Day Eighty-Nine



Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.

—PSALM 96:11–12 NIV

One morning my heart woke up before my mind did. And while my brain was like, Sister, keep sleeping! my heart knew something was up. I’ve been me long enough to know when I’m supposed to listen to that little nudge.

So I got up, laced up, walked to the water, and climbed Lifeguard Tower 52 on Newport Beach in Southern California. I asked God what was so important, assuming we must have something to discuss since I was clearly awake on purpose.

And it was nothing.

No agenda.

No topic.

It was just us.

Just sitting. Just being.

Just together.

I played some worship music, an album from Brian and Jenn Johnson, and tears sprang to my eyes. Because after all these years together, it sure is sweet that sometimes the Lord wakes me up just to hang out.

That morning I met with God in nature. His creativity in nature grows something in me deep down in my soul. I looked out at the endless ocean He made just by speaking it into existence, and I remembered how much He loves me.

His love makes me brave, and there is no place I love to meet with God more than sitting in His creation. Sitting in nature.

When I’m home I often go to Radnor Lake. It’s beautiful there, and I just can’t walk those trails without my heart worshipping.

Spending time in God’s creation, in His presence, will make you brave. You can be brave because you’re God’s. Today, even if it’s just stepping outside of your office building and sitting under a tree, spend time in creation and remember how loved you are and how brave you can be.

There is no place I love to meet with God more than sitting in His creation.

BE BRAVE: Purchase After All These Years by Brian and Jenn Johnson. You’re going to love that album! Go outside, get in nature, and let the music play in your ears.