The Diary of the Chaplain at MetroGen

Thursday September 13, 2001

It’s hard to write this. Where was I Tuesday morning? At the Saint Mary’s Seminary giving a class on merging prayer with meditation for the priests and students. It was total quiet until the rector came in with a radio. “I have terrible news. Two planes have crashed into both World Trade Centers.” We were so shocked we just listened like it was a World War II radio war update. The voice of Lee Harris from New York radio narrated the end of the world.

We were so shocked that we sat through till the end. I still can’t believe it. New York. Washington D.C. Pennsylvania.

Eventually, we realized we had to actually do something. Many went their own churches, but I don’t have a church. I don’t have a congregation, so instead I sent an email to MetroGen taking leave and started driving east.

I’d say more, but I can’t. I just can’t. Not today.