Day Seven



Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”


There is so much to the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness—so many topics we could talk about—God’s provision, the power of Scripture, temptation. But when we are thinking about being brave, this story is another example of truth versus lies and how believing truth produces courage.

Jesus was faced (like face-to-face) with temptation from Satan. The enemy. But Jesus stood up against the lies and spoke truth into the situation. Jesus knew the truth, and He believed it. Every time Satan offered something to Jesus, He responded with a scripture. Jesus repeatedly reminded Satan how this story really goes.

The truth that sets you free is God’s Word. If you fill your mind with His words, that truth will make you brave. Page after page, verse after verse, God has already said who you are. You are released to believe that you are who He says you are. That the Bible is true. That you are deeply loved no matter what. Will you be brave enough to believe Him?

Believing truth is always a choice. In every situation, in every conversation, and in every moment that you begin to criticize yourself, you have the choice to fight for truth or give in to the lies.

There is so much power when you begin to understand that you are who God says you are, not who other people say you are or who you believe you are.

Believing truth is always a choice.

Let me tell you about believing in truth and how it changed my life. I’m free. I can live and speak and love openly because I believe I am who God says I am. My insecurities are quieter (not gone, but quieter), my worries are lighter (not weightless, but lighter), and my heart is fuller because I know how God feels about me.

BE BRAVE: Copy this prayer into your journal (or write one of your own): God, tell me the truth of who I am. I’m listening. I want to be free from the lies—do that for me. Rescue me. Bring truth like a waterfall.