Appendix H: Threat Modeling


The threat landscape is constantly evolving and escalating as more and more business operations are relying on complex technology infrastructures. Building and sustaining effective mitigating and defense-in-depth strategies requires organizations to have a balanced understanding of both their adversaries and themselves so they can comprehend the nature of threats they face.
Threat risk modeling is an essential exercise that must be viewed as a component of every organization’s overall risk management program. This exercise should be completed to build appropriate countermeasures that effectively reduce business risk impact through the identification of contributing threats. It is important that a structured threat risk assessment is completed to better understand the individual security threats that have potential to affect their business assets, operations, and functions.

Why Threat Modeling?

Specific to information security, a threat is any intentional (eg, cybercrime) or accidental (eg, natural disaster) course of action with the potential to adversely impact people, processes, or technology. Similar to business risk, threats can be classified according to their types, such as:
• Physical damage (eg, fire, water)
• Service impact (eg, electrical, telecommunication)
• Information compromise (eg, eavesdropping, media theft)
• Technical failures (eg, software defects, performance, and capacity)
• Operational compromise (eg, abuse of rights, denial of service)
It is important to recognize that even though the resulting impact(s) of individual security threats can be different, there are commonalities in how all threats are structured and work. Under the structured threat information expression (STIX) framework, illustrated in Figure H.1, organizations can utilize a common language for representing the nine constructs of how threats work. STIX is designed to improve the overall management and understanding of threat information so that organizations can develop mitigation strategies and countermeasures that are meaningful, adaptable, extensible, and automated.
Observables are the resulting outputs that might be or have been seen across an organization (ie, service degradation)
Indicators describe one or more observable patterns that, combined with other relevant and contextual information, represent artifacts and behaviors of interest (ie, file hashes)
Tampering involves the malicious and unauthorized (1) alteration of data communication between subjects3 such as business workflows or (2) modification to persistent objects or assets such as database content.
Repudiation is the explicit denial of performing actions where proof cannot be otherwise obtained, such as executing unauthorized acts against an object or asset. Nonrepudiation is the mitigating control where a record of actions is maintained such as generating an audit log event for specific acts against an object or asset.
Information disclosure involves exposure of information to subjects that are, under normal circumstances, not authorized for gain access, such as an intruder reading data communications between two systems.

Business Risk Association

As business operations become much more interrelated with complex technologies, it is crucial that organizations do not continue to manage threats on a case-by-case basis. Alternatively, instead of managing threats through specific technology functionalities, organization should manage their attack surface with the goal of reducing a much larger number of threats without getting into the specifics.

Threat Modeling Methodologies

Microsoft Threat Modeling

Developed by Microsoft in 2003, this threat model allows organization to systematically identify and prioritize threats that have the greatest potential impact to business assets, operations, and functions. Leveraging the STRIDE classification scheme, organizations can address individual threats by executing the following six stages:
Identify assets documents all systems and objects that need to be protected
Create an architecture overview uses data flow and workflow diagrams to illustrate the relationships and connectivity between systems and objects
Decompose the application provides further details of the architecture to uncover weaknesses and vulnerabilities in design, implementation, or configuration
Identify the threats discovers the exact weaknesses and vulnerabilities that could affect the systems and objects
Document the threats records the attributes of each weakness and vulnerability using a common classification scheme
Rate the threats scores threats to determine the priority for implementing mitigating countermeasures

Process For Attack Simulation And Threat Analysis (Pasta)

Developed by Marco Morana and Tony UV., this is a threat model that is platform agnostic and can be applied to most systems or software development methodologies. This model is focused on aligning business objectives with technical requirements through the completion of the following seven steps:
Define the business and security objectives documents functional capabilities by completing a business impact analysis from the security and regulatory compliance requirements perspective
Define the technical scope describes the inclusion of technical assets and components that will be enumerated for threats
Decompose the application identifies the individual component data flows from which threat and vulnerability assessments are performed
Threat analysis extracts detailed threat intelligence and assesses the likelihood of attack scenarios occurring
Weakness and vulnerabilities analysis involves mapping threat analysis results with enumerated weaknesses to develop use/abuse cases and vulnerabilities scoring systems
Attack/exploits enumeration and modeling establishes an attacker’s perspective of the attack surface including exploit targets or TTP’s
Risk and impact analysis provides qualitative and quantitative assessments of the business risk and impact along with mitigation strategy options
PASTA was designed by combining several threat modeling approaches to give organizations an attacker’s perspective of threats so that they can identify mitigation strategies that follow an asset-centric approach. While there are technical aspects included in this methodology, the inclusion of business relevant aspects changes it from a purely technical exercise into a process that requires the involvement of key organizational stakeholders.


Developed by Eleanor Saitta, Brenda Larcom, and Michael Eddington, version 1.0 of this threat model was published in 2005 as a way of providing organizations with a unified framework for security auditing from a risk management perspective. The intention of using this methodology was to enable communication between multiple stakeholders to describe security characteristics of a system or software from the high-level architecture to the low-level implementation details.
TRIKE follows a risk-based approach where organizations sequentially complete four models to determine the impact threats have to assets, operations, and functions:

Threat Risk Matrix

From the threat modeling exercise, a formalized report should be created to document the security aspects of the system or software architecture including additional attributes that link the identified threat to a business risk mitigation strategy. Publishing a threat report helps to prioritize, manage, and align potential threats across the organization with communication to key stakeholders such as:
• designers who can use secure software engineering principles relating to technologies and functionality;
• developers who author systems or software following recommended mitigation strategies; and
• testers and auditors who can verify and validate that the application security components were built as designed.

Threat Modeling: Next Steps

Organizations must acknowledge that over time, threats evolve resulting in changes to the business risk and impact. While countermeasures can be implemented to reduce an attack surface, it is important to remember that threats exist regardless of the mitigation strategies previously implemented and cannot be completely eliminated as a potential business risk impact.
Threat modeling should not be treated as a program that is executed as a one-time exercise. It must be performed as an iterative process that is capable of adapting to the evolving threat landscape, changes to systems and software designs, and shifting business requirements.
