1. Leanne K. Lamke, “The Impact of Sex-Role Orientation on Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence,” Child Development 53, no. 6 (1982): 1530–1535.
2. Naomi Wolf, Promiscuities: The Secret Struggle for Womanhood (New York: Random House, 1997), 113–114.
3. Sylvia Pagan Westphal, “Partners of Underage Girls Focus Study,” Los Angeles Times, August 13, 1999.
4. Mike Males, “Poverty, Rape, Adult/Teen Sex: Why ‘Pregnancy Prevention’ Programs Don’t Work,” Phi Delta Kappan 75, no. 5 (1994): 407–410.
5. Sharon G. Elstein and Noy Davis, “Sexual Relationships Between Adult Males and Young Teen Girls: Exploring the Legal and Social Responses,” American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law, October 1997, new.abanet.org/child/PublicDocuments/statutory_rape.pdf.
6. Gerald R. Adams and Michael D. Berzonsky, Blackwell Handbook on Adolescence (New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005).
7. William Pollack, Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood (New York: Owl Books, 1999).