
It’s true; God chooses the weak things of this world to confound the wise. I am the most unlikely girl to have been chosen for this journey. The timing of this call on my life—the worst possible—my ability to walk this calling out on my own—zero. Without him, I would have never taken the first step. With him, I have been redeemed and have experienced the joy of being carried by one stronger than me. He is my Healer, my Father, my Provider, and the Source of my joy. He picked me up out of the miry clay and set my foot upon a rock.

To my husband Gary, thank you for your love and support. I could never have finished this project without your help. You stepped in and cooked, cleaned, took care of our children, and anything else I needed so that I could meet my deadlines. The season of our life that led up to this crazy world of couponing was at times more than either of us thought we could bear. It felt like the desert would never end, and that we’d always be in the valley. I’m so thankful that God is true to his Word, as we see his promises manifesting in our life. There is no one else I’d want to be on this journey with. I love you . . . forever. You are my rock, and a mighty man of God.

To my precious babies, Morgan and Caleb, I’m so thankful that God chose me to be your mommy. Your heart to serve Jesus, give to others, and desire to walk in the calling that God has for you is more than I could ask. Thank you for your patience during this process and being Mommy’s biggest cheerleaders. Morgan, your light shines brightly in everything you put your hands to. Since you were a tiny little girl, your faith in Jesus and the depth of your love for him has been an inspiration. You are impacting the kingdom, baby girl. Don’t ever stop or let the things of this world hold you back from your calling. You are anointed beyond your years. Caleb, my prayer warrior, how I love to hear your sweet voice come before the throne of glory. Your sincere, faith-filled prayers have already moved mountains. That Christmas morning when we found out that we were expecting you was a fulfillment of God’s promise over your life and his faithfulness to our family. Your prayers are powerful, your calling is mighty.

To my daddy, there are no words that describe how much I miss you. You never sat me down and taught me how to give; I learned by watching your life. You lived an honorable life full of love for your family and generosity to others. I love you more than words can say, and will always be a daddy’s girl.

For my mom, who taught me the importance of prayer and fasting. Because of you, we were in church every time the doors were open. I’m so glad that you never gave up praying for Daddy’s salvation. Through your perseverance I learned the power of prayer.

Blake, I have adored you since the day Mamma and Daddy brought you home from the hospital. I see in you the same kind of tender, giving heart as Daddy’s. He would have been so proud of the man you have become.

To Gary and Mary Trenum, your prayers mean the world. Thank you for your love and support.

To Joan Tankersley, my mentor, friend, encourager, PR/creative director, and business coach. Your imprint on my life is immeasurable.

To my literary agent, Esther Fedorkevich, thank you for believing in me, sticking with me through the process, and tirelessly pitching this book. You are nothing short of amazing.

To A. J. Gregory, my Jersey girl, I am forever grateful for your relentless dedication to getting this project off the ground. You are an amazing friend and writer.

Andrea Doering at Revell, I love how you took the message of couponing I shared with you home to your family. Your personal experience was instrumental in bringing this book to life.

Carrie Woods, you are a fearless writer who flat-out knows how to whip out words and meet deadlines. I’m forever grateful to you.

Jamie Miles, your input in this book was invaluable. Your daily contribution and dedication to Time 2 $ave is more than I could ask for. It’s been a crazy ride, sweet friend; I’m so thankful to have you on this journey.

Lindsay Davis, Twila Bennett, and Robin Barnett, y’all are amazing. Your insight, wisdom, and experience are invaluable to this project.

Dr. Jonathon Kerley, thank you for your obedience to God. You impacted my life for the kingdom and changed the course of my story. Thank you.

Kristin Kerley, how thankful I am for your friendship and kindred spirit. Your wisdom and heart as a mother always remind me to keep my eyes on Jesus and what he has called me to as a wife and mom. I treasure your support and prayers!

Duane and Candace Goff, from our first dinner meeting you challenged me to dream big. Who would have thought that those big dreams would one day come true? Your words of wisdom, business insight, prayers, and encouragement have been priceless.

To Debby McCuiston, thank you for your servant’s heart. You have been a lifeline, prayer warrior, friend, and confidant. Thank you for sowing so selflessly into my life. You have truly loved me to Jesus.

To Sharon Maloney, the greatest listener I know. Your patience, love, and wisdom nurtured my heart during the darkest hours of my journey.

Pastor Hubert Seals, your dedication to our family is beyond anything we could have asked. You and Cathy have walked beside us through every valley. Thank you for your love, prayers, and endless support.

To all the girls that make up the Time 2 $ave team: Jamie, Rachel, Lindsay, Chantal, and Rosie, I couldn’t do it without you. Your contribution makes a difference in the lives of so many people. Rosie and Rachel, you went from being the best co-workers anyone could ask for to part of my team. I am so blessed to have friends like you.

To Kelly Thompson, who helped co-found Time 2 $ave.

To every blog reader, without you Time 2 $ave would have been only an idea. Every time you share a post with a friend, forward a deal to a loved one, invite someone to our Facebook community, share a coupon at the store, or give from your heart, I am forever thankful.