“I’m gonna beat the breaks off that pussy.” I popped an Altoid into my mouth and sprayed on some Tommy. Breath: check. Armpits: check. I pulled two wineglasses I’d bought from Pier 1 Imports, from the cabinet and a bottle of Merlot out of the refrigerator. My dick was already harder than granite to the thought of deep-dicking Shariece. She’d be speaking in tongues by the time I was done with her, won’t be able to walk for a week. “Drink enough of this liquid candy, and I’ll forget that pretty boy sucker-punched me today. One lick in was all his ass was going to get. He better be glad that toy cop pulled us apart today ’cuz I would have killed his high-yellow ass. Where I come from, niggas play for keeps. I should have went strapped. Shit never would have gone down like that had I had my piece on me. But fuck that nigga. He ain’t worth it.
When the glare from Shariece’s ride seeped between the blinds on my window, I checked my shit one last time. Breath, armpits, balls, check, check and check. I looked at myself in the mirror admiring how good I looked. “I would fuck me.” I was about to answer the door when I remembered something. “Fuck, I almost forgot the camera.” I had it set up between some photography books on the entertainment center where I had it pointed directly at the sofa. “Press play, press record, done.” Shariece rang the doorbell twice before I answered. “Damn, you want this dick bad, don’t you, baby girl?” I walked over smelling and feeling good.
“We need to talk,” she said, busting up in my crib looking like a bitch on a mission.
“Well, hey to you too, baby.” Shariece had this serious look on her face.
“What did you do to Emjay?”
“What did I do to him?”
“He saw the video.”
“Okay, and?”
“He said he saw you in the bookstore. What did you tell him?”
“That nigga is something else. He walks around like he wipes his ass with diamonds, the way he kisses your ass, such a fucking teacher’s pet. I see how he looks at you in class; you try to play it off like you ain’t feeling him. I suspected something was going on with the two of ya’ll, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.”
“He knows now that you videotaped us.”
“So you came clean, huh? I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“He found out when I left my laptop on.”
I walked over to the table where I had the bottle of wine and two glasses. “That’s fucked up. Sorry to hear that.”
“If you were really sorry, you wouldn’t be blackmailing me.”
I popped the cork off the bottle and poured. “Let’s not talk about that right now. Let’s have a drink.”
“I didn’t come here for all that. Here’s the recommendation letter; now where’s the flash drive with the video on it?”