When you have big dreams, you have to be committed to making them come true. You have to aggressively equip yourself with the skills needed for your journey. You cannot be lazy. You cannot rest. You cannot underestimate those who are working hard as well because they also want your dream. If you find yourself going backwards, don’t blame your circumstances, blame yourself.

So what you might not have the best home life, be the smartest, or have finances to make your way easier. You have a mind and you have drive. Use what you have to gain everything you want. Make wise choices. Message we want you to grasp: a genuine baller is “the man” because he works at it, takes nothing for granted, and seizes all opportunities. Set out to accomplish greatness. You are capable of that and much more. Do you.

Here is an enormous thank you for all who help us “do” well.

To our parents: Dr. Franklin and Shirley Perry Sr., and Ann Redding, because you stood steadfast and did your jobs as great parents, we had a chance to do remarkable things.

For my publisher, especially my editor, Carol Pizer, because you embraced the writing, we have a chance to help young people reach their dreams.

To our extended family: brothers, Dennis Perry and Victor Moore, sister, Sherry Moore, godparents, Walter and Marjorie Kimbrough, young nephews, Franklin Perry III, Kadarius Moore, and godsons, Danton Lynn, Dakari Jones, and Dorian Lee, because of your love, we are able to write stories that hopefully will help others love themselves.

To our assistants: Joy Spencer and Keisha King, because you all did your jobs, we were able to do ours.

To our friends who mean so much: Paul and Susan Johnson, Chan and Laurie Gailey, Antonio and Gloria London, Chett and Lakeba Williams, Jay and Deborah Spencer, Bobby and Sarah Lundy, Harry and Torian Colon, Byron and Kim Forest, Donald and Deborah Bradley, because you are there for us, we are able to be there for others.

To our teens: Dustyn, Sydni, and Sheldyn, because you are our growing babies, we love so much, and we work hard daily to show you the way.

To the media specialists, school administrators, teachers, and educational companies across the country who support us, especially the great folks in Atlanta Public Schools, because you allowed us to work with your great students, we were able to pen this cool series that we hope will bless many.

To our new readers who we believe will reach their goals. Because you have passion, you can do anything but fail.

And to our Lord, who has blessed us with this opportunity to create and help. Because You have given us a desire to help struggling readers, we hope we are making you proud.