Welcome, Initiate

You have now imbibed a healthy dose of that wondrous supernatural elixir we call magic, so do not be surprised if you feel a little intoxicated for a day or so—and even possibly slightly hung over after that. As you will come to know, it’s all part and parcel of practicing magic and dwelling ever more frequently in the unicorn realm and the realm of enchantment.

Colors will be more dazzling, light will be clearer, and everyday encounters with flowers, birds, and butterflies will be filled with even more meaning and presence. Additionally, your intuition may be stronger, you may have vivid and powerful dreams, and you may feel guided to make changes in your life, which could be tiny, gigantic, or anywhere in between.

To make the most of this time of increased magic and positive transformation, be sure to drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, eat clean, steer clear of toxic people and environments, and generally take sterling care of yourself in every possible way and on every possible level. Keeping up with your daily meditation practice and working with your journal to record any strong intuitions you receive will also be of the essence.

Now that you have been initiated as a magical practitioner aligned with the realm of the unicorn, you might be wondering: So what? And what is magic for, exactly? And how does it work?

Magical Dynamics

As one who has heard and answered the call of the unicorn, magic is intrinsic to your identity and your spiritual path. As such, the more you work your magic, the more you will feel like yourself. Not only that, but you will be doing a priceless service to magic—and unicorns—in general: you will be increasing the overall magic quotient in the world. You will be reminding other people of their magic and of the joy in cultivating wonder, bringing purity to mind, body, and spirit, and being a devotee of beauty. Consciousness is like electricity: when directed properly, it can light up whole towns, cities, and nations, and send messages instantly across the entire world.

On the personal level, you can create positive change according to your will. Of course, you already do this when you want a cup of tea and then make yourself a cup of tea. You affected the physical world in such a way that you brought forth a desire from your conceptual mind and placed it squarely and solidly into your hands. And in a way, that is already magic. But a conscious magical practice intensifies and magnifies this ability so that you can bring forth rent money or a summer romance or wild success at a job interview without having to know the physical process it will go through in order to materialize. With magic, you simply know that it will, indeed, materialize. You feel it, you sense it, you trust it, and then you magnetize it into your life experience.

In the movies, magic brings things in a flash or a puff of smoke. Your manifestations likely will not be as flashy or as instant as that. Rather, they will be more natural. (Remember how super-duper natural magic is?) You’ll do the money spell, and the minute you stop watching and waiting for the money to arrive, you will receive an unexpected windfall or be presented with a lucrative opportunity. You’ll do the romance spell, then you’ll sort of forget about it, and then you’ll crave strawberries at a random time and meet the love of your life in the produce aisle of your local grocery store.

Why magic works is a mystery that likely will never be solved. How it works—while still mysterious—is something of another story. Just by doing magic, you will learn the way it often plays out because you will witness it working firsthand. Still, for instructive purposes, here’s a rough overview of the practical dynamics of magic:

You enter into magical consciousness. In this chapter’s portal key initiation ritual, you did this systematically when you called on each of the elements in turn. This reminded you that you are one with All That Is and brought a sense of balance and equilibrium to your interconnection with the natural powers that be.

You state your intention, inwardly or aloud, and feel it to be already manifested and true. By stating what you choose to manifest and then feeling as if it’s already manifested, you dial in the vibration of what you are choosing. Because the entire universe is pure energy and vibration, this sets in motion a magnetic action so that your vibration attracts its match.

You release your intention. Let’s say you want to send a note to a friend who is across the room, so you fold it into a paper airplane, draw back your hand, and prepare to launch it. As you know, the note will certainly not reach its target if you don’t let go of it at the end of your arm’s trajectory. Similarly, if you set your intention and feel it to be true, and then don’t relax and consciously release attachment to that intention, it will be impossible for it to go out into the ether and bring forth what you desire.

You joyfully and lightly look forward to the manifestation of your intention. Releasing attachment means not obsessing or worrying, but rather happily expecting your intention to manifest in the best and most magical possible way. It also means letting go of how it manifests or when it arrives or what exactly it looks like, and letting it take its natural course. It’s very similar to the way the hungriest people in a dinner party always receive their meals last: they are so attached to eating and so overwhelmed with the vibration of hunger that it throws up a block to the vibration of satiation, which causes something of a delay. (Arguably, this is the most challenging part of working magic, but don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it. Furthermore, it’ll get easier and more natural over time as you learn to trust that your desires will, indeed, manifest.)

Your intention manifests in a 100 percent natural and possibly unexpected way. Often, magical success looks like something that might have happened all on its own anyway. And it is! At all times there are countless probabilities and possibilities. Working magic simply makes one of them more probable and possible than the rest.
