Day Thirty-Three



I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together.


What did God create you specifically to do? It’s not like you’re born knowing the answer to this question. You need to walk through life and stumble and soar and go through all the things and notice what you’re drawn to and what doesn’t work.

In 1 Corinthians 12, we read about how Christians all have their different parts in the body of Christ. And God is the One who decided what your role in the body would be.

So how do you know what you were created to do? We know, as Christians, that we are all called to point people to Christ. But how are you supposed to do that practically, using your unique makeup?

The answer? Ask God. Spend time in His Word. God is always speaking to us, to you and to me, and He will speak through His Word. You can also hear God’s heart through other people—through your pastor, your small group leader, your parents, and even your friends. I also think that God can whisper truths into your heart through the Holy Spirit.

You learn to recognize the voices of the people you love the most.

So how do you know when God is speaking to you?

Listening to God is a personal thing, to be honest. And I wouldn’t dare claim to be an expert. But just like I know my mom’s voice when she calls or my friend’s voice when she yells at me from across a restaurant, you learn to recognize the voices of the people you love the most.

So practice listening. You can pray something like this: God, I want to hear from You. Speak to me. Teach me how to hear You in my heart and in what others say to me. Please show me what You want me to do to live out my calling.

And then wait. And listen. Journal what you hear. Be brave enough to share it with your friends or a mentor you trust. The best way to grow in your ability to hear God is to practice and let others help you.

BE BRAVE: Take some time today to listen to God. Pray, sit in the quiet, think, and listen. Have your Bible and journal nearby, and see what God has for you today.