As we pulled up at the Strong’s home, I said to Landon, “So, you sure it’s okay I stay at your place?”
“Yeah, man, I told you three or four times you’re straight. What? The Axes thing freak you out? They make you scare-ed.”
“That ain’t funny,” I replied, extremely bummed out that the tension with them was not over.
“Yeah, for real they are crazy,” Landon said, realizing this was still serious. “You better warn Ella to watch her back.”
“Yeah,” I said, having that very thing at the forefront of my mind.
“Hurry up, though, it’s Wednesday. My mom’s making a good pot of spaghetti, and I want to be on time.”
“You should eat faster. You wouldn’t be hungry if you’d have eaten all that chicken,” I said.
“Whatever, the Axes made me leave my grub. Them suckers probably eating it now. Besides, I looked up a bunch of D1 prospects. I need to put more meat on my bones, you know?”
“Do your thing.”
“I’m just hoping when we play basketball, I won’t run off all the weight I put on, you know?”
“Right, right. All right, I’ll be right back,” I assured.
I dreaded going up to the Strong’s home. I wished I had money to get flowers to thank Mrs. Strong properly for allowing me to stay at her place. Hopefully, just the thought that I was leaving would make her day.
I rang the doorbell and Lola let me in. She wanted to tell me about her day. The girl could talk. I did not want to be rude, so I listened. Thankfully, her mom called her, and I was able to get to the guest bedroom and pack up.
A part of me just wanted to walk out and call Coach Strong later and say, “I’m gone.” But my mom had raised me better than that. I owed the family a formal thank you and good-bye. Blake was not home. His car was still in the shop, and his insurance was so good that he was driving a rental. The brother had not missed a beat.
When I walked into the family room, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Strong watching the news. Lola was doing her homework.
I said softly, “Excuse me. Can I interrupt you for just a second?”
“Yeah, Leo, what’s going on?” Coach asked.
“I wanted to thank you two for allowing me to stay here. I feel like it’s time for me to go now.”
Coach immediately stood to his feet. “Leo, you don’t have to leave. Where would you go?”
I wanted to shout out, “Like you really care.” But I knew he did care. He had opened his home to me. While it was not fair to get accused of the things I did not do, I did not blame Coach and Mrs. Strong. Just then, I heard a door slam and knew Blake had returned
Deep down, I knew Coach Strong cared. His eyes said he felt bad about my decision. I was just as surprised when his wife stood up and came to me.
Mrs. Strong said, “Coach is right, Leo. I know we’ve been a little hard on you, but you cannot run from things. I know that all too well.”
“I know why he’s running,” Blake explained, cutting into the conversation. “He’s leaving because you guys were harsh on him for things he didn’t do.”
“It’s all right, man,” I said to Blake, not wanting to put my boy in any tough spot. His folks thought I did some things that he did. I had already taken the rap for it. I was leaving. No need to make this worse.
“What are you saying, Blake?” his dad asked in a tone that confirmed he suspected his son.
“I took the money that went missing. I drank your stash and another whole bottle. I was driving drunk, and I wrecked my car. Landon and Leo found me. All I really remember is being home the next day and finding out that Leo took the rap.”
“Oh, so you think it’s okay for other people to get blamed for your dumb mistakes,” Coach Strong yelled.
Mrs. Strong stepped to her husband and said, “Maybe your response is the reason why. He’s acting out. I told you he’s older now, Bradley. You can’t just scream at him like he’s two. And even then it would be abusive.”
“Like he’s gonna listen, Mom,” Blake complained.
“Why did you tell them?” I whispered to Blake.
“ ’Cause I was being a wimp. We got a game to win tomorrow night. I can’t throw my best defensive player under the bus. You stood up for me time and time again. I just haven’t done right by you. I got more balls than that,” Blake confessed. “Listen, punish me in whatever way you want, but don’t let Leo leave our house. The cold shoulder he’s been getting from the two of your guys has no merit. You have been nagging, telling him to straighten up.”
“Why did you have to do that, son? What’s your problem?” Coach asked. “Drinking and driving? Didn’t you learn?”
Ignoring his dad’s question, Blake said, “Mom, I just told you part of my problem is me. And I’m not gonna blame you, Dad. I’m smarter than that. I have really been trying to analyze myself. Honestly, I’m not dealing with this whole cancer thing well. I lost my girl to my cousin. Every time I turn around, every player on the team is doing way better in your eyes than me. I threw a couple interceptions just to see if you would change your mean tune and get behind me to motivate me in a positive way, but you still kicked me to the curb. It’s like nothing I do is ever good enough for you. Drinking helped me cope. I gotta get it under control though, Dad.”
Coach reached out and grabbed Blake so hard it made me cringe. Then he pulled Blake to him and hugged him really tight. It was an intense moment. I could not believe what I was witnessing. In that neat father-son hug, I saw bonding.
Mrs. Strong came over to me and apologized profusely. I told her it was all good, and it was not her fault. Part of me just wanted to leave, but she grabbed my bag and practically begged me to stay.
“You’re good for my son. You’re good for my husband. God sent you to our family for this time, and I’m not gonna let you go. You stood up for my son because you didn’t want to put more on me. Your mom has raised a fine young man. Leo, I’d be honored if you continued to stay with us. Could you do that? It would mean a lot.”
“If that’s what you really want, I guess I can,” I responded. She hugged me tight.
When I was released from her embrace, Coach hugged me. Blake and I slapped hands. To feel wanted and a part of something—part of a family—felt good. I ran outside to tell Landon it was all good.
Stretching for the game, I noticed the cheerleaders warming up not far away. I did not want Ella to see me staring in her direction. However, I could tell she was sad. Ever since the confrontation with Shameek, I decided I’d pull away from her. While it killed me, I could not confirm Shameek’s hunch that she was my girl.
I was going to have to actually break up with her, though, because she wasn’t getting my hints. I walked the other way in school. I took extra long to come out of football practice. I did not return her calls. I wanted her to get angry at me so she would leave me be.
When I saw her walking toward me with Hallie and Charli, I knew something was up. This was going to be hard. She was forcing me to break her heart.
Brenton and Amir were stretching nearby. When their girls went to chat with them, I knew I had to deal with Ella. In frustration, I put my hands up in the air. I hoped she would turn around so I could get in game mode. She did not.
Looking pitiful, she said, “Okay, what’s wrong, Mr. Steele? Clearly, you don’t want to talk to me.”
“I did not want to hurt your feelings, but it’s best if I don’t have a girlfriend right now. I thought this could work out between us, but I was wrong,” I said, lying and desperately wanting to hold her close.
“I didn’t mean to push you away,” she cried. It was killing me.
She came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder pad and got on her toes. Tough as it was, I had to step back. She looked like I had kicked her.
Unsure if the Axes were watching, I said in a tough tone, “I gotta jet.”
I felt bad seeing her cry. However, I could not comfort her. She meant more to me safe and apart than in my arms and hurt.
Amir caught up to me. “Okay, dude, Hallie could not stop talking about how you got her girl Ella all sad. I thought you liked her. What’s up?”
“I do like her. Man, I think I love her.”
“So why the distance? Getting a little smooch isn’t going to ruin your concentration during the game,” Amir joked, pointing at Brenton kissing Charli.
“It’s the Axes, man. Shameek cornered me this week and said he might go after my girl. I can’t keep Ella in my life. Staying with me could hurt her far worse than breaking up with me would,” I explained.
“Wow, dude, I hear you. We just gonna have to watch your back.”
“No, I have learned you can’t get involved or they will come after you too.”
“Well, that’s my decision. Twelve fighting one ain’t going down if I’m around,” Amir said.
“You just get ready to whup up on this team,” I replied.
We did not have our starting quarterback. Coach Strong felt that since the team we were playing was not supposed to be that good, he wanted to keep Blake out the game to make sure he rested from the concussion from his car accident. As we got ready to play, I could tell Blake was down.
I went over and said, “Blake, no worries on this game, man. You should rest up. That knot is not gone.”
“I’m fine, Leo. My dad should let me play. He’s just punishing me because I wasn’t truthful and have made some dumb choices. He hates me.”
“Blake, be serious, dude. That man is passionate, but that passion stems from love. He’s on you hard because he wants you to be dominant. When I stayed in his office, I saw so many pictures on his desk of you playing ball from the last ten years. He had notes about how Blake made him proud here, and Blake did awesome with that. He loves himself some Blake.”
“Really?” Blake questioned.
“Really,” I said.
“Leo, thanks, man. And I am sorry about giving you problems. Jackie told me how worried you were about me. That was before you even knew I cared for you as well.”
“Teammates, right?”
“Brothers, man,” Blake said, giving me dap. “Now cream this team.”
Blake got his wish. The game went our way from the start. We kicked the ball off to them, and their kickoff returner fumbled the ball. Brenton scooped it up and ran it in for a touchdown. On their next possession, they got the ball on their ten yard line. I got three sacks in a row. On my last sack, I found the quarterback in the end zone. We got a safety.
Much of the first half went just like that. We were not playing a pee-wee team, but it felt like it. Ella’s little brother, Evan, could have given more effort than they were.
At the end of the game, the score was 35–7. We killed them.
Ella startled me when she came out of nowhere and blocked my path to the locker room.
“You’re the man. Don’t punk out. Talk to me.”
“Thanks, but I gotta go,” I said, trying to run around her.
“I heard something about the Axes has you tripping. Why does that have anything to do with me? Why does that have anything to do with you?”
“Shameek is telling everybody it ain’t over between me and him. He doesn’t make idle threats. I don’t want anybody around me, including the girl I really care about,” I said. I put my hand on her soft chin. “I don’t want them to think I’m close to you. They know there’s more than one way to hurt me. Ella, if anything happened to you … you know what? Just stay away.”
I hated to jog to the field house and leave her upset. However, I meant what I said. She had to stay away. She knew I still cared, and that had to be enough for now. Her safety depended on it.
“Leo,” Ella screamed. “Leo!” But I ignored her and kept heading toward the locker room.
I passed Amir and Brenton. They both heard my girl sounding desperate. The Axes were crazy, and if she didn’t know how serious this was, I did.
Turning to my boys I said, “Y’all help me out. Please talk to her. That gang is crazy. Brenton, you know that.”
Brenton said, “Got your back. We’ll get her to understand.”
I so wished my mom was there. I wanted to talk to her and let her know I was frightened. Here I was grown in society’s eyes, yet I was as fearful as a child was of the bogeyman.
I didn’t see Coach heading my way. “Leo, what’s wrong?” he asked.
I wanted to tell him nothing. I wanted to say life was all good. I wanted to tell him to send me home now so that I could not get in trouble. However, I stayed calm and realized I needed to tell the truth.
“Coach, I’ve been threatened by the Axes. I’m worried for myself, for Blake, and for my girl.”
Coach put his hand on his head and then looked at me. “Okay, you need to talk to the police and report this right away. Also, what’s Blake got to do with this? And when did you get a girl?”
“It just sort of happened and the Axes know. They want to come after her to get at me. I tried to break it off with her for her safety, but …”
Coach Strong shook his head. “I can only imagine she wasn’t letting you go.”
“No, she wasn’t, and I like her, a lot. I don’t know what else to do,” I said, looking to him for guidance.
“Well, the police working security in the stands can take your statement, and then I want you home right after you speak to them. We let this cool down. We add no fuel to this fire. You get me?” he asked. I nodded. “And Blake?”
“Oh yeah, well, that’s how all this got started, Coach. Blake stood up to a guy who beat up a girl. When the guy pulled a gun on Blake, I stepped in.”
“What? You boys, dang! Tell me you weren’t packing?” he asked. I looked the other way. “Boy, you better not have a piece in my home.”
“I don’t, sir. My mom’s boyfriend pawned it.”
“Good. You and Blake have too much going right for you now. Some of these thugs have nothing. Stay out of their way and tell the cops all you know,” Coach demanded.
Amir and Brenton came into the locker room. I motioned my hand for them to come over to me. Brenton shook his head.
I said, “What? You couldn’t talk to her?”
Amir replied, “Yeah, we talked to her, and we pulled no punches, but she is strong-willed and doesn’t think this is as serious as we think it is.”
“That’s foolish. She saw those jokers bashing my head in the other day. Dang it! She better go home right now,” I declared.
Brenton said, “I doubt it. But if you go home, she probably will.”
“I just told Leo to talk to the cops about Shameek and the Axes,” Coach said. “I think you both need to do the same,” he said, nodding toward Blake and Landon. They both agreed to go with me to talk to the police.
Coach then told Blake and me to head home without him. He was going to stay and watch film of next week’s opponent. Waxton, our star running back, announced he was having an after party. The guys wanted to go. I hoped the cheerleaders were not planning to go.
When Blake and I drove to his place, Amir called me. “Hey, just wanted you to know the girls are going to Wax’s gig. Not sure about Ella, but I know Hallie went.”
“Thanks, Amir. Hopefully, she heard us and went home. I’ll check,” I said.
“If she went, what you gonna do?” Amir asked.
“Go drag her home, I guess. Hope I get there before the Axes do,” I responded.
When I hung up, Blake said, “Maybe all this is much to do about nothing. The Axes like to have us worried. We’re too high-profile, winning and all, for them to step to us.”
Blake had a point. However, the Axes were not rational. Whether it was puff or real stuff, I had to take care of mine.
“You say the word, and we head to the party,” Blake said, having my back.
“Let me see what’s up,” I said. I began to push letters on my cell.
I texted, “Please tell me that you are not out at Wax’s place.”
Ella responded, “Yes, but if you tell me where you are, I can get Hallie to drop me off.”
I texted back, “Go home.”
She texted back, “Soon.”
Seeing that message, I gave Blake the signal to loop the rental around. Blake called Landon and I phoned Amir. If there was drama, we did not want to be alone. I wished I had my gun, but it was what it was.
About fifteen minutes later, we pulled up to a crowded house full of teens. Most were getting their party on, but I panicked when I saw the Axes’s cars. I had to find Ella. My gut told me she was in trouble.
Sprinting to the house was still not fast enough for me. If something happened to her, I could not forgive myself. When I was stopped by two Axes, who looked at me like I was too late, I freaked. I pushed my way past them quickly.
“Where is she?” I screamed.
“We’ll find her,” Blake assured. “Look, there’s Charli and everybody.”
I was so happy to see Ella’s crew. I looked at all the girls, but I did not see Ella. Then I did a double take when I thought I saw her. However, it was her identical twin sister. I stepped to Hallie.
“Where’s Ella?” I asked, knowing that she knew I cared.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen her,” Hallie said.
I went around and called out for her, “Ella? Ella?”
When I didn’t see her upstairs, a group of us headed to the back deck. Charli started crying, as my demeanor was making her nervous. Blake comforted her.
“She hasn’t left because I’m driving,” Hallie declared.
“Down—” I heard Ella scream before her voice was abruptly cut off.
I jetted down the stairs. Shameek was on top of Ella. My heart was racing.
“I wondered where you were. I was about to have fun and do what you haven’t. You come to watch?” Shameek tormented. “You should not have interfered. You wanna be the hero with Blake Strong; well, now I got the last word.”
“Shameek, let her go. Your problem is with me, not my girl,” I said.
“Ahh, you told me you didn’t have a girl. I got eyes and ears everywhere. Thought I couldn’t find who the trick was that ratted us out when we were bashing your head in? Well, I did. Now I want to finish it,” Shameek promised. Just then, Bruno tossed him over a gun.
Amir came down the stairs and yelled, “Leo, watch out!”
“No!” Ella shrieked. Then she ran in front of me.
My eyes popped when I saw the bullet head her way. I pushed her. However, she got hit.
“No!” I wailed. She fell, and I caught her and broke her fall.
Chaos went on around us. Amir and Landon grabbed Shameek. Ella was trembling and I felt sick. I held her close and tears fell.
“Stay with me,” I begged. “Ella, stay with me. I love you, girl. Please, don’t leave me. Call the ambulance! Somebody!”
Ella tried to speak, “I … I …”
She was with me, but she needed her strength. I tried to get her to stay calm. However, I was struggling with keeping myself together.
She tried to talk again. “Love … love …”
I said, “Shhh, don’t speak … don’t talk now.”
“Love you,” she whispered out. “Where … Eva?”
Knowing she wanted her sister, I responded, “Shhh, we’ll find her.”
Eva, wailing loudly, came through the crowd.
Why did she run in front of the bullet? Ella was lying helpless because she wanted to protect me. But it was my job to protect her. Not since my dad made sure he protected me in the car crash had anyone ever made sure I was taken care of first. When I saw her eyes shut, I could only hope she was not gone from my life like my father was.
I had given my heart to her, and I needed her to stay around to receive my love. She needed to hold on, and she needed to be okay. She needed to live, to be exact.