Day Eighty-Three



“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”


I will never forget the tsunami that hit Southeast Asia in 2004. I was a teacher at the time, and we were out of school for Christmas break. When we returned, the students in my class had many questions and a desire to do something to help.

Through the Red Cross, we found that we could donate money to provide people shelter and food. So we started a change drive. Kids from all over our school would bring change and drop it in a jar. On Fridays we would bring the jar to our room and pour the money out onto the floor. One table of students collected quarters, another dimes, another nickels, and another pennies. Then they would roll the coins.

Would you believe that in a single month we raised more than $1,000? (And not one cent was pocketed by my students.) We were able to provide more than twenty family-sized tents for people in Asia. When the change drive began, I would not have believed that we would have that outcome, especially when twenty-five fifth graders were leading the charge. But with their sweet hands, they collected change, rolled coins, and wrote notes to send home to parents all over our school. They were servants. And God was honored by their offering.

Are you using your money in a way that honors Him?

Jesus said you can’t serve God and money. It just doesn’t work. You might think you don’t love money more than God, but where is your money going?

Are you using your money in a way that honors Him? In a way that serves His people? Are you being irresponsible with your money and living off credit cards?

God blesses us when we give our tithes and offerings to Him. He uses our money to spread His love to others, and He blesses us so richly when we are generous.

It’s not easy. I know! But are you brave enough to believe that if you are generous with your money, you won’t run out?

Walk in obedience to God’s Word, and be generous with your money. Take that brave step today and see how God blesses others—and you—through it.

BE BRAVE: Give a little money away today—to a church, an organization, a friend, or a group you believe in.