The Major Arcana

I haven't provided a full explanation of each Major Arcana card in this book, but only a brief memory jogger comprising the key ideas and any supplementary meanings that might apply. I have also provided a brief reminder of any negative (reversed card) meanings that can be useful on those occasions when a card appears to be giving an unusual meaning. Reversals can be very handy when dealing with the Court cards because a reversed Court card immediately warns that the person to whom it refers is not as decent or reliable as the Questioner would like him to be.

The Fool—No. 0


Key ideas: The opening of a new chapter, the beginning of a real or metaphorical journey. A totally new situation of an unspecified kind that could take the Questioner anywhere. Look at the surrounding cards to see what this new beginning or journey is all about.

Supplementary meanings: None.

Reversed meanings: The Questioner should look before leaping into something new because of unseen problems. He must be careful not to become obsessed with someone or something and should strive to keep a sense of proportion.

The Magician—No. 1


Key ideas: A new opportunity and a chance to shine. The Questioner should market himself and use the skills that he has already gained in order to impress others and to succeed. A new job or any situation that requires courage and skill.

Supplementary meanings: Independence, self-reliance, and self-motivation. This card frequently denotes freelance work or self-employment. Some Readers see this card as the beginning of psychic development while others feel that it's an indication that an important man is coming into their lives. (I personally see the Emperor as an important man).

Reversed meanings: The Questioner may miss an opportunity through fear, lack of faith in himself, or reluctance to take a chance and leave the past behind. On the other hand, he may be overconfident and unrealistic. He must watch out for trickery, as things may not be all that they appear to be. New schemes should be thoroughly checked out. A reversed Magician may simply denote that this is a poor time to take an unstable kind of job or to become self-employed.

The High Priestess—No. 2


Key ideas: Experience and wisdom combined with intuition. A cool head ruling a warm heart. Help, advice, and intuition, possibly given by a woman. Something that is not yet revealed. Psychic ability.

Supplementary meanings: Patience will be required, as life could appear to slow down in the near future. Mental rather than physical activities will be important. There could be a diminishing of sexual activity for a while.

Reversed meanings: Loss of control, hysterical outbursts, and an overcharged emotional atmosphere. The Questioner may be up against prejudice or he may feel prejudice towards others. A woman may be wearing herself out for her family and leaving no time for herself. Finally, the reversal of this card can suggest an improvement in the Questioner's sex life!

The Empress—No. 3


Key ideas: Comfortable and beautiful surroundings. Land and gardens. A loving, motherly woman. Abundance and fruitfulness. Possibly pregnancy. Success and extra money to be spent on the home and family.

Supplementary meanings: None.

Reversed meanings: There may be problems related to pregnancy. Alternatively, the Questioner may decide not to have any more children and may opt for sterilization at this time. There may be a greedy woman trying to get her hands on an unfair amount of land or property.

The Emperor—No. 4


Key ideas: The masculine force. A man of influence. Temporal power and status for a person of either sex. A helpful man who acts as a mentor. A strong partner or husband. Promotion and higher status for the Questioner himself.

Supplementary meanings: It's worth pointing out that the Emperor is connected with worldly rather than spiritual power and also that he resents rivals.

Reversed meanings: The Questioner may have a man in her life who is not all that he makes himself out to be, possibly because he is ill or because he is a wimp in Superman's clothes! If the card represents a situation, the Questioner will find it difficult to progress, especially at work, for a while.

The Hierophant—No. 5


Key ideas: Traditional and conventional behavior. Spiritual authority, a kindly advisor, a teacher, or an arbitrator. Marriage.

Supplementary meanings: If the Questioner is waiting for something to happen, it soon will. He may find himself in a place of worship soon, possibly attending a wedding or a similar event.

Reversed meanings: A marriage may not come off. The Questioner may be advised to stay single. Unconventional tactics will be better than orthodox ones at this time. Someone may badly or inadequately advise the Questioner.

The Lovers—No. 6


Key ideas: Choice. The beginning of a new relationship or the reemergence of an old one. Beauty and harmony in one's surroundings.

Supplementary meanings: The Questioner may soon improve her image and her surroundings by buying new clothing or equipment. She may redecorate or refurbish her home.

Reversed meanings: Partings, the end of an affair. A decision that is opposed by others, especially family members. An impossible choice, or even the wrong choice.

The Chariot—No. 7


Key ideas: Movement and change. Travel and transport. Conflict resulting in victory, triumph over adversity. The need to control opposing or conflicting forces.

Supplementary meanings: Indecision, two roads to choose from.

Reversed meanings: The Questioner may be too busy. He may have difficulty in coping with conflicting interests around him. Travel plans may become confused and disarranged and a new vehicle may become a necessity.

Justice—No. 8


Key ideas: Legal matters that produce a just result. Fairness, an apology given or received. Balance, harmony. Arbitration.

Supplementary meanings: The Questioner is being urged to act in a completely honest and aboveboard manner and to avoid illegal or unethical situations.

Reversed meanings: Injustice, in the form of either unjust or unfair treatment. A legal problem or an unfair court decision.

The Hermit—No. 9


Key ideas: Quiet contemplation and introspection. Centering oneself or centering one's psychic energies. Wise counsel and enlightenment. Retreat, reflection, and a time of patient waiting or preparation. Being alone by choice.

Supplementary meanings: None.

Reversed meanings: The Questioner may not relish the idea of a quiet spell and may decline offers of help. She may refuse to grow up or to take responsibility for herself and will fear loneliness. Her confidence will be at a low ebb and she may find it hard to deal with feelings of rage or jealousy, or she may be on the receiving end of someone else's jealous and unreasonable behavior. At worst, bereavement and rejection.

Wheel of Fortune—No. 10


Key ideas: What goes up must come down. Everything changes.

Supplementary meanings: The element of Fortune could suggest luck or money on the way.

Reversed meanings: A period of stagnation or even of bad luck. Not the best time for the Questioner to take a chance.

Strength—No. 11


Key ideas: Patience, endurance, the gentle force. Good or improved health. Assertiveness. The return of confidence. Tact and diplomacy.

Supplementary meanings: If the Questioner is being bullied or put-upon, he will soon be able to change this situation without becoming a bully himself.

Reversed meanings: There is illness around the Questioner. He may be ill himself or have dealings with sick people. He may be depressed and unhappy. His position in life may be weak and it may be necessary to take steps to improve this.

The Hanged Man—No. 12


Key ideas: Suspension, a temporary state of limbo. Spiritual values versus material concerns. Sacrifice of one thing in order to have another. Initiation into a new group through shared experiences of pain and sorrow.

Supplementary meanings: None.

Reversed meanings: A period of indecision or suspension is coming to an end. The Questioner must guard against making useless sacrifices or making a martyr of himself.

Death—No. 13


Key ideas: Change, transformation. Something old giving way to something new. Sometimes this does show that someone around the Questioner will die, but it's much more likely to show a situation coming to an end.

Supplementary meanings: None.

Reversed meanings: Changes might be less drastic when the card is reversed. A loss of a friendship is possible.

Temperance—No. 14


Key ideas: Moderation in all things. The right mixture. Peace.

Supplementary meanings: None.

Reversed meanings: Pressures and too much busyness. Anxieties and an unbalanced way of life. The Questioner may not be able to compromise for the sake of others, or she may find that others refuse to compromise for her. Possible intemperance with regard to food, drink, etc.

The Devil—No. 15


Key ideas: Unnecessary guilt feelings. Bondage to the past or to a situation that is no longer relevant. Misplaced loyalties. Sex, lust, fear, addiction. Also a commitment that is healthy, although heavy, such as a mortgage.

Supplementary meanings: The Questioner must look at the practicalities of his situation in addition to considering emotional and philosophical aspects. The Questioner may develop an unhealthy attachment to something or someone.

Reversed meanings: A spiritual rather than a practical approach may be required. Sexual matters will improve and problems of obsession or possession will cease. A period of commitment or of being tied to a situation will come to an end. The Questioner will realize that he doesn't need to remain in a rotten situation and will extricate himself from it.

The Tower—No. 16


Key ideas: A shock or a collapse of plans. An awakening, which brings enlightenment. A surprise, but not necessarily a disaster.

Supplementary meanings: Sometimes this card signifies a problem with regard to property or business premises. There could be something wrong with the structure or the fittings and fixtures of a building.

Reversed meanings: This card is much the same either way up, but when reversed or used negatively, it represents a surprise rather than a shock. The event could have already occurred and may already be in the process of being dealt with.

The Star—No. 17


Key ideas: Faith in the future, making plans. Hope, success, and expansion of horizons. Education.

Supplementary meanings: The gaining of occult knowledge, especially in astrology.

Reversed meanings: Some delay in new ventures. Difficulties in studying. Perhaps the Questioner should leave things alone for a while, and wait for a more propitious time.

The Moon—No. 18


Key ideas: Dreams, illusions, self-delusion, and overwhelming emotion. Lies and mysteries. Muddled feelings and indecision.

Supplementary meanings: There may be problems associated with the Questioner's mother or any kind of mother figure. On a more positive note, this card denotes travel and an increase in psychic awareness.

Reversed meanings: A period of confusion will come to an end soon.

The Sun—No. 19


Key ideas: Joy, happiness, success. Exams passed. Children may figure in the Questioner's life soon.

Supplementary meanings: The summer may be important in some way. There could be a trip abroad to a sunny place.

Reversed meanings: The Questioner might have problems with regard to children. A female Questioner may experience difficulty in becoming pregnant. A marriage may be unsuccessful because the Questioner is not being appreciated or loved enough.

Judgement—No. 20


Key ideas: The end of a project and an assessment of its worth. Something that comes alive once again. Legal matters.

Supplementary meanings: Good judgment may be needed soon.

Reversed meanings: Something is coming to an end, possibly against the Questioner's wishes. Legal matters may be disappointing in their outcome. A past situation may now be considered as having been a waste of time.

The World—No. 21


Key ideas: Full circle. The completion of a cycle. A new road is ahead. Travel and expansion of horizons.

Supplementary meanings: None.

Reversed meanings: The Questioner may not be happy with the changes that are taking place and may resent the fact that he is being asked to cope with something new. Travel plans may be delayed. The Questioner may choose to visit familiar places rather than new ones or to remain in a rut rather than move with the times.

The Fool—No. 0


Key ideas: A journey, a fresh start, the beginning of an enterprise. This is the first card and also the last one. The circle is never broken; life goes on even after death.