Day Seventeen



Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

—2 TIMOTHY 3:16–17 MSG

I became a Christian when I was five, so the Bible has always been a part of my reading life. I am thankful that as long as I have known how to read, I have had a Bible. But I haven’t always enjoyed reading it. To be honest, parts of it can bore me—lists, laws, and things that my brain doesn’t quite understand.

But as the years have gone by, I have grown to see the Bible for what it really is—a collection of stories with people just like us, life lessons, and page after page describing the God we love and serve.

If you set out to read your Bible as if it is something you have to do, you will miss out on the supernatural power it can have in your life. The Bible is God’s way of communicating with you, of letting you in on who He is. The Holy Spirit uses His Word to show us the truth, convict us, correct us, and train us.

The Bible isn’t boring. It isn’t just lists, or just rules, or just a bunch of stories that are hard to understand. It’s a record of who God is and the story of His great love for His people—and that’s us.

The more you dig into the Word for yourself, the more you will hunger for it. The more you read the Bible, the more you will know God.

The Bible is always your best resource when you want to hear from God. There, in black and white (and sometimes red), are God-inspired words for you. Don’t rely on your pastor, a podcast, or even a Christian author to read a few verses here and there. Dig into the Word for yourself, and enjoy this gift God has given you—total access to who He is and total knowledge of how He feels about you!

If you set out to read your Bible as if it is something you have to do, you will miss out on the supernatural power it can have in your life.

BE BRAVE: Check out (or They offer lots of plans and resources to help you learn to read the Bible on a regular basis.