1 [First published as “Die Bedeutung der schweizerischen Linie im Spektrum Europas,” Neue Schweizer Rundschau (Zurich), XXIV (21st year), (1928), 6, 1–11, 469–79. The article is in effect a review of Count Hermann Keyserling’s Das Spektrum Europas [The Spectrum of Europe] (Heidelberg, 1928), trans. by Maurice Samuel as Europe (New York and London, 1928). The quotations in the present version are trans. from the original.—EDITORS.]
2 At a family gathering someone noticed that a certain relative was cut by everyone. Wondering what the reason might be for this behaviour, he asked the lady of the house. “He does terrible things, he’s a dreadful person.”—Well, what’s he done?—“He’s living on his capital!”
3 “Der eine betracht’s, der andere acht’s, der dritte veracht’s, was machts!”
4 [See bibliography.]