The righteous are as bold as a lion.
Saying yes changes everything. Walking through the door, agreeing in the moment. Sometimes it is just what is needed to show you the next big yes. I said yes to interning at UGA. I said yes to moving back to Marietta. I said yes to Nashville. I said yes to Scotland. I said yes to college ministry in Nashville after returning from Scotland, in a major life-circle kind of way.
We have to say yes. Even when it’s scary or costly or unknown. We don’t screw up by saying yes to the wrong things; we screw up by letting all the floats in the parade pass us by and never jumping on one of them for a ride to the end.
Moving to India to start an orphanage as a single woman. Giving up your solo music career to join a group of unguaranteed success. Giving up the life you know as a single person to get married.
You’ve heard before that saying yes to one thing is saying no to all the others. It’s true, I think. If I say yes to a sushi dinner with my Vanderbilt baseball players, I’m saying no to Mexican with my friends. If I say yes to a city, a date, or a friend in need, I’m saying no to all the other options.
If the yeses feel scary, take comfort in knowing that if you are seeking God, if you are asking Him to lead you, He hears you and is doing just that! If you are living in obedience to Him, and He brings opportunities into your life, you can trust that He will take care of you when you say yes.
Say yes to the situations that stretch you and scare you and ask you to be a better you than you think you can be.
Say yes to the gym. Say yes to the open door. Say yes to the situations that stretch you and scare you and ask you to be a better you than you think you can be. Say yes to the moments that will only come once. Say yes to serving. Say yes to Jesus in every way—every chance you get.
BE BRAVE: Say yes to one small thing today—a friend’s request, a push from the Lord, an invite to an event, a healthy choice for yourself.