“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Please don’t let fear win.
Being brave looks different for each person because each person has a unique call from God.
What is the big question lingering in your heart that you don’t know how to answer? Is it a question you’re too afraid to answer? It could be big, like a location change, a job change, or a relationship.
Should you pick up and move?
Should you change career paths even though you’re well into your fifties?
Should you pursue something romantic with that person you’ve been “just friends” with for ten years?
If the reason you don’t say yes to any of those questions is simply, “I’m afraid,” then you need to seek the Lord and ask Him to help you be brave, and then answer those questions based on what He leads you to do.
Connor didn’t know when he said yes to playing baseball in his senior year at Vanderbilt (instead of going to the major leagues when he was drafted as a junior) that he would have his best year on the field and off in Nashville, thus earning him a higher draft spot after his senior season.
Please don’t let fear win.
Ashley didn’t know when she said yes to moving to Kansas City to be an intern at the International House of Prayer that the man who would become her husband had done the same.
I didn’t know when I went on that first trip to Scotland that my life would forever be tied to that country and the people there.
Friend, we can’t see the future, so when we take steps forward, we’ve got to say no to fear.
God wants you to be “strong and courageous.” Why? Because He’s got this! Your life. Your plan. Your future.
God cares about it, and He’s with you. He’s with me. He’s with us.
BE BRAVE: Where are you letting fear hold you back?