Susan Forest
I would like to thank the members of Calgary’s Imaginative Fiction Writers’ Association, for their support; to Lucas Law for inviting me to participate, and whose knowledge and professionalism continue to teach me so much; and finally, to the remarkable authors, whose creative imaginations gave flesh and spirit to this amazing compilation. Thank you.
Lucas K. Law
Many thanks go to the following:
Susan Forest, my co-editor, for her enthusiasm and insights, and support for this anthology series;
The members of Alberta Romance Writers’ Association especially Grace Panko and Mahrie Glab for their long-term friendship;
Hayden and Liz Trenholm at Bundoran Press for their kindness toward a ‘young’ publisher;
Margaret L.D. Curelas at Tyche Books for her words of wisdom on book publishing, promotions, and marketing;
Samantha M. Beiko and Clare C. Marshall for their generous support whenever I need it;
Julie E. Czerneda for her continuing enthusiasm for this “social causes” anthology series;
Tim H. Feist, my partner, for spending way too many nights alone when I work on this anthology;
Dominik Parisien and the authors for giving their unwavering commitment to this anthology;
Everyone who buys this book and support social causes (please continue to talk about issues on mental health/illness and caregiving/caregivers).