It is hard to sit on the sidelines and do nothing when you see wrong things happening before your very eyes. You want to be the difference maker. You do not want to sit idly by and watch things go awry. You want to make things better for those you care about.
But taking a stand is not always easy. Sometimes when you have a big heart, folks take advantage. Sometimes you don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, so you do not call them out on their wrongs. However, when you don’t dig deep and find the voice inside of you that shouts for truth, then you are letting yourself down. In other words … stand for what is right at all costs and do not be pushed around.
Here is a gargantuan thank you to everyone who helps me scream nuggets of truth in my novels.
For my parents, Dr. Franklin and Shirley Perry Sr., thanks for your voice that daily told me positive things to help me grow with self esteem.
For my publisher, especially my editor, Carol Pizer, thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement about my writing that keeps me feeling like I do have something to offer.
For my extended family: brother, Dennis Perry, mother-in-law, Ann Redding, brother-in-Christ, Jay Spencer, and goddaughter Danielle Lynn, thanks for your support that keeps me smiling since I have great folks in my corner.
For my assistants: Joy Spencer and Keisha King, thanks, ladies, for being a good sport and allowing me to shout at you so we could make our deadlines.
For my friends who are dear to my heart: Leslie Perry, Sarah Lundy, Jenell Clark, Nicole Smith, Jackie Dixon, Torian Colon, Loni Perriman, Kim Forest, Vickie Davis, Kim Monroe, Jamell Meeks, Michele Jenkins, Lois Barney, Veronica Evans, Laurie Weaver, Taiwanna Brown-Bolds, Matosha Glover, Yolanda Rodgers-Howsie, Dayna Fleming, Denise Gilmore, and Deborah Bradley, thanks for your love that means so much.
For my teens: Dustyn, Sydni, and Sheldyn, thanks for being good young people who strive to make your mother proud by doing the right things.
For my husband, Derrick, thanks for being my best friend who loves me so.
For my new readers, thanks for giving my work a try.
And my Heavenly Father, thanks for giving me a desire to help struggling readers find their voice and find their way so they can reach greatness.