

Dear friend,

This says a lot to me, you being here. It says you are feeling what I sometimes feel—like there is more than this. Your “this” may look different from my “this,” but it’s true all the same.

So I’m really glad you’re here. And I hope you’ll stick around all the way to the end because there is something here for you. At the least, it’s an invitation to run after a life that might require a bit more courage but will certainly offer more joy and more than “this.” At the most, everything changes. And that can be pretty awesome.

I hope you have a journal, or will buy a journal, to take alongside you in this daily story you are writing about your life. These 100 days are special to me, and I hope they will be to you as well. I’ve pulled together some of my favorite thoughts on courage and bravery and mixed them with lots of new ones that God and life and people have taught me over the last few years. And I think together with whatever God is already doing in your life, this could be a really interesting journey for you.

I know I’m not really there beside you, but in my heart it feels like I am. Think of me as the friend who’s across the table from you at the local coffeehouse, just here to talk and process and think with you as you walk this road toward your most courageous self. I’m cheering for you.

