’s money used for purchase of, Matt 27:7, 8


p out your heart Ps 62:8

P out Your wrath Ps 79:6

p My Spirit on your Is 44:3

and let the skies p Is 45:8

P out Your fury Jer 10:25

that I will p out My Joel 2:28

“And I will p Zech 12:10

angels, “Go and p Rev 16:1


And now my soul is p Job 30:16

I am p out like water Ps 22:14

grace is p upon Your Ps 45:2

name is ointment p Song 1:3

visited You, they p Is 26:16

strong, because He p Is 53:12

and My fury will be p Jer 7:20

His fury is p out like Nah 1:6

broke the flask and p Mark 14:3

of God has been p Rom 5:5

if I am being p Phil 2:17

I am already being p 2 Tim 4:6

whom He p out on us Titus 3:6


of the poor is their p Prov 10:15

but it leads to p Prov 11:24

P and shame will come Prov 13:18

leads only to p Prov 14:23

lest you come to p Prov 20:13

give me neither p Prov 30:8

p put in all the Luke 21:4

and their deep p 2 Cor 8:2

p might become rich 2 Cor 8:9

tribulation, and p Rev 2:9


that I may show My p Ex 9:16

become glorious in p Ex 15:6

for God has p to help 2 Chr 25:8

him who is without p Job 26:2

p who can understand Job 26:14

p belongs to God Ps 62:11

p Your enemies shall Ps 66:3

gives strength and p Ps 68:35

a king is, there is p Eccl 8:4

No one has p over the Eccl 8:8

the strength of His p Is 40:26

truly I am full of p Mic 3:8

anger and great in p Nah 1:3

‘Not by might nor by p Zech 4:6

the kingdom and the p Matt 6:13

the Son of Man has p Matt 9:6

who had given such p Matt 9:8

p over unclean spirits Matt 10:1

Scriptures nor the p Matt 22:29

p to heal sicknesses Mark 3:15

p had gone out of Him Mark 5:30

Jesus returned in the p Luke 4:14

And the p of the Lord Luke 5:17

p went out from Him Luke 6:19

you are endued with p Luke 24:49

I have p to lay it John 10:18

not know that I have p John 19:10

“You could have no p John 19:11

you shall receive p Acts 1:8

as though by our own p Acts 3:12

man is the great p Acts 8:10

“Give me this p Acts 8:19

for it is the p Rom 1:16

even His eternal p Rom 1:20

saved it is the p 1 Cor 1:18

Greeks, Christ the p 1 Cor 1:24

not in word but in p 1 Cor 4:20

be brought under the p 1 Cor 6:12

that the p of Christ 2 Cor 12:9

greatness of His p Eph 1:19

working of His p Eph 3:7

the Lord and in the p Eph 6:10

to His glorious p Col 1:11

the glory of His p 2 Thess 1:9

of fear, but of p 2 Tim 1:7

by the word of His p Heb 1:3

p of death, that Heb 2:14

but according to the p Heb 7:16

as His divine p 2 Pet 1:3

dominion and p Jude 25

to him I will give p Rev 2:26

glory and honor and p Rev 4:11

honor and glory and p Rev 5:13


of the LORD is p Ps 29:4

of God is living and p Heb 4:12


principalities and p Col 2:15

word of God and the p Heb 6:5


Pilate’s, in Jerusalem, Mark 15:16; John 18:28; Matt 27:27

———Herod’s palace at Caesarea, Acts 23:35


your brothers shall p Gen 49:8

He is your p Deut 10:21

I will sing p to the Judg 5:3

p shall be of You in Ps 22:25

For p from the upright Ps 33:1

p shall continually be Ps 34:1

the people shall p Ps 45:17

Whoever offers p Ps 50:23

P is awaiting You Ps 65:1

make His p glorious Ps 66:2

let all the peoples p Ps 67:3

Let heaven and earth p Ps 69:34

p shall be continually Ps 71:6

And the heavens will p Ps 89:5

silent, O God of my p Ps 109:1

Seven times a day I p Ps 119:164

All Your works shall p Ps 145:10

shall speak the p Ps 145:21

P the LORD Ps 148:1

that has breath p Ps 150:6

Let another man p Prov 27:2

let her own works p Prov 31:31

And your gates P Is 60:18

He makes Jerusalem a p Is 62:7

For You are my p Jer 17:14

Me a name of joy, a p Jer 33:9

give you fame and p Zeph 3:20

You have perfected p Matt 21:16

of men more than the p John 12:43

p is not from men but Rom 2:29

Then each one’s p 1 Cor 4:5

the brother whose p 2 Cor 8:18

should be to the p Eph 1:12

to the glory and p Phil 1:11

I will sing p to You Heb 2:12

the sacrifice of p Heb 13:15

and for the p of those 1 Pet 2:14

saying, “P our God Rev 19:5


who is worthy to be p 2 Sam 22:4

daily He shall be p Ps 72:15

LORD’s name is to be p Ps 113:3

and greatly to be p Ps 145:3

where our fathers p Is 64:11

the Most High and p Dan 4:34


enthroned in the p Ps 22:3

it is good to sing p Ps 147:1

and he p her Prov 31:28

shall proclaim the p Is 60:6

you may proclaim the p 1 Pet 2:9


if there is anything p Phil 4:8


they will still be p Ps 84:4

of the heavenly host p Luke 2:13

in the temple p Luke 24:53


LORD in ceasing to p 1 Sam 12:23

humble themselves, and p 2 Chr 7:14

at noon I will p Ps 55:17

who hate you, and p Matt 5:44

“And when you p Matt 6:5

But you, when you p Matt 6:6

manner, therefore, p Matt 6:9

Watch and p Matt 26:41

to the mountain to p Mark 6:46

“Lord, teach us to p Luke 11:1

men always ought to p Luke 18:1

And I will p John 14:16

I do not p for the John 17:9

“I do not p for John 17:20

know what we should p Rom 8:26

I will p with the 1 Cor 14:15

p without ceasing 1 Thess 5:17

Brethren, p for us 1 Thess 5:25

therefore that the men p 1 Tim 2:8

Let him p James 5:13

to one another, and p James 5:16

say that he should p 1 John 5:16

p that you may prosper 3 John 2


Pharisee stood and p Luke 18:11

p more earnestly Luke 22:44

p earnestly that it James 5:17


in heaven their p 1 Kin 8:45

p made in this place 2 Chr 7:15

fear, and restrain p Job 15:4

And my p is pure Job 16:17

p would return to my Ps 35:13

A p to the God of my Ps 42:8

P also will be made Ps 72:15

Let my p come before Ps 88:2

He shall regard the p Ps 102:17

but I give myself to p Ps 109:4

to the LORD, but the p Prov 15:8

not go out except by p Matt 17:21

all night in p to God Luke 6:12

continually to p Acts 6:4

where p was Acts 16:13

steadfastly in p Rom 12:12

to fasting and p 1 Cor 7:5

always with all p Eph 6:18

but in everything by p Phil 4:6

the word of God and p 1 Tim 4:5

And the p of faith James 5:15


though you make many p Is 1:15

pretense make long p Matt 23:14

fervently for you in p Col 4:12

that supplications, p 1 Tim 2:1

p may not be hindered 1 Pet 3:7

are open to their p 1 Pet 3:12

and watchful in your p 1 Pet 4:7

which are the p Rev 5:8

with the p of the saints Rev 8:4


that great city, and p Jon 3:2

time Jesus began to p Matt 4:17

you hear in the ear, p Matt 10:27

P the gospel to the Luke 4:18

p the kingdom of God Luke 9:60

And how shall they p Rom 10:15

p Christ crucified 1 Cor 1:23

is me if I do not p 1 Cor 9:16

I or they, so we p 1 Cor 15:11

For we do not p 2 Cor 4:5

p Christ even from Phil 1:15

P the word 2 Tim 4:2


p that people Mark 6:12

out and p everywhere Mark 16:20

of sins should be p Luke 24:47

p Christ to them Acts 8:5

through this Man is p Acts 13:38

lest, when I have p 1 Cor 9:27

whom we have not p 2 Cor 11:4

than what we have p Gal 1:8

in truth, Christ is p Phil 1:18

the gospel was p Heb 4:2

also He went and p 1 Pet 3:19


The words of the P Eccl 1:1

they hear without a p Rom 10:14

I was appointed a p 1 Tim 2:7

of eight people, a p 2 Pet 2:5


the Jesus whom Paul p Acts 19:13

p another Jesus whom 2 Cor 11:4

p any other gospel Gal 1:9

p the faith which he Gal 1:23


p Jesus as the Acts 5:42

to my gospel and the p Rom 16:25

not risen, then our p 1 Cor 15:14


p those who are asleep 1 Thess 4:15


p must be upon p Is 28:10


and commanded them p Neh 9:14

all His p are sure Ps 111:7

us to keep Your p Ps 119:4

how I love Your p Ps 119:159

and kept all his p Jer 35:18


because my life was p 1 Sam 26:21

P in the sight of the Ps 116:15

How p also are Your Ps 139:17

She is more p than Prov 3:15

Since you were p Is 43:4

p things shall not Is 44:9

if you take out the p Jer 15:19

The p sons of Zion Lam 4:2

farmer waits for the p James 5:7

more p than gold 1 Pet 1:7

who believe, He is p 1 Pet 2:7

p in the sight of 1 Pet 3:4


He foreknew, He also p Rom 8:29

having p us to Eph 1:5

inheritance, being p Eph 1:11


He may have the p Col 1:18

loves to have the p 3 John 9


in honor giving p Rom 12:10


comes after me is p John 1:15


these things without p 1 Tim 5:21


p what you will Mark 13:11


Now it was the P John 19:14

your feet with the p Eph 6:15


p your hearts for the 1 Sam 7:3

p a table before me in Ps 23:5

p mercy and truth Ps 61:7

P the way of the LORD Is 40:3

P the way for the Is 62:10

P the way of the LORD Mark 1:3

will, and did not p Luke 12:47

p a place for you John 14:2


place which I have p Ex 23:20

You p room for it Ps 80:9

When He p the heavens Prov 8:27

for the LORD has p Zeph 1:7

for whom it is p Matt 20:23

which You have p Luke 2:31

mercy, which He had p Rom 9:23

things which God has p 1 Cor 2:9

Now He who has p 2 Cor 5:5

p beforehand that we Eph 2:10

God, for He has p Heb 11:16


themselves from the p Gen 3:8

went out from the p Gen 4:16

we die in your p Gen 47:15

P will go with you Ex 33:14

and honor the p Lev 19:32

afraid in any man’s p Deut 1:17

am terrified at His p Job 23:15

p is fullness of joy Ps 16:11

shall dwell in Your p Ps 140:13

not tremble at My p Jer 5:22

shall shake at My p Ezek 38:20

Be silent in the p Zeph 1:7

and drank in Your p Luke 13:26

full of joy in Your p Acts 2:28

but his bodily p 2 Cor 10:10

obeyed, not as in my p Phil 2:12


we are all p before Acts 10:33

evil is p with me Rom 7:21

p your bodies a living Rom 12:1

or death, or things p 1 Cor 3:22

absent in body but p 1 Cor 5:3

not only when I am p Gal 4:18

that He might p Eph 5:27

to p yourself 2 Tim 2:15

p you faultless Jude 24


treasures, they p Matt 2:11

For just as you p Rom 6:19


kings will bring p Ps 68:29


before you to p life Gen 45:5

You shall p me from Ps 32:7

O LORD, You p man and Ps 36:6

He shall p your soul Ps 121:7

The LORD shall p Ps 121:8

children, I will p Jer 49:11

pardon those whom I p Jer 50:20

loses his life will p Luke 17:33

every evil work and p 2 Tim 4:18


and my life is p Gen 32:30

soul, and body be p 1 Thess 5:23


For the LORD p the Ps 31:23

p the souls of His Ps 97:10

The LORD p the simple Ps 116:6

who guards his mouth p Prov 13:3

he who keeps his way p Prov 16:17


I p toward the goal Phil 3:14


p her virgin bosom Ezek 23:8

We are hard p on every 2 Cor 4:8

For I am hard p Phil 1:23


servant also from p Ps 19:13


before them, p madness 1 Sam 21:13


whole heart, but in p Jer 3:10

p make long prayers Matt 23:14


no man shall p 1 Sam 2:9

our tongue we will p Ps 12:4

but they shall not p Jer 1:19

of Hades shall not p Matt 16:18


hand, that Israel p Ex 17:11

with the Angel and p Hos 12:4

grew mightily and p Acts 19:20


the mountains of p Ps 76:4

has not given us as p Ps 124:6

Shall the p be taken Is 49:24

evil makes himself a p Is 59:15

shall no longer be a p Ezek 34:22

when he has no p Amos 3:4