The officials were amazed to see how brave Peter and John were, and they knew that these two apostles were only ordinary men and not well educated. The officials were certain that these men had been with Jesus.
—ACTS 4:13 CEV
Every day I hear story after story of courage. (Not a bad gig, to tell you the truth.)
You sweet people e-mail me, text me, and tag me on the Internet as you share your brave stories. And as I travel around the country and speak to groups, you cannot imagine how many stories of courage I get to hear.
Each time I think, Man, I wish everyone could hear this!
There is something superpowerful about putting brave on display—in your life, in the lives of the people you love, in the art you see or read or hear. When we see brave out in the world, it inspires us, doesn’t it? I think that’s why not only do we need to share our brave, but we need to actively look for it as well. I know you have friends, like I do, who are being braver than they knew they could be in their everyday lives.
Do you see brave when you look around your life? In the face in the mirror as well as in the faces you see when you are gathered with your people?
Who is displaying courage? Someone battling a disease? Acting in spite of fear? Chasing a dream?
When we see brave out in the world, it inspires us, doesn’t it?
Where do you see brave moments in your family? In your own life? In your friends?
Are you reading something that sounds brave? Have you watched a film that reminded you of something brave? Courage is in the arts all the time. (And I’m not just referring to Braveheart, though I love Scotland and do find that movie inspiring in so many ways.) Sometimes I’ll even look for movies or books along a theme that I am struggling with. Most recently, as a new relationship began to grow with a man in a different city, I read a book about a couple who survived a long-distance relationship. I needed their courage to remind me to be brave too. (Even though they were fictional and—spoiler alert—my relationship ended.)
I think when you hear other stories, they will sound like your story, and you will realize you are braver than you give yourself credit for. And we will cheer for each other and see courage in each other, and we will all be braver for it.
BE BRAVE: When you see brave, say so.