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Abrams, Muhal Richard
Abstract Expressionism
academia; Coltrane as subject in
Accent (TV show)
Adderley, Cannonball
Aebersold, Jamey
Afro-Latin jazz
“After the Rain,”
Alexander, Roland
Ali, Muhammad
Ali, Rashied
Allman, Duane
“All of You,”
alto saxophone
Alvarez, A.
Ammons, Gene
Amram, David
Apollo Theater, New York
Armstrong, Louis
art; Black Arts movement; criticism; modern
Art Ensemble of Chicago
Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians
Atlantic Records; Coltrane sessions
“Autumn Serenade,”
Avant-Garde, The
Avent, Harold
Ayler, Albert
Baker, Chet
Balliett, Whitney
Baraka, Amiri (LeRoi Jones)
baritone saxophone
Barron, Bill
Bartók, Béla
Bartz, Gary
Basie, Count
“Bass Blues,”
Bavza, Mario
Bechet, Sidney
“Bemsha Swing,”
Benedetti, Dean
Berendt, Joachim-Ernst
Berg, Bob
Bergonzi, Jerry
Berklee College of Music, Boston
Berkeley Jazz Festival
“Bessie’s Blues,”
big bands
Big Maybelle
Birdland, New York
Bitches Brew
Black Arts movement
black culture
Blake, Ran
Blakey, Art
Blanchard, Terence
Blanton, Jimmy
Bley, Paul
“Blue Monk,”
Blue Note; Coltrane sessions
Blue Note club, Philadelphia
“Blues to Bechet,”
“Blues to You,”
“Blue Train,”
Blue Train
“Blue Valse,”
Blume, August
“Body and Soul,”
Bostic, Earl
Bowie, Lester
Braden, Don
Braxton, Anthony
Brazil, Joe
Brecker, Michael
Brookmeyer, Bob
Brötzmann, Peter
Brown, Clifford
Brown, James
Brown, Marion
Brown-Roach Quintet
Brubeck, Dave
Bryant, Ray
Burke, Edmund, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
Burns, Ken
“But Not for Me,”
“Bye Bye Blackbird,”
Byrd, Donald
Café Bohemia, New York
Cage, John
Calloway, Cab
Canterino, Mike
Carnegie Hall
Coltrane/Monk concert
Carno, Zita; “The Style of John Coltrane,”
“Castle Rock,”
Cattin’ with Coltrane and Quinichette
“Central Park West,”
Chambers, Paul
Charles, Ray
Chase, The
“Chasin’ the Trane,”
Cherry, Don
Chicago; Soldier Field performance
Christian, Charlie
Church of St. John Coltrane
civil rights movement
Clar, Mimi
Clarke, Kenny
classical music
Cleaver, Eldridge
Clinton, George
Cobb, Jimmy
Cohn, Al
Coleman, George
Coleman, Ornette; Coltrane and
Coleman, Steve
Coles, Johnny
Collective Black Artists
collectives, jazz
Coltrane, Alice
Coltrane, John William: adolescence of; Atlantic sessions; audience disappointment with; bebop period; birth of; chest-beating of; Ornette Coleman and; critics on; “cult” of; Miles Davis and ; death of; dental surgery; drug and alcohol abuse; early-stage development; end of quartet; first marriage of; first recorded songs under authorship of; “Giant Steps” changes; group in Europe and Japan; Half Note concerts; Impulse sessions; influence and legacy of; in interviews; jazz after; last live performance; late-period; late-quartet-period; liver cancer of; Love Supreme sessions; middle-period; Thelonious Monk and; mouthpiece problems; as navy bandsman; physical appearance of; posthumous tributes to; practicing of; Prestige sessions; quartet; religion and philosophy of; second marriage of; Village Vanguard sessions; see also specific songs, albums, and performances
Coltrane, John, Jr.
Coltrane, Naima
Coltrane, Ravi
Coltrane (1957)
Coltrane (1962)
Coltrane Jazz
Coltrane Plays the Blues
Coltrane’s Sound
Columbia Records
Concert Jazz Band
“Congo Blues,”
Cook, Junior
copyright protection
Cosmic Music
Coss, Bill
Cowell, Stanley
criticism, jazz ; race issues in; “sheets of sound” cliché; see also specific critics and publications
Crosby, David
Crosse, Gay
Crouch, Stanley
“Cubana Be/Cubana Bop,”
Cuban music
Cyrille, Andrew
Czerny exercises
Daaood, Kamau
Daily Telegraph
Dameron, Tadd
“Damned Don’t Cry, The,”
Danish television broadcast (1961)
Davis, Art
Davis, Eddie “Lockjaw,”
Davis, Miles; Coltrane and; heroin addiction; Prestige sessions; Quintet; Sextet; tours
Davis, Nathan
Dawbarn, Bob
“Dear Lord,”
“Dear Old Stockholm,”
Debussy, Claude
de Kooning, Willem
DeMichael, Don
Desmond, Paul
“Dial Africa,”
Dixon, Bill
Dolphy, Eric
“Don’t Blame Me,”
Dorn, Joel
Dotson, Hobart
Down Beat Jazz Festival
Down Beat magazine
“Drum Thing, The,”
Duke Ellington and John Coltrane
Duncan, Tommy
Dylan, Bob
Eckstine, Billy
ecstatic jazz
Eliot, T. S.
Ellington, Duke
Ellis, Don
Ellison, Ralph
Ertegun, Nesuhi
European free jazz
European Tour, The
Evans, Bill
“Every Time We Say Goodbye,”
Feather, Leonard
Feldman, Morton
“Fifth House,”
Five Spot Café, New York
“Flamenco Sketches,”
“Flamenco Sketches,”
Flanagan, Tommy
Flying Home
folk music
Forman, James
Fortune, Sonny
Foster, Frank
“Four in One,”
Freedom Riders
free jazz; second-wave
Freeman, Von
Garcia, Jerry
Gardner, Barbara
Garland, Red
Garrett, Donald
Garrett, Kenny
Garrison, Jimmy
Garzone, George
Gayle, Charles
Gershwin, George
Getz, Stan
“Giant Steps,”
Giant Steps
Gibbs, Terry
Gibson, Michael
Gibson, Rob
Gillespie, Dizzy; Coltrane and; orchestra
Gilmore, John
Gitler, Ira; “Trane on the Track,”
Giuffre, Jimmy
Glass, Philip
Gleason, Ralph
Gold, Don
“Gold Coast,”
Golson, Benny
Gonsalves, Paul
Gonzalez, Jerry
“Good Bait,”
“Good Groove,”
Gordon, Dexter
Granoff School of Music, Philadelphia
Grateful Dead
Graves, Milford
Gray, Wardell
Grennard, Elliot
Griffin, Johnny
Grossman, Steve
Haden, Charlie
Half Note, New York; Coltrane performances
“Hamhocks and Hominy,”
Hammett, Dashiell
Hampton, Lionel
Hancock, Herbie
Hanon exercises
Harden, Wilbur
Hargrove, Roy
harmonic theory
Harper, Billy
Harper, Michael
Harper’s Magazine
Harris, Eddie
Harris, James “Coatesville,”
Harris, Stefon
Harrison, Donald
Hart, Billy
Hartman, Johnny
“Have You Met Miss Jones?,”
Hawkins, Coleman
Haynes, Roy
Heath, Jimmy
Heffley, Mike
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Joe
Hentoff, Nat
Herman, Woody
Herwig, Conrad
Higgins, Billy
Hill, Andrew
Hindemith, Paul
Hinton, Milt
Hodges, Johnny
Holdsworth, Allan
Holiday, Billie
Hope, Elmo
“Hot House,”
“How Deep Is the Ocean?,”
Hubbard, Freddie
“If I Were a Bell,”
“I’ll Wait and Pray,”
“I Love You,”
“I’m Old-Fashioned,”
Impulse Records; Coltrane sessions
“In a Sentimental Mood,”
“Inch Worm, The,”
Indian music
Informal Jazz
Interplay for Two Tenors and Two Trumpets
Interstellar Space
“In Your Own Sweet Way,”
“It’s Easy to Remember,”
“I Want to Talk about You,”
Izenzon, David
Jackson, Milt
Jacquet, Illinois
Jacobs, Jane
Jamal, Ahmad
James, Clive
jam-session recordings
Jarrett, Keith
Jaspar, Bobby
Jazz at the Plaza
Jazz Composers Guild
jazz-education movement
jazz fusion
Jazz magazine
Jazz Review, The
Jazz Way Out
Jefferson, Carter
Jeffries, Herb
Jenkins, Leroy
“Jet Flight,”
John Coltrane: The Prestige Recordings
John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman
John Coltrane Quartet Plays, The
Johnson, Dewey
Johnson, Howard
Jones, Elvin
Jones, Hank
Jones, Philly Joe
Jones, Quincy
Joplin, Scott
Jordan, Clifford
jukebox jazz
jump-blues style
“Just for the Love,”
“Just Squeeze Me,”
Kant, Immanuel
Kaper, Bronislaw
Keepnews, Orrin
Kelly, Wynton
Kenton, Stan
Kerouac, Jack
Kesey, Ken
Khan, Akbar Ali
Khan, Bismillah
Khan, Hazrat Inayat
Kind of Blue
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kirk, Rahsaan Roland
Kofsky, Frank
Kolax, King
Kuhn, Steve
Kulu Se Mama
Lacy, Steve
Lancaster, Byard
Land, Harold
Larkin, Philip
Lateef, Yusef
Latin jazz
Lawrence, Azar
Lawrence, D. H.
“Lazy Bird,”
Lees, Gene
leisure time
Lennon, John
Lesh, Phil
Levey, Stan
Levin, Robert
Lewis, John
Liebman, Dave
“Like Sonny,”
Lincoln, Abbey
Lincoln Center; 1966 Titans of the Tenor concert
literature; black
Little, Booker
“Little Melonae,”
Live at Birdland
Live at the Five Spot
Live at the Village Vanguard
Live at the Village Vanguard Again
Live in Japan
Live in Seattle
Living Space
Lloyd, Charles
“Lonnie’s Lament,”
Los Angeles
“Lover Man,”
Love Supreme, A; sessions
“Love Supreme, A” (poem)
Lovett, Harold
Lowe, Frank
Lowell, Robert
Lucky Strikes
“Lush Life,”
Lynne, Gloria
Lyons, Jimmy
Macero, Teo
Machine Gun
Maher, James T.
Makeba, Miriam
Mann, Herbie
Mantler, Michael
Marsalis, Branford
Marsalis, Delfeayo
Marsalis, Wynton
Massey, Calvin
Mathieu, Bill (Allaudin)
Mating Call
McBride, Christian
McCann, Les
McGuinn, Roger
McKusick, Hal
McLaughlin, John
McLean, Jackie
McNeil, John
McPhee, Joe
Melody Maker
Melody Masters
Melville, Herman
Metheny, Pat
Metronome magazine
Michelson, Annette
Miles Ahead
Miles Davis at Newport 1958,
“Miles’ Mode,”
Miller, Henry, Tropic of Cancer
Miller, Mulgrew
Milton, John
Mingus, Charles
Mitchell, Joni
Mitchell, Roscoe
Mobley, Hank
modal style
Moffett, Charles
“Moment’s Notice,”
Monk, Thelonious; Coltrane and
Moody, James
Moore, Charles
Moore, Don
Morgan, Lee
Morgenstern, Dan
Morris, Wilber
Morse, Steve
Motian, Paul
“Mr. Day,”
“Mr. Knight,”
“Mr. Syms,”
Mulligan, Gerry
Murray, Albert
Murray, David
Museum of Modern Art, New York
“My Favorite Things,”
My Favorite Things
“My One and Only Love,”
National Endowment for the Arts
“Nature Boy,”
Nearness of You
Nelson, Oliver
Newport Jazz Festival
New School of Social Research, New York
New York ; post-Coltrane jazz in; see also specific clubs and concert halls
New York, New York
New York Contemporary Five
New York Times, The
“Night Has a Thousand Eyes, The,”
“Night in Tunisia, A,”
1970s, jazz in
Nixon, Richard
Noble, Ray
“Nobody Knows De Trouble I See,”
“Now’s the Time,”
nuclear weapons
Oahu, Hawaii
O’Hara, Frank
Olatunji, Bababtunde
Olatunji Center of African Culture, Harlem
Olatunji Concert, The
Olé Coltrane
Oliver, Jimmy
one-band-on-the-bill policy
“One Down, One Up,”
One Down, One Up
“On Green Dolphin Street,”
“On It,”
“Oranges and Lemons, Say the Bells of St. Clement’s,”
Ornstein School of Music, Philadelphia
“Out of This World,”
Owens, Jimmy
Palmieri, Eddie
Parker, Charlie; Coltrane and; heroin withdrawal; “Lover Man” sessions; Septet
Payton, Nicholas
“Peace on Earth,”
pentatonic scale
Pepper, Art
Peterson, Hannibal Marvin— 89
Peterson, Oscar
Pettiford, Oscar
Philadelphia; see also specific clubs and concert halls
Pierce, Bill
Pollock, Jackson
Pop, Iggy
Porgy and Bess
Porter, Lewis
Powell, Bud
Prestige Records; jam-session recordings; 1956—1958 sessions
publishing, music
Puente, Tito
punk rock
Quersin, Benoît
Quinichette, Paul
racism; jazz criticism and
radio; hits; “Under Pressure” programs
Ravel, Maurice
Redman, Joshua
Reich, Steve
repertory orchestras
Riley, Terry
Rivera, Mario
Rivers, Sam
Roach, Max
Robert Herridge Theater Show, The (TV show)
Roberts, Marcus
Robinson, Lester
Rodgers, Richard
Rodriguez, Tito
Rollins, Sonny; Coltrane and
Rothko, Mark
’Round About Midnight
“’Round Midnight,”
Rourke, Constance
Rouse, Charlie
Royal, Ernie
“Royal Roost,”
Rudd, Roswell
Russell, Arthur
Russell, George; The Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization
Russell, Ross, Bird Lives!
“Russian Lullaby,”
Salaam, Kalamu Ya
Sanchez, David
Sanders, Pharoah
Sandole, Dennis
San Francisco
Santana, Carlos
Saxophone Colossus
“Say It (Over and Over Again),”
scales; pentatonic
Schneider, Maria
Schoenberg, Arnold
Scott, Cyril
segregation, racial
Severinsen, Doc
Shankar, Ravi
Sharrock, Sonny
Shaw, Woody
Shearing, George
“sheets of sound,”
Shepp, Archie
Shihab, Sahib
Shipp, Matthew
Shorter, Wayne
Showboat Lounge, Philadelphia
Silver, Horace
Simmons, Sonny
Simone, Nina
Simpkins, C. O.
Sims, Zoot
Sinan, Rashid
Sketches of Spain
Slonimsky, Nicolas, Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns
Smith, Jimmy
Smith, Tab
“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,”
“Someday My Prince Will Come,”
“Song of Praise,”
Sontag, Susan
soprano saxophone
“Soul Eyes,”
Soviet Union
“So What,”
Spaulding, James
“Star Dust,”
Steely Dan
Stein, Gertrude
Stella, Frank
Stellar Regions
Stitt, Sonny
St. Louis
“Straight, No Chaser,”
“Straight Street,”
Stravinsky, Igor
Strickland, Marcus
Stubblefield, John
studio sessions, see specific studios, musicians, and recordings
Sun Ra
Sun Ship
“Surrey with the Fringe on Top,”
Swallow, Steve
“Sweet Sioux,”
“Take the Coltrane,”
Tapscott, Horace
Taylor, Arthur
Taylor, Cecil
Taylor, Creed
Tchicai, John
Tenor Conclave
“Tenor Madness,”
tenor saxophone; Coltrane’s development on
Thelonious Monk International Jazz Competition
Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall
Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane
Thiele, Bob
32-bar song structure
Thompson, Lucky
Thornton, Clifford
Threadgill, Henry
Tiberi, Frank
Tolliver, Charles
Town Hall, New York
trance music
“Traneing In,”
Traneing In
“Trinkle Tinkle,”
“Tune Up,”
Turner, Mark
“Two Bass Hit,”
Tyler, Charles
Tynan, Joe
Tyner, McCoy
underdog, jazz as music of
Union of God’s Musicians and Artists Ascension (UGMAA)
Van Gelder, Rudy
Vasquez, Papo
Vaughan, Sarah
Verve Records
Vietnam War
“Village Blues,”
Village Gate, New York
Village Vanguard, New York; Coltrane sessions
Vinson, Eddie
Voice of America
Waldron, Mal
Walk in My Shoes (film)
Ward, Carlos
Ware, David S.
Ware, Wilbur
Warhol, Andy
Washington, D.C.
Washington, Dinah
Washington, Grover, Jr.
Webb, Joe
Webster, Ben
Weinstock, Bob
Welding, Peter
Weston, Randy
“What Is This Thing Called Love?,”
“What’s New?,”
“While My Lady Sleeps,”
Whims of Chambers
White, Andrew
Whitman, Walt
Whittemore, Jack
Wilde, Oscar
Wilder, Joe
Williams, Martin; The Jazz Tradition
Wilmer, Valerie
Wilson, Bert
Wilson, Joe Lee
Wilson, John S.
Wilson, Nancy
Wilson, Shadow
Winick, Charles
“Wise One,”
Woodbine Club, Philadelphia
Woodfin, H. A.
Workman, Reggie
World War II
Wright, Frank
Young, LaMonte
Young, Lester
“You’re My Everything,”
Zappa, Frank