Day Eighty-Six



Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage—to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they’ll build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life.

—1 TIMOTHY 6:18–19 MSG

Brave people deny themselves and serve others. Brave people are the ones who take what God’s given them and give generously. Friend, your resources should make an impact wherever you go.

Your time. Your money. Your talents.

Serve someone else this week with your hands. Allow the Lord to lead you to those who could use a loving touch, and hug them.

The people you hug and touch and love this week can be changed because you hugged them and showed them the love of Christ in a tangible way.

Your home should be different because you’re in it. You can look around at your family and the walls that hold you and see that place as a mission field. See your home as a place where you can love and you can forgive and you can make a difference.

I’ll tell you a secret. (And if this gets out, I’ll know exactly where it came from.) I’m a pretty selfish person. Some people on this earth are natural servants. They immediately think of other people first, volunteer whenever possible, and somehow have a smile on their faces for most of it. If that’s you, I congratulate you. (And I humbly request that you teach me how to be like you.) But that isn’t me. I have to choose to work at and focus on caring for other people more than I care about myself.

Your resources should make an impact wherever you go.

Because I want the places I go to be touched by God’s love.

Your financial resources, however large or small, should be making a difference in this world—by furthering God’s kingdom.

Give, friends. Be brave enough to put yourself, your wants, your money, and your time second place, so that what you have—what God’s given you to steward—makes a difference wherever you go.

BE BRAVE: Make a list of the ways you want to be courageously generous.