
Abboud, Andy, 18

Abortion issue, 6, 130, 225, 237

     and abortion rights groups, 33, 63, 154, 206

     and religious conservative opposition, 7, 202, 223, 225

Abramoff, Jack, 22, 130, 246

Adelson, Miriam, 79, 90, 95n

Adelson, Sheldon, 18, 19, 22, 38, 39–40, 44, 132, 218, 228

     and Bush, George W., 78

     and 2012 Republican presidential primary, 77–81, 83, 86, 87, 89–90, 93–94, 95–96

     and Freedom’s Watch, 43

     and Gingrich, Newt, 77, 78, 79–81, 86, 87, 89–90, 93–94, 247

     and Koch seminar, Indian Wells (winter 2012), 91

     and Obama, Barack, 47

     and Republican Jewish Coalition, 109

     and Romney, Mitt, 89–90, 93–94

Aegis Strategic, 202

AFP. See Americans for Prosperity

AFP Knocks, 126–127

Akin, Todd, 172, 187, 188, 189, 222

Alaska First, 217–218

America Votes, 206

American Action Network, 47–48, 49, 50, 53, 221

American Bridge, 158, 176, 206, 230, 233

American Crossroads, 47, 49–52, 53, 73, 120–121, 147, 170, 177

     Conservative Victory Project, 189–190

     and Duncan, Mike, 34–35, 70

     and election 2014, 222

     and election 2012 disappointment, reasons for, 190

     Freedom’s Watch as model for, 43

     and Koch political network, 4, 5, 54

     and 2012 Pennsylvania ad strategy, 177

     and post-election 2012 expansion, 189

     and post-election 2012 future plans, 188–191

     and Republican National Convention breakfast, 171–176

     and Rove, Karl, 41, 188–189

     secrecy of, 50–51

     summit, Washington, DC (“The Republican Future,” October 2013), 19, 211–219

     See also Crossroads GPS

American Energy Alliance, 125

American Future Fund, 132

Americans for Job Security, 132

Americans for Limited Government, 133

Americans for Prosperity (AFP), 53, 119–128, 132, 144, 147, 217

     and election 2012, 6

     and express versus issue advocacy, 120

     and government shutdown, 210, 220

     and Koch brothers, 46, 130

     and North Carolina, ground organizing in, 123–124, 126–128

     and Obamacare, 133, 222–223

     and opposition to Obama, Barack, 123–125

     and paid ground troops, recruitment of, 126

     and post-election 2012, 200

     and reception (Tampa, Florida) honoring Koch, David, and Pope, Art, 139–144

     and Republican Party, 124

     staffing level of, 124

     and tea party, 134–135, 136

     and Themis voter database, 125, 126–127

     and voter mobilization canvassing, 126–128

Americans for Responsible Leadership (ARL), 93, 200–201

Angelos, Peter, xiii

Angle, Sharron, 188, 189

Aniston, Jennifer, 72

Anschutz, Phil, xii–xiii

ARL. See Americans for

Responsible Leadership

Armey, Dick, 136

Axelrod, David, 54, 56–57

Bachmann, Michele, 80

Bain Capital, 89–90, 104, 149, 152

Baker, James, 117

Baldwin, Tammy, 142

Ballmer, Steve, vii, ix, 75, 76, 243

Barbour, Haley, 165–166, 172–174, 214, 215–216

Barnett, Bob, 44

Bauer, Bob, 66–67, 68

Bauer, Gary, 224

Beeson, Rich, 118, 195–196, 197

Begala, Paul, 71, 76, 157–158, 176, 183

     and fund-raising, 152, 154, 155, 156

Begich, Mark, 218

Bekenstein, Joshua, 152–153

Benghazi, Libya, attack on American diplomatic compound, 215, 234–235

Berger, Daniel, 155

Biden, Joe, 21, 58, 146, 161

Blackstone, 152

Blackwater, 10

Blakeman, Bradley, 38–39, 41, 43

Bloomberg, Michael, 4, 204–205, 225

Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 171, 175

Bloomberg News, 94, 168

BlueSwarm, 105

Boehner, John, 23, 138, 139, 157

     and government shutdown (October 2013), 209, 211, 212

     and mega-donors, 245

     and Obamacare, 221

     and tea party, clashes with, 213

Bon Jovi, Jon, 155–156

Booker, Cory, 225

Boozman, John, 141

Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Romney campaign fund-raising call day (January 2007) 103

Britt, Mike, 18

Brock, David, 63, 72–73, 158, 232–233, 233–235

     and Democracy Alliance, 67

     and outside groups, 17

Brooks, Matt, 43

Brotman, Jeff and Susan, vii

Brownback, Sam, 207

Budinger, Bill, 61

Buell, Susie Tompkins, 63–64, 230, 237

Bunning, Jim, 28

Burke, Mary, 239

Burton, Bill, 17–18, 69–70, 71, 76, 111

     and fund-raising, 152, 154–155, 156

Bush, George H. W., 28, 29, 44–45

Bush, George W., 29, 37–38, 53, 78, 150, 173

     and election 2000, 28, 39

     and election 2002, 130

     and election 2004, 30, 61–62

     and Rove, Karl, 5, 45

Bush, Jeb, 117, 165–166, 172

Bush (George W.) administration, 40

Butler, Anthea, 142

Caddell, Pat, 45, 192–193, 198

Cain, Herman, 80

California Public Records Act, 13

Campaign finance reform, x, 28–30

     and lawyers, Washington political, 18

     and maximum allowable contribution, 31

     and big-money era, 244–248

     and Obama, Barack, 64–65, 246–247

     and party power, erosion of, 15–17

     and super PACs, 16, 17–18

     and Watergate scandal, 27

     See also Citizens United; McCain-Feingold; Public financing system

Campaign to Defend America, 67–68

Canary, Cynthia, 246–247

Cancer Treatment Centers of America, 203

Cantor, Eric, 157

Capito, Shelley Moore, 19, 216

Carlson, Tucker, 10n

Carson, Jon, 207, 208

Carter, Jimmy, 115

Cassidy, Bill, 19, 216, 217, 220

Castellini, Bob, 172

Catalist, 63, 232–233

Cato Institute, 129, 130

Cause donors, 34–35. See also Donors

Cavuto, Neil, 166

CBS, 169, 234

Center for American Progress, 63

Center for Shared Services, 125

Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR), 125, 131, 200–201

Chamber of Commerce, 19, 49, 147, 219

Cheney, Liz, 49, 225, 225n

Cheney, Mary, 225n

Chocola, Chris, 214

Christie, Chris, 91–93, 98, 200

CitizenLink, 136

Citizens for a Sound Economy, 130, 136

Citizens for the Republic PAC, 20

Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, x, 33–34, 47, 49, 50, 55, 229, 246

     and Democratic Party, 225–226

     and election 2016, 230–231

     and express versus issue advocacy, 120

     impact of, 16, 37

     and Obama, Barack, viii, 37, 57, 57n, 69, 74, 76, 150, 243–244

     and Romney, Mitt, 106

     and Spies, Charlie, 108

     See also Campaign finance reform

Citizens United (nonprofit group), 229

Clark, Ed, 129

Clinton, Bill, 29, 68, 149, 176, 207, 246

     and election 1992, 71

     and election 1996, 64–66

     and fund-raising, 155–156, 161, 226–228

Clinton, Hillary, 4, 21, 72

     and election 2008, 63–64, 65–68, 226, 232

     and election 2016, xi, 19, 226, 229–237, 238, 241

     and election 2012, hoped-for primary challenge, 60

Club for Growth, 42, 210, 214, 220

Club for Growth Action Fund, 222

Cochran, Thad, 210

Coie, Perkins, 18

Coleman, Norm, 47, 48

Collegio, Jonathan, 188, 215

Collins, Rob, 48

ComMITT, 103, 105

Common Purpose Project, 146

Commonwealth PACs, 101–102, 104, 105

Confessore, Nick, 217

Congressional Leadership Fund, 221, 222

Conservative Action Project, and Ritz Carlton summit (Arlington, Virginia, December 2013), 223–224

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC; National Harbor convention center, March 2013), 192–193

Conservative Victory Project, American Crossroads, 189–190, 190–191, 214

Consultants, x, xii, xiii, 16–17, 48, 190

     and election 2012, Republican analysis of, 199–200

     and election 2012 Republican defeat, blame for, 191–198

     lifestyle of, 137, 194–197

     payments to, 185–186, 192–198

     and political system, reordering of, 15

     See also specific consultants

Coors family, 62

Coplen, Keith, 19–20

Corporations, 16, 28, 244. See also Citizens United

Correct the Record, 233, 234

Costco, vii

Cotton, Tom, 19, 204, 219

CPAC. See Conservative Political Action Conference

CPPR. See Center to Protect Patient Rights

Craighead, Kelly, 73, 238

Crane, Ed, 129

Crank, Jeff, 202

Crocks, Inc., 3

Crossroads. See American Crossroads

Crossroads GPS, 52–54, 169, 173, 222. See also American Crossroads

Crossroads Media, 195

Crow, Harlan, 48

Cruz, Ted, 4, 211

Cuccinelli, Ken, 197

Daily Beast, 135, 150

Daily Kos, 87

Daines, Steve, 19, 219

Dallas Petroleum Club, 47, 48

Database project (Narwhal), of Obama campaign, 148

Davis, Wendy, 19, 237, 238–239

Dean, Howard, 231–233, 241

DeMint, Jim, 202

Democracy Alliance, 55–64, 67, 68, 72–73, 146

     annual dues and minimum donations, 62

     concept, 62–63

     and election 2014, 228

     and Ickes, Harold, 71

     and Obama, Barack, 57–58, 76

     post-election 2012 (annual winter meeting), 205–207

     Democracy Alliance conference (Laguna Beach, California, April 2011), 72

Democracy Alliance fund-raiser (St. Regis Hotel, Washington, DC, January 2012), 73–74, 75

Democracy Alliance meeting (2005), 63

Democracy Alliance meeting (Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Washington, D.C., November 2013), 231–232, 237–241

Democracy Alliance meeting (Mandarin Oriental Hotel, November 2010), 55–61

Democratic Governors Association fundraiser (Charlotte, NC, September 2012), 158–159

Democratic National Committee, 28, 146

Democratic National Convention (Charlotte, NC, September 2012), 156

     ”Super-O-Rama” super PAC fund-raiser, 160, 161–162

Democratic Senate super PAC, Majority PAC, 217

Democrats/Democratic Party

     and Citizens United, 225–226

     and election 2012, analysis of, 183, 203–208

     ideological unity of, 183

     liberal wing of, 225, 228–229, 237–238

     and relationship with labor unions, trial lawyers and Hollywood, 153

     and super PACs, 156–157, 176–177, 183, 205–206

Diefenthal, Ned, 8–9, 9n

Dinneen, Jim, 152


     cause donors, 34–35

     motivation of, xii–xiii, 20–23, 239–240

     and sports team owners, overlap between, xii–xiii

     See also Mega-donors

DreamWorks Animation, 71

Dubke, Michael, 18, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198

Duffy, Sean, 213, 221

Dukakis, Michael, 107

Duncan, Bobby, 25

Duncan, Mike, 25–35, 47, 52–53, 70–71, 170, 188–189

Durbin, Dick, 159

eBay, 103

Edwards, John, 65, 68

Eisen, Norm, 66

Election 1896, 39, 171, 245

Election 1972, 26–27, 245

Election 1980, 115

Election 1988, 107

Election 1992, 71

Election 1996, 64–65

Election 2000, 28, 39

Election 2002, 130

Election 2004, 30–31, 56, 58, 61–62

Election 2006, 31, 37, 63

Election 2008, 15, 32, 42–43, 104, 132, 151, 165, 229, 237

     and Clinton, Hillary, 63–64, 65–68, 226, 232

     and Democracy Alliance, 63–64

     and Freedom’s Watch, 39

     and Romney, Mitt, 102–105

Election 2010, xi, 5, 47–48, 53–54, 55, 69, 227, 247

Election 2012, 5, 77–96, 149, 228, 232

     and Adelson, Sheldon, 77–81, 83, 86, 87, 89–90, 93–94, 95–96

     analysis of, and Democratic Party, 183, 203–208

     analysis of, and Republican Party, 181–203

     and hoped-for Clinton primary challenge, 60

     contributions, small versus big donor, 19

     dollars spent, 181–182

     election predictions/results, 177–179

     and Freiss, Foster, 83–88, 89, 93, 95–96

     fund-raising, Obama allies/campaign, 145–162

     and Gingrich, Newt, 77–82, 86, 87, 88, 89–90, 93–95, 111

     and Hubbard, Stan, 187–188

     and Koch brothers, 247, 248

     and mega-donors, x–xi, xi–xii

     and Obama, Barack, 2, 6, 75–76, 94, 110–111, 112

     and Obama victory, 178–179

     and Obama/Romney debate, 146

     and outside spending, 15

     commission to study, and Republican Party, 184–185

     and Pennsylvania ad strategy, 177–178

     and polls, 81, 82, 84, 86, 146, 168, 169, 170, 171, 177, 184,

     and Republican National Committee, 6, 198–199

     and Republican outside groups, role of, 198–199

     and Romney, Mitt, 6, 78, 81–83, 85–87, 88–90, 93–96, 105–111, 111–118

     and Romney defeat, explanations for, 186–188, 190, 191–198

     and Rove, Karl, 6–7, 95, 177, 178–179, 186–188, 247

     and Santorum, Rick, 83–88, 93–95, 111

     and Simmons, Harold, 78

     and Soros, George, 60

     and super PACs, 77–78, 81–83, 86–91, 93–96

Election 2013, 203–204

Election 2014, 5, 20, 204, 210–222, 216

Election 2016, 19, 93, 111, 211, 220–221

     and Citizens United, 230–231

     and Clinton, Hillary, xi, 229–237, 238, 241

     and Democratic Party, 225–241

     and Democratic Party, liberal wing of, 237–241

Ellegard, Ken, 2

Emanuel, Rahm, 159–160

Enron, 246

Environmental activists and groups, 33, 58, 63, 238

Erickson, Erick, 2, 191–192, 194, 197–198, 199–200

Ernst, Joni, 19, 218

Esprit, 64

Fang, Lee, 138

Farr, Chris, 124, 126, 127–128

Feather, Tony, 41, 195, 196

Federal Election Commission, 27, 30–31, 40, 110, 193–194, 229, 246

Fehrnstrom, Eric, 118

Feingold, Russ, 231–233, 241

Fieler, Sean, 224–225

Fikes, Lee and Amy, 153

Financial Times, 138

Fink, Richard, 129, 130, 133

Fischer, Bob, 223

Flaherty, Peter, 110

Fleischer, Ari, 40–41

Forti, Carl, 18, 41, 47, 48, 52–53, 107, 110, 192, 194, 196, 197, 212

Fox News, 6, 166, 169, 177, 178

Free and Strong America, 105

Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, 125, 131

Freedom’s Watch, 38–44, 48, 132

FreedomWorks, 70, 178, 184, 202–203, 210, 220, 222

     and tea party, 134–135, 136

Friess, Foster, 21, 91, 94, 132, 228

     and election 2012, 83–88, 89, 93, 95–96

Friends of Democracy, 206


     Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, 103

     and Burton, Bill, 152, 154–155, 156

     and Bush, George W., 150

     and Clinton, Bill, 155–156, 161, 226–228

     Democracy Alliance (St. Regis Hotel), 73–74, 75

     Democratic Governors Association (Charlotte, NC), 158–159

     Democratic National Convention (“Super-O-Rama”), 160, 161–162

     and joint fund-raising committee, 111–112, 146–148, 150, 168

     Newseum (2013), 227–228

     and Obama, Barack, 150, 152, 154, 155, 156

     and Obama, Barack (Medina, Washington, February 2012), vii, 241

     Obama allies/campaign, election 2012, 145–162

     Priorities USA, Charlotte, 158–159, 160–161

     and Romney, Mitt, damaging remarks at, 112–115

     and Romney, Mitt, Deer Valley three-day donor retreat, 117–118

     and Romney, Mitt, Palm Beach, Florida, 2012, 112–113

     and Romney, Mitt, system of, 103, 104

     and Romney, Mitt/Romney team, 97–98, 101–118, 146–147, 148, 168

     and Rove, Karl, 168–171, 173

     and Soros, George, 155

     and Vachon, Michael, 155

     See also specific fund-raisers

Gage, Alex, 195, 197

Gage, Katie Packer, 118, 195, 196, 197–198

Gallas, Glenn, 135

Gapper, John, 138

Gardner, Cory, 213, 220

Garin, Geoff, 60, 71

Gatekeepers for rich donors, 18

Gates, Bill, vii, viii–ix, 75, 76, 241, 243, 244

Gawker, 11

Gay marriage, 6, 7

     and religious right, 202, 223, 225

     and Koch brothers, 130, 143, 144

General Motors, 158

Generation Opportunity, 125, 200

Gentry, Kevin, 3, 7

Gibbs, Robert, 70

Gillespie, Ed, 34, 35, 47, 48, 49–50

Gingrich, Callista, 163–164

Gingrich, Newt, xi–xii, 163–164

     and Adelson, Sheldon, 77, 78, 79–81, 86, 87, 89–90, 93–94, 247

     and election 2012, 77–82, 86, 87, 88, 89–90, 93–95, 111

Ginsberg, Ben, 101–102, 106, 108, 109, 110

Giuliani, Rudy, 103

Golden Circle of California, 20

Goldman, Amy, 154–155

Government shutdown (October 2013), 209–221

     and bipartisan deal, 219–221

Graham, Lindsey, 210

Grayson, Alan, 239–240

Green, Adam, 238–239

Haberman, Maggie, 77

Hagen, Kay, 223

Haley, Nikki, 2, 6, 165–166

Hamm, Harold, 91

Hanks, Tom, 72

Hanna, Mark, 39, 45, 109, 171, 245

Hardee’s, 166

Hayek, Friedrich, 130

Hayward, Steven F., 135

Heritage Action for America, 202–203, 210, 220

Heritage Foundation, 202–203, 220

Hess, Lawrence and Suzanne, 61, 238

Hiatt, Arnold, 55, 61

Hitler, Adolf, 143–144

Holden, Mark, 201

Home Depot, 97

Horton, Willie, ad, 107

House Majority PAC, 158, 176, 206

Hoyer, Steny, 159

HRC. See Human Rights Campaign

Hubbard, Stan, 14–15, 92, 170–171, 178, 184, 187–188

Huffington Post, 59

Human Rights Campaign (HRC), 116

Huntsman, Jon, Jr., 78, 88–89

Huntsman, Jon, Sr., 78, 89, 103

Ickes, Harold, 17, 30, 63, 67, 69, 71, 232, 233

Independence USA, 204

Institute for Justice, 130

Internal Revenue Service, 40, 43, 193–194

Isakson, Johnny, 210

Israel, Steve, 159

Jackson, E. W., 197

Jackson, Jesse, 67

Jafri, Rafi, 236–237

James, Tony, 152

Jindal, Bobby, 6, 19, 211, 212

Johnson, Ron, 2, 8, 9–10n, 141–142, 234

Johnson, Woody, xii–xiii

Johnston, Teddy, 71

Joint fund-raising committee, 111–112, 146–148, 150, 168

Jordan, Wayne, 61

Josefiak, Tom, 18, 50

Kasich, John, 4, 6, 19, 211, 212

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 18, 21, 71–72

Keep America Safe, 49

Kelly, Megyn, 178

Kendrick, Ken, xii–xiii

Kennedy, Caroline, 134

Kerpen, Phil, 191

Kerry, John, ix, 4, 30, 54, 203–204

Keystone XL oil pipeline, 58, 204

Kibbe, Matt, 203

Kissinger, Henry, 92

Koch, Charles, 91–92

     and California Fair Political Practices Commission investigation, 201–202

     personal life of, 133

     See also Koch brothers

Koch, David, 91–92

     AFP reception honoring (Tampa, Florida), 139–144

     and Libertarian Party, 143–144

     personal life of, 133–134

     and Republican Party, 143–144

     as vice presidential nominee for Libertarian Party, 129

     views of, versus Republican views, 144

     See also Koch brothers

Koch, Fred, 128

Koch, William, 128

Koch brothers, xii–xiii, 1–15, 61, 62

     and Axelrod, David, 54

     and Christie, Chris, 91–93

     and election 2012, 247, 248

     ideological motivation of, 129–130, 132

     and Libertarian Party, 129–130

     libertarian principles of, 139

     media strategy of, 10–14

     net worth of, 3, 128

     and Obama, Barack, viii, 76, 118, 119–120, 132–133, 244

     and Obamacare, 133

     political evolution of, 128–144

     protests against, 138–139

     and Republicans/Republican Party, 124, 137–138, 143–144

     and Romney, Mitt, 119

     and tea party, 5, 10–11, 46–47, 124, 134–136, 138–139

     See also Koch, Charles; Koch, David; Koch Industries; Koch operation; specific Koch seminars, and summit(s)

Koch Industries, 10–12, 129, 130

Koch operation

     and American Crossroads, 4, 5

     and Americans for Prosperity, 46, 119–128, 130

     basic model of, 125–126

     changes in, post-election 2012, 200–203

     and Club for Growth, 42

     and Democracy Alliance, similarity between, 61

     and election 2012, analysis of, 199–200

     and Freedom’s Watch, 42–43

     and California Fair Political Practices Commission investigation, 200–202

     and Obamacare, 222–223

     and religious right, 224

     versus Rove operation, 5–6

     sophistication of, 125

     and Wellspring Committee, 42–43, 131–132

Koch seminar (Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 2013), 19, 216

Koch seminar (Indian Wells, California, April 2013), 1–4, 6–10, 12, 14, 199

Koch seminar (Indian Wells, California, January 29, 2012–January 31, 2012), 91, 93

Koch seminar (Rancho Mirage, California, January 2011), 7–8, 138–139

Koch seminar (San Diego, California, June 2012, “Path to Freedom”), 118

Koch seminar (Vail, Colorado, June 2011), 91–92

Koch seminars, 5, 7, 125, 130

Kolhatkar, Sheelah, 171, 175–176

Kraft, Brian, 19–20, 21, 23

Kyl, Jon, 141

Labor unions, 16, 28, 30, 38, 65, 114, 124, 126, 127, 153, 200, 201, 216, 232,

LaMarche, Gara, 238

Landrieu, Mary, 216

Langone, Ken, 92, 97–98, 170

Lapp, John and Ali, 109

Lasry, Marc, 155

Laudner, Chuck, 85

Lauer, Matt, 74

Lavine, Jonathan, 152

Law, Steven, 34, 47, 50, 211, 212

Lawyers, Washington political, and campaign finance reform, 18

Leaders for Family Values, 86

Lee, Mike, 211

Levine, Risa, 235

Lewis, Cordelia, 128

Lewis, Peter, 4, 30, 31, 58, 61–62, 76

Libertarian Party, 129–130, 143–144

Libre Initiative, The, 125, 136

Limbaugh, Rush, 193

Limon, Armando, 10, 12

Lipson, Art, 58, 60

Lobbying, xii, 22

Lugar, Richard, 190

Luntz, Frank, 163–164

Lynch, Stephen, 204

Majority PAC, 157, 176

Malek, Fred, 47, 48, 49, 50, 221–222

Manchester United, xiii

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Democracy Alliance meetings 19, 55–61, 69, 231–232, 237–239, 241

Marriott, John Willard, 99

Marriott, Tampa, Florida, Romney donor “Freedom and Opportunity Reception” at, 163–167

Martinez, Mel, 31

Maximus, 158

Mayer, Jane, 11

McCain, John, 103, 117, 165

and election 2008, 32, 42, 67–68, 104

McCain-Feingold, 15–16, 29–31, 34, 246. See also Campaign finance


McCarthy, Kevin, 212, 220

McCarthy, Larry, 110

McConnell, Mitch, 27, 210, 212, 214, 217, 219–221, 245

McDonnell, Bob, 118, 141

McFadden, Mike, 19, 213–214, 218–219

McGovern, George, 26

McKay, Anna Hawken, 58, 61–62, 73

McKay, Rob, 58, 63, 67, 72–73, 73–74, 205, 228, 237

McKinley, William, ix, 39, 171, 245

Media Matters, 63, 158

Meese, Ed, 223–224

Meet the Press, 92


     and campaign finance reform, 244–248

     and election 2012, x–xi, xi–xii

     motivation of, xii

     Obama on, vii–ix, 243–244

     political influence of, vii–ix, 243–244

     See also Donors

Melaleuca, 116

Mercatus Center, George Mason University, 129, 130

Messina, Jim, 17, 70, 75, 145–148, 150, 159, 161, 162, 207–208

     and Democracy Alliance meeting (Mandarin Oriental Hotel, winter 2010), 57, 58, 59

Microsoft, vii

Miller, Bill, 49

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 142

Mises, Ludwig von, 130

Mitchell, Andrea, 88

Moffatt, Zac, 18, 41, 48, 194, 196, 197, 198

Moorman, Larry, 10, 12

Mostyn, Steve and Amber, 23, 153–154, 183, 206, 236–237, 238–239

Mother Jones, 113, 115, 116–117, 139

Mourdock, Richard, 188, 189, 190, 203, 222

Musser, Phil, 103–104

Myers, Beth, 110, 118

Narwhal. See Database project (Narwhal), of Obama campaign

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), 210

New Republic, 231

New York Magazine, 135

New York Post, 11

New York Times, 94, 118, 169, 177, 217

New Yorker, 11

Newell, Peter, 147

Newhouse, Neil, 118, 168

Newseum donor event (2013), 227–228

Nixon, Richard, ix, 26–27, 245

Noble, Sean, 53, 54, 93, 136, 137, 200, 201, 224

Norman, Richard, 224

NRCC. See National Republican Congressional Committee

Obama, Barack, 18, 47, 72, 74, 150, 183

     and big-money groups, 66–67

     and campaign finance reform, 64–65, 246–247

     and Citizens United, viii, 37, 57, 57n, 69, 74, 76, 150, 243–244

     and constitutional amendment, and mega-donors, 244

     and Democracy Alliance, 76

     and Democracy Alliance fund-raiser (St. Regis Hotel), 73–74, 75

     and Democracy Alliance meeting (Mandarin Oriental Hotel, winter 2010), 56–58

     and election 2008, 32, 42, 63–64, 65–68, 151, 165, 226

     and election 2012, 2, 6, 75–76, 94, 110–111, 112

     and election 2012 victory, 178–179

     and government shutdown (October 2013), 53, 209, 212

     and joint fund-raising committee, 112, 146

     and Koch brothers, viii, 76, 118, 119–120, 132–133, 244

     on mega-donors, vii–ix, 243–244

     and Obamacare, 53

     and Organizing for Action, 227

     and Priorities USA, 75

     and private Q&A session (Medina, Washington, February 2012), vii–ix, 243–244

     and public financing system, 64, 68, 165

     and Scaramucci, Anthony, 173

     and Simmons, Harold, 83

     and Soros, George, 58, 59–60

     and super PACs, 69–70, 74–75, 75–76, 107, 147, 150

     and Vote Hope 2008, 66–67

Obama for America, 146, 160, 161

Obama, Michelle, 134, 161

Obama team/campaign

     and database project (Narwhal), 148

     donor handbook, 161–162

     and election 2012 fund-raising, 145–162

     joint fund-raising committee, 146–148, 150

     and Wall Street donors, 151

Obama Victory Fund, 146

Obamacare, 53, 133, 135, 209–210, 211, 214, 216, 221, 222–223

Obama/Romney debate, 146

Obenshain, Mark, 197

Occupy Wall Street protests, 89–90

O’Malley, Martin, 231

Organizing for Action, 207, 208, 227–228

Our Destiny, 88

Palin, Sarah, 80

Party system, erosion of, x, 5, 15–16, 28–29, 35, 168, 181, 182, 198, 202, 241

Patrick, Sean, 13

Paul, Rand, 4, 212, 220–221, 234–235

Paul, Ron, 83, 86, 88, 111

Paulson, John, 110, 171

PayPal, 83

PCCC. See Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Peebles, Don, 151, 152

Pelosi, Nancy, 63, 159, 176, 183, 205, 237, 244–245

Pence, Mike, 80, 91

Penn, Mark, 233

Perot, Ross, Jr., 48

Perry, Bob, 102, 177

Perry, Rick, 78, 83, 89, 95

Phillips, Steve, 55, 63, 66–67, 68, 138

Phillips, Tim, 121, 136, 137–138, 141, 220

Phoenix Group, 62

Pickens, T. Boone, 48

Plouffe, David, 70, 155, 177

Podesta, John, 30, 63

Pompeo, Mike, 140

Pope, Art, 121–123, 125, 137, 139–140

Pope, Kathy, 140

Portman, Rob, 105, 211, 220

Priebus, Reince, 8–9, 9–10n, 117, 163–164, 199

Priorities USA, 69–70, 71, 72–73, 75, 113–114, 147, 152–153, 155, 157, 176, 206, 208, 230, 233

     and Charlotte fund-raisers, 158–159, 160–161

Pritzker, Penny, 68, 70

Privatization, of political system, 15, 43, 48, 186

Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), 238

Progressive insurance company, 76

Progressive Media, 67–68

Pryor, Mark, 204

Pryor, Pam, 224

Public financing system, 64, 68, 165

Public opinion polls, and role of money in politics, 245

Puzder, Andy, 166

Quinnipiac poll, 169

Ravel, Ann, 200–201

Ready for Hillary, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235–236, 237

Ready for Hillary meeting (Le Parker Meridien Hotel, New York, November 2013), 231, 232, 233–237

Reagan, Ronald, 20, 115, 143

Red White and Blue Fund, 86, 88, 94, 95

Reese, Ron, 90

Reid, Harry, 18, 159, 183, 217, 244–245

Religious right, 7, 185, 223–225

Republican Governors Association (RGA), 102

Republican Jewish Coalition, 108–109

Republican National Committee, 6, 8–9, 28–29, 31–35, 48, 164, 198–199

Republican National Convention (2012)

     Crossroads breakfast, 171–176

     Freedom and Opportunity Reception, 163–168, 171

Republican State Leadership Committee, 48

Republicans/Republican Party, 132

     commission to study election 2012, 184–185

     and election 2012, analysis of, 181–203

     and Koch political network, 124, 137–138, 143–144

     and optimistic election forecasts, 168–169

     and outside groups, role of, 198–199

     post-election 2012, and ideological rift, 203

     and tea party, power struggle with establishment, 211–223

     See also Religious right; Tea party; under fund-raiser(s)/fund-raising

Restore Our Future, 81–83, 90, 107, 109–111, 117, 118, 147, 170

Resurgent Republic, 48

RGA. See Republican Governors Association

Rice, Condoleezza, 117, 165–166

Ricketts, Joe, xiii, 202

Ritz Carlton, Conservative Action Project summit (Arlington, Virginia, December 2013), 223–224

Roche, Steve, 110

Rockefeller, Jay, 216

Romney, Ann, 174

Romney, George, 99

Romney, Josh, 166–168

Romney, Mitt, 72, 97–118, 174

     and Adelson, Sheldon, 89–90, 93–94

     and Americans for Prosperity, 119, 120, 123, 124,

     and Bain Capital, 89–90, 104, 149

     and Boston Convention and Exhibition Center fund-raising call day, 103

     and Citizens United, 106

     and Commonwealth PAC, 101–102

     and donor-focused campaign, 112, 114–115

     and donor retreat (Deer Valley, Summit County, Utah, June 2012), 117–118

     and election 2008, 102–105

     and election 2012, 6, 78, 81–83, 85–87, 88–90, 93–96, 105–111, 111–118

     and election 2012 defeat, 188

     family background of, 99

     and “47 percent” remark, 113–114, 187

     and fund-raiser (Boca Raton, Florida, May 2012), damaging remarks at, 113–115

     and fund-raiser (Palm Beach, Florida, April 2012), damaging remarks at, 112–113

     and fund-raising, 97–98, 101–118, 146–147

     and fund-raising strategy, 103, 104

     as governor of Massachusetts, 100–102

     and joint fund-raising committee, 111–112, 148, 168

     and Koch, David, 91, 139, 143, 144, 151

     and Restore Our Future, 81–83

     and SpeechNow vs. Federal Election Commission, 106

     and super PACs, 75, 82–83, 97–98, 101–118, 147

Romney, Tagg, 105

Romney for President committee, 111, 117

Romney Victory committee, 111–112

Romney/Obama debate, 146

Roosevelt, Theodore, 245

Rosen, Phil, 109

Rosenthal, Steve, 30

Ross, Wilbur, 171

Rove, Darby, 45

Rove, Karl, 17, 32–33, 34, 35, 37–54, 73, 132

     and American Action Network, 50

     and American Crossroads, 4, 5, 41, 49–52, 188–189

     and American Crossroads summit (“The Republican Future,” October 2013), 19, 211–212

     and big-money fund-raising formula, 173

     and big-money era, foresight into, 37–41, 47

     and Bush, George H. W., 44–45

     and Bush, George W., 5, 45

     and Crossroads breakfast at Republican National Convention, 171–173

     and conference call on 2012 election disappointment, 187–188

     and donors, post-election 2012 reputation with, 189

     and election 2002, 130

     and election 2010, 53–54

     and election 2012, 95, 247

     and election 2012 defeat, 178–179

     and election 2012 disappointment, explanations for, 186–188

     and election 2012 polls, spinning of, 169, 171–172, 177–178

     and Freedom’s Watch, 38–41, 43–44

     and fund-raising strategy, 45, 48–49, 168–171

     and Pennsylvania ad strategy, 177–178

     and post-election 2012 issues, 6–7, 188–189

     and Restore Our Future, 170

     and Romney, Mitt, and three-day donor retreat at Deer Valley, 117, 118

     and Scaramucci, Anthony, 175, 176

     and tea party, 46–47, 202

     and Weaver Terrace coalition, 50–51, 53, 54, 137, 170

Rove operation

     and election 2012, analysis of, 199–200

     versus Koch operation, 5–6

     and religious right, 224

Rowling, Robert, 48

Rubio, Marco, 105, 171, 211, 212, 221

Russo, Anthony, 125–126

Ryan, Paul, 142–143, 220

Ryan, Rob, 3, 8, 9, 9n

Saban, Haim, 230

Sainz, Fred, 116

Santorum, Karen, 95

Santorum, Rick, xi–xii, 21, 83–88, 93–95, 111

Saperstein, Guy, 60, 64

Scaife family, 62

Scaramucci, Anthony, 173–176, 175n

Schumer, Chuck, 159, 176, 205

Sembler, Mel, 78

Senate Conservatives Fund, 202–203, 210, 214, 220, 222

Shannon, T.W. 213.

Sharp, Rick, 3

Short, Marc, 51

Shumlin, Peter, 239

Silver, Nate, 177

Simmons, Annette, 94–95

Simmons, Harold, 21, 48–49, 78, 83, 94–95

Simons, Jim, 159, 160

Singer, Paul, 171, 176, 202, 219

60 Plus, 53, 133, 136

SJZ, 101, 102, 104, 105

SkyBridge Capital, 176

Smith, Clarence, 25

Smith, Craig T., 233

Smith, Will, 71

Snyder, Rick, 166

Solamere Capital, 105

Soptic, Joe, 149

Soros, George, ix, xiii, 4, 11–12, 18, 67, 73, 230

     and Democracy Alliance meeting (Mandarin Oriental Hotel, November 2010), 55, 56, 58, 61

     and Democrats’ super PACs, 176–177

     and election 2004, 30, 31, 61–62

     and fund-raising, 155

     net worth of, 59

     and Obama, 58, 59–60

     reputation of, 128

     and two-day 2003 strategy session, 30

Soros, Jonathan, 206

Spahn, Andy, 18

SpeechNow vs. Federal Election Commission, 34, 106

Spies, Charlie, 106, 107–111, 118, 170, 230

Spies, Lisa, 108–109

Sports team owners, and donors, overlap between, xii–xiii

Steele, Michael, 32, 35, 47

Stein, Rob, 61, 68, 73

Stephenson, Dick, 203

Stewart, Rod, 237

Steyer, Tom, 4, 203–204, 205, 225, 238–239

Stone, Andy, 158

Stone, W. Clement, ix

Stryker, Patricia, 72–73

Sunlight Foundation, 139

Sununu, John, 90

Super PACs, 16, 17–18, 34, 110, 157

     advertising-focused, 76

     and Democrats/Democratic Party, 156–157, 176–177, 183, 205–206

     and election 2012, 77–78, 81–83, 86–91, 93–96

     and Obama, Barack, 69–70, 74–75, 75–76, 107, 147, 150

     and Romney, Mitt, 75, 82–83, 97–98, 101–118, 147

     See also specific super PACs

the surge, 38, 39, 41

Sussman, Donald, 61

Sweeney, Sean, 69–70, 71, 72, 152

Swift Boat Veterans campaign, 30

Taco Bell, 58, 205

Tappan, Rob, 10, 11, 12, 13–14, 93, 131, 201

Tea party, xi, 207

     and Americans for Prosperity, 134–135, 136

     and election 2010, xi, 5, 46, 53, 138, 213

     and election 2014 challenges, 210–222

     and FreedomWorks, 134–135, 136

     and government shutdown (October 2013), 209–211, 216

     and Koch brothers, Koch political network, 5, 10–11, 46–47, 124, 134–136, 138–139

     and Obamacare, 135, 216

     and Rove, Karl, 46–47, 202

Tea Party Patriots, 222

Tedesco, Fred, 127–128

Themis voter database, 125, 126–127, 169–170

Thiel, Peter, 83

ThinkProgress, 138

Thompson, Tommy, 142–143

Tillis, Thom, 19, 140–141, 216–217

Tillman Act, 57n, 245

Toyota, 2

Vachon, Michael, 18, 59, 60, 73, 155, 176, 235

Van Susteren, Greta, 6, 169

Vander Plaats, Bob, 86

VanderSloot, Frank, 97, 115–117, 185

Vote Hope 2008, 66–67

Walden, Greg, 210–211, 213, 221

Walker, Scott, 124, 211

Wall Street Journal, 148, 169, 177

Wallace, Chris, 179

Warren, Elizabeth, 19, 231–233, 235, 238, 240, 241, 273

Washington, Denzel, 72

Watergate scandal, 26–27

Waters, Alice, 158

Wayne, John, 20

Weatherford, Will, 213

Weaver Terrace Group, 50–51, 53, 54, 137, 170

Weigel, Dave, 12, 142

Wellspring Committee, 42–43, 48, 125, 131–132

When Mitt Romney Came to Town (documentary), 89

Whitman, Meg, 103

Wiley, Rick, 131–132

Winning Our Future, 87, 89, 90, 95n

Wish, David, 118

Wynn, Steve, 17, 18, 44, 53

Xi Jinping, 21

Yates, Al, 240

Young Guns Action Fund, 222

Zambrelli, Michael and Sharon, 151

Zeidman, Fred, 78

Zeskind, Leonard, 206–207

Zwick, Spencer, 100–107, 117, 166, 207, 230