Book Club Questions

1. Chanda George is caught up in the glitter of her sudden wealth. (OK, ’fess up! Most of us have fantasized about Publishers Clearing House showing up on our doorstep with TV cameras and a big check—or a rich uncle naming us sole heir.) What would you do with the money if you had such a windfall? Why do you think sudden wealth is not God’s usual way of meeting our needs?

2. Is Chanda the only Yada Yada who struggles with money issues? Who else does, and why? What money issues loom largest for you?

3. How do you react to Peter Douglass (Avis’s new husband) telling Rochelle (Avis’s married daughter) that she can’t keep running home? If you were Avis, what would you do in that situation? How would you feel?

4. The issue of domestic abuse is large in our society.Why do you think women like Rochelle keep returning to abusive spouses? In what way might some Christian teachings create confusion about how to respond? What Christian teachings would be most helpful?

5. Do you know a kid like Chris Hickman—talented and has lots of potential, but making poor choices, lacking vision, and heading down a path from which there might be no return? Is this kid on your daily prayer list? How might praying for him or her change you?

6. If you’ve put up with Jodi through all five books, in what ways do you see her growing from “good girl” to a real Christian woman? In what areas does she still get caught in Old Jodi responses? What “old responses” catch up with you?

7. Discuss the lemonade stand incident. How could something that seemed so positive have an ugly downside? What was the trap Jodi fell into? Have you ever felt “shut out” (like Denny did) in a relationship? If you are married, in what ways does this common trap play out in your own marriage?

8. What lies did Ricardo Enriques believe that caught him up in illegal dog fighting? Who are the people God used in his life, and how did each one contribute to Ricardo’s redemption? Has God ever saved you “by the skin of your teeth” from the consequences of a huge mistake? (If so, take time to do some serious praising!)

9. What presumptions did both Ruth and Ben Garfield bring to their surprise, late-in-life pregnancy? How did these presumptions create misunderstanding and miscommunication? What common presumptions lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication in your own family? What can you do about it?

10. Uptown Community Church and New Morning Christian Church have taken the plunge and merged their congregations. What do you think the benefits of such a merger could be? What might be the pitfalls, in spite of good intentions? Does this fictional merger seem too idealistic? Just plain foolish? Wouldn’t be interested? Give you hope? Challenge you?

11. Read John 8:31–32 in several translations.What are the conditions for “knowing the truth” ? How does God’s truth make us free? What does this scripture mean to you? What is one way you can apply this scripture to your own life situation?

12. When Becky is offered a job at Bagel Bakery but would have to work Sundays (Little Andy’s visitation day), she struggles with “half-answered prayers.” What about you? Has God answered some of your prayers only “halfway” ? Share some prayer journeys and what God has shown you (or not!) along the way.

13. The Yada Yadas had a “house blessing” for both Florida’s and Chanda’s new homes. Have you ever experienced a house blessing? In what way might it be significant for you and your home—or the home of someone else in your book club?

14. When Stu finally decided to suck up the courage to visit her parents at Thanksgiving, n spite of years of no contact, she said, “If I don’t invest anything in my relationship with my parents, it’s going to die.” Are there relationships in your family that are withering and about to die from neglect? What are the obstacles to investing in these relationships? Can you pray together about this?

For more information about The Yada Yada Prayer Group novels
or to contact author Neta Jackson,

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