The bell rings.
We’re off to our homerooms.
Inevitably my big ears, small breasts
will slink inside,
find a seat in the second row.
As we shuffle through the hallways,
the principal welcomes us
over the intercom.
I warn myself: Do not be a wise guy
on the first day of school, Maisie!
Because if you’re going to be a wise guy,
you shouldn’t look all knock-kneed and weird.
You have to be like Nancy O’Malley:
cheerleader-cute; straight, white,
slightly buck teeth; oozing confidence
like she’s leader of the free world.
Or Florence de La Cruz: breasts;
heavy-lidded movie-star eyes;
a sexy mole near her upper lip;
and so much shiny hair,
like a Clairol model
whose life will be a dream
even though she comes from the Bronx.
Merilee Stabiner and Jessica Levin
huddle together, naturally.
Both have ponytails,
perfect profiles, new clothes.
I bet their apartments are like a TV sitcom.
No slamming doors … or hot rage …