The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.
Sometimes being brave is walking away from the dreams that have died and the doors that have closed and chasing the dreams that are alive.
God plants dreams in our hearts from an early age. He hands us talents long before we know exactly how to use them. And the young ones? They aren’t afraid to think about those talents, to push into whatever that dream is, to be brave naturally.
I have friends who are sure that life has passed them by, that their opportunity to be brave has come and gone. That is sadder to me than anything—you are not too old! My grandmother was brave until her final breath at the age of eighty-nine.
If you’re reading this book, you’re alive, and if you’re alive, so is a dream.
What are the dreams you can’t stop dreaming? Think about that and figure it out because God wants to use that dream. God wants to use that talent. He wants to take your dreams and talents and use them to point others to Him.
I love God. He has meant everything to me in my life. He loves me really well. And let me tell you what one of the ways loving God looks like for me: this right here. Writing. Talking about Him. Expressing my love to Him through the life I live, the people I love, and the causes I serve. I want to live my life in a way that always and forever pumps as much love out of my heart as I can.
If you’re reading this book, you’re alive, and if you’re alive, so is a dream.
Do I make mistakes? Constantly and absolutely. Am I a sinner? You’d better believe it. But every day, for the rest of the time the Lord gives me on earth, I want my entire life to love Him. Through my writing career and any other dreams that God grows in my life and heart.
God loves to put wings on dreams that His kids chase, dreams that can bring Him glory.
BE BRAVE: What is one dream you hope is still alive in your life?