
First, we want to thank our spouses, Eric Hoddersen and Jane Meszaros, who were so supportive in this endeavor, and Gary’s two daughters, Amy and Carrie.

Special recognition goes to Allen Chartier of the Holiday Beach Migration Observatory, who found time from his many obligations to review the manuscript and answer questions. His thoughts and good ideas greatly enhanced our book. Allen, we couldn’t have done this without you!

Gratitude is also due Fred Urie of Windsor, Ontario, who answered innumerable questions about birds on the north side of the lake. Fred also reviewed the manuscript for accuracy. Rob Harlan’s help was invaluable as well: His years as editor of our state bird publication, The Ohio Cardinal, helped us ferret out persistent little inaccuracies. John Pogacnik and Alan Wormington read portions of the manuscript and willingly shared their thoughts and information.

Many other people contributed directly or indirectly by calling about rare birds, sending newspaper clippings, offering information, or answering questions. They include Ian Adams, Alice and Tom Faren, Vic Fazio, Joyce and Anders Fjeldstad, Tom LePage, Jerry McWilliams, Ed Pierce, and Bob Segedi.

Gary also salutes his longtime friends in the field, Andy McClure and Edward Stroh, nest finder extraordinaire. Carolyn thanks Joy Kizer and all the other librarians and trip leaders who have fed her lifelong appetite for information; in addition, she gratefully recognizes Cuyahoga Community College for supporting projects rather unusual for a teacher of English.