God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Let’s say you’re working on a piece of your puzzle. You know what your calling is. You know that what you’re doing now, whether it’s professionally or in your spare time, is working on a piece of the bigger thing you feel called to do. Maybe you know what that thing is. Or maybe you don’t. Or maybe you’ve changed your mind!
I can’t tell you the number of people I know who changed majors in college. Or who went to school for one thing and wound up doing something totally different.
What’s cool about your calling is that there are no dead ends. Even if you weren’t brave enough to pursue your last opportunity, you can be brave this time.
Where can your calling take you? It’s unlimited! If you’re not sure what this looks like for you, be brave enough to sit some people down and say, “Hey. Help me, please?”
One of my Nashville friends did this. He’s been a musician forever, but he wasn’t sure he still wanted to do it anymore. So he invited a bunch of us to his house to eat dinner and say to him, “These are some other strengths I see in you. What if your calling looked like __________. Like this. And this—and this—and this—and this.”
What’s cool about your calling is that there are no dead ends. Even if you weren’t brave enough to pursue your last opportunity, you can be brave this time.
He wasn’t asking us to help find his calling. He was asking us to help him find other expressions of it. He knew his calling. But was he doing it for fun or for financial means? What else could he be doing?
Inviting people into those deeper questions of your heart can feel scary. What if they say something you don’t want to hear? Be brave enough to listen. Be brave enough to disagree.
Where will your calling take you? God knows, and if you’re brave, soon you will too.
BE BRAVE: As you seek out where your calling could take you, who could you invite into this conversation? Who do you trust with your dreams and stories that can help you brainstorm?