Warning! Spoilers!

Recap of book two

You know the drill by now. This novel follows directly after book two, A Butt of Heads, and I like to include a very brief recap of where the various characters ended up at the end of that novel. If you've only just finished reading the previous novel, or have an excellent memory, feel free to skip this section.

If you haven't read the first two novels yet, stop now because A Pair of Nuts on the Throne is book three in the trilogy.

At the end of the previous novel...

Pentonville, Islington and the supremely annoying Sur Rhyff have just ridden past the line of watchtowers, and onward into the rocky wastes of the west.

Queen Therstie Mollister and Lord Varnish just finished reviewing their 'mighty army' of roughly twelve people - not one of them armed, armoured, or trained in any way. Lord Varnish was instructed to raise Army 2.0… or else.

Sur Loyne, Sur Pryze, Thonn and the assassin Tiera have just gone to sleep in her modest house. In the morning, they're going to hunt for Tyniwon and Wiltred, who they believe assassinated the King of the Barks.

Wiltred, Tyniwon Mollister and the elf maiden Allyance just set off to the east with a pot of stew, a vial of fyrehose and a completely pointless willow twig.

Hold on, I'm not done yet...

Father M, Hurm, Stonesmasher, Slim, Splodge, Clunk and Millie just agreed on their 'elaborate' plan to capture a baby dragon. (Grab it… then run!)

Spadell just agreed to take a month off. He realised he likes and respects Tiera, and he wants to see more of her. But first, he must find her.

Runt and Berry and midshipman Dallow were captured by Sur Cumfrence, and have just been locked up in the deepest, dankest jail cell in Chatter's Reach.

Gratuitous Plot Twist! Hal Spacejock, a spaceship freighter pilot, was written into the series in the very last sentence of book two, and is currently paddling towards the distant shoreline of the Old Kingdom. If he knew of the dangers awaiting him there, he'd be paddling the other way, back out to sea.