.incere thanks to everyone who has supported and helped
me turn boxes of negatives into a beautiful book.
A special thank you to Ciara Doorley and everyone at
Hachette Books Ireland for their patience and guidance through
the whole process, and to Claire Rourke and Claire McVeigh
for the beautiful layout and design of my granddad’s photos.
Special thanks to Michael for answering the ‘noble call’ and
providing a tale or two and always believing I could do this.
Thanks to Donal and Joe for their input and knowledge, and
to John for keeping the tea coming while I was on the computer
– your support is truly appreciated.
I would also like to mention and thank the beautiful
McQuillan family – Collette, Gerard and Virginia – who kindly
allowed their photo to be used on the front cover.
Thank you must go to the many friends and supporters on
the Facebook page who never stopped supporting this venture.