Each of the Minor Arcana cards carries a specific meaning or a key idea within itself. Some cards include subsidiary meanings in addition to the main interpretation; in these cases, you will find that the main meaning is mentioned first, with any secondary ones following on after it. In most cases, I will try to expand the interpretations a little in order to show you some of the possible shades of meaning within the cards, but you must be flexible in your approach and adapt each card to each and every reading as you see fit.
Some cards have good and bad sides to them and in these cases I have given you both aspects. Normally, I take both the positive and negative sides of a card into consideration when giving a reading, but you may wish to take special note of the cards in upright and reversed positions in order to differentiate between the positive and negative modes.
A significant improvement in the Questioner's financial standing. Alternatively, it could indicate a new source of income. A win, windfall, a raise in salary, or a large payment is on the way. There is nothing negative about this card, but if it's reversed, the payment may be minimal or delayed.
Juggling with money, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Spreading resources of time, money, or energy very thinly. Sometimes this card indicates the breakup of a partnership and the subsequent splitting of resources.
Being given an opportunity to earn money. A move of house or improvement to property.
Security is on the way. This probably refers to financial security, but if the reading does not appear to be about money, the idea of security will have to be applied in a different way. A greedy over-materialistic attitude is possible. The negative side of this card is a lack of financial and/or other kinds of security, also exam failures and delays in a variety of projects.
The Questioner may suffer a financial loss or simply be overextended. He may feel left out of things or simply be looking for financial or emotional support in the wrong place. Short-term love affairs will go well, but they shouldn't be expected to last.
The Questioner will soon be in a position to spend money and to pay off any outstanding debts. This may be the settlement that follows a separation. Favors can now be repaid and any emotional debts cleared for good. This card also denotes acts of charity.
Slow growth, long-term advancement. Things will come to fruition eventually, although the benefits may not be entirely in terms of money. Hard work that eventually brings results. Negatively, the Questioner won't get anywhere fast just yet and will have to be patient. Also the result of years of hard work.
A new job or a promotion. A good use of skills. Negatively, the loss of a job.
Money and success are on the way. The Questioner will improve his property and land. Pleasure from outdoor activities. Often an indication of clearing out worn stuff in preparation for buying carpets and furniture for the home.
Money, success, and pleasure from achievement. Security, happiness, family life, and good friends will surround the Questioner. A forthcoming marriage will go well, but money and business could be a part of it. Travel in connection with business will go well. A pension or salary raise could be on the way.
A practical, orderly, rather introverted child who prefers books and quiet games to noise and mess. A good scholar. As a situation, this would indicate a small improvement in finances, resources, and status.
A man who is sensible, practical, and dependable. He may be good with money or the development of land and its products. He could be mean and greedy, stodgy and dull. As a situation this would imply an improvement in the Questioner's financial position and also some travel or movement in connection with money and business.
This lady is practical, capable, reliable, and conscientious. She is a steady and clever businesswoman who will fight quite hard for her rights in any dispute. She could be too determined and rather implacable, especially where money is concerned. As a situation, this would suggest a more practical approach to material matters.
This man is reliable and conscientious; he is a good businessman and could make good use of land and the resources that come from it. He may be mean, too materialistic, and rather a dull companion, but he offers a kind of security. As a situation, this would imply a practical approach to resources and a successful outcome to business matters.
The beginning of a good friendship or work association. Love and affection, romance and marriage could be on the way. A gift, even a ring, may be received. Good social life. If reversed or a negative mood, this card implies friendship rather than love or the ending of a love affair.
A loving partnership, possibly an engagement. Good colleagues and a happy atmosphere at work. Negatively, a parting.
Joy, celebrations of all kinds. The Questioner may be going to a wedding. If this card appears for no apparent reason, it shows that the reading concerns the Questioner's marital status. Because this card is connected to marriages it can also imply divorce.
Dissatisfaction. The grass seems to be greener over the hill. The Questioner has a lot to be grateful for, but is still missing something. When reversed or negative, this card represents new friends and something new to look forward to.
Loss and sadness, even a period of mourning. However all is not lost and the Questioner will soon be able to rebuild his life.
Back to the future! The Questioner may renew an old association or possibly attend a family gathering and catch up with all the gossip. Old skills will have to be resurrected for use in the future. It's possible that some aspect of the past, even of the Questioner's childhood, will have to be reexamined and put into perspective. Children may soon become important in some way.
Muddle and confusion with too many options to choose from. It might be better to leave any major decisions for another time. If money is holding up a romance, this will soon be put right.
The Questioner will turn her back on an unsatisfactory or messy situation soon. Bad times will continue for a while, but patience will bring its rewards. Tradition has it that when this card appears, a blonde woman will turn out to be helpful to the Questioner. The negative or reversed aspect of this card is that a bad time is at an end and that the Questioner will soon be attending a celebration.
Satisfaction and pleasure are on the way, but the Questioner will have to guard against smugness. Marriage to a mature person may be indicated. If a project has not worked out satisfactorily, the Questioner should try again soon.
Joy, happiness, and prosperity. Family life will go well. Negatively, there may be a temporary blight on family life or the Questioner might find that his children are leaving home to become independent.
A gentle, loving, artistic child. A new situation that turns out well. Anything to do with training, education, or even teaching. The beginning of a friendship, or a relationship that is fading away.
A kindly, friendly, rather romantic young man who may be a little weak. The Questioner will make some new friends soon and he may travel in connection with friends.
Gentle, sensuous, caring, earth mother type of woman. She is a good homemaker, a kind friend, and a good listener. Alternatively, the lazy and materialistic kind of woman who spends her day watching television and eating chocolates.
A kind, pleasant, friendly, warmhearted man who is very romantic. He could be a good friend and a good listener, an excellent advisor, but he may also be lazy, materialistic, weak, and selfish.
The birth of an enterprise, in some cases the birth of a child. An important letter, especially in connection with a business matter. Good news. The start of something good.
Partnerships matters, enterprises that involve at least one other person. A move of house or business premises. Dealing with a proud man. Negatively, there may be a partnership that works out badly or breaks up after a period of time.
Delays in buying or selling property or premises, or problems in business partnerships. This may be a bad time for negotiations; there could be bad news on the way. A proud man may cause difficulties.
A new project, new job, or new beginning. Travel in connection with work, negotiations or news regarding business or work matters. Marriages and partnerships will go well in future.
A move of house or the purchase of premises. The Questioner will put down roots and make himself comfortable in a new area. A creative enterprise will go well. Negatively speaking, there may be problems with regard to property.
The Questioner will accept a challenge that calls for patience and courage, but he will be able to win in the end. Travel plans may be delayed or there may be legal problems.
Victory, achievement. Legal, business, and other problems will soon be solved. Agreements will be reached.
Opposition and possibly health problems. However, if the Questioner tackles his problems one at a time, he will be able to cope. An embarrassing situation may arise.
The Questioner can expect to travel, make new friends, and enjoy some new mind-broadening experiences. Friendship or even love may be on the way. (N.B. If the Questioner wants to know where he is going to be travelling, this card would suggest a hot country). Negatively speaking, there may be cancelled plans, delays due to strikes, or transportation problems, especially in relation to public transport. Jealousy and spite are around the Questioner now.
The Questioner is on firm ground, but he may have one problem to tackle. The best thing to do now is to leave well enough alone. Negatively speaking, there may be danger and loss and the Questioner's status could be undermined. Illness could be on the way.
Burdens and responsibilities are on the way. Depending upon circumstances, this could ultimately improve the Questioner's status and situation or it could just mean a lot of work for nothing much in return.
A lively, intelligent, but scatterbrained and restless child. An important letter or phone call. The beginning of friendship or romance. Also writing for money.
A cheerful, busy young man who travels in connection with business. He may be a good negotiator and great fun, but also something of a liar. There may be travel in connection with work or an important visitor from far away.
This lady is highly sexed, warmhearted, and a good businesswoman. She may be too temperamental or too assertive for some tastes, but she is great company and good fun when in a relaxed mood. A more businesslike approach to life will soon be needed.
A good communicator who may work in teaching, sales, or journalism and who may be helpful in a working environment, but possibly evading commitments in personal life. A successful negotiator, an enterprising man who mixes with interesting people. However, he could be rather devious and a bit of a liar.
A new idea, also a sense of power being placed in the Questioner's hands. If the Questioner were sick, this would indicate surgery or medical procedures soon. The Questioner may overreact or may start throwing his weight about soon.
Stalemate, delay, nothing changing yet. This may also indicate an agreement or a settlement of some kind. If reversed, this card means change and movement.
Loss, separation, or heartache. Illness and operations, especially to do with the heart and the blood supply. Negatively or reversed, this suggests the end of a time of loss and heartache. The beginning of emotional and physical recovery. Minor surgical procedures, possibly dental or other similar treatment. Death and funerals are possible.
The standard meaning of this card is that the Questioner will soon be able to have a rest or a period of time away from work and chores. However, I find that the Four of Swords often appears when the Questioner is going to be involved with hospitals in some way, either because she herself is going to be ill, or because someone around her becomes ill. There could be a joyful visit to a doctor or hospital because a baby is on the way, but I have also seen this appear in circumstances where some-one works in a hospital or is moving house to live near one. This is one of those cases where you will have to work out whether the standard meaning (rest and recuperation) is the right one for you, or the rest and/or hospital connection is more appropriate.
Arguments, violence, battles, and things generally coming to a head. Ruined plans, losses, and even heartbreak. The receiving end of spite and jealousy. People around the Questioner may suddenly become hostile for no particular reason or he may have to deal with people displaying an attitude problem. Traditionally speaking, this card also indicates a funeral.
Travel overseas, a journey of importance, or possibly a metaphorical move away from troubles. There may be an overseas visitor soon. Negatively speaking, delays. Travel may take place in cool weather or in winter.
There seem to be two meanings to this card. The first is of a move onwards, leaving a part of one's life behind that is either sacrificed as part of the move forward or needs to be left behind. The second meaning is of a robbery or a ripoff. In either case, the Questioner may need legal or insurance advice. He may also be undermining or putting something over on others.
The Questioner will be stuck in a difficult situation for a while; a typical situation would be that of a young woman left on her own with small children. Hard times surround the Questioner. Someone may be in trouble with the law. There may be disappointments, accidents, or even deaths to be coped with. However the restrictions and the run of bad luck will pass away soon.
This is another of those cards where, for me at least, the standard meaning is not enough. The standard meaning is of worry and sleepless nights. However, I have found this to denote problems with regard to females in the family and also to feminine health problems. The Questioner may be on the receiving end of spite and slander.
Treachery, a stab in the back. This may indicate the total ending of a situation in much the same way that the Death card in the Major Arcana does. It may signify a forced change that is not by choice. This card can also be interpreted in connection with health matters, and in this case it suggests medical procedures.
A child who is clever and serious or, conversely, one who is aggressive and not quite sane. A contract or document of importance. The beginning of legal, medical, or other professional help. There may be someone who keeps the Questioner informed, looks out for him, and keeps him wise to whatever is going on behind his back or out of his sight.
A clever, intellectual, ambitious young man or, alternatively, an aggressive person who is slightly unbalanced. Possibly, the arrival of a man who brings trouble with him. There could be dealings with legal, medical, or other professional people.
A clever and competent lady who is cool and collected. Alternatively a real bitch. Legal, professional, and medical people may be needed soon.
A clever, serious, intellectual man whose judgment is excellent. He could, alternatively, be a sarcastic, aggressive bully, or an egomaniac who is impossible to live with.