- A240 concession area (East Anglia, UK)
- Cádiz, Gulf of
- climate
- coastal geomorphology
- continental shelf
- Cala dell'Alabastro cave
- Calabrian Arc
- Calanques of Marseille
- ancient landscape
- last sea level rise
- calcareous rocks
- calcified dunes
- Caledonian orogeny
- canyons
- Achziv mega canyon
- Adam Canyon
- Blanes canyon
- Danube canyon
- Fonera canyon
- Naaman canyon
- Nahal Hilazon canyon
- Nazaré canyon
- Sakarya canyon
- Setúbal canyon
- St. Vicente canyon
- Viteaz canyon
- Cap Lévi (Anse de La Mondrée, France)
- aerial image
- bathymetric chart
- image
- carbon dioxide (CO2) atmospheric concentration
- Carmel coast settlements
- Holocene coastal changes
- submerged
- survival of submerged settlements
- Carmel, Mount
- Caucasian shelf
- Celtic Sea paleolandscapes
- areas for future work
- data sources
- maps
- bathymetry
- Cap Lévi image
- Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites
- permafrost distribution
- zone locations
- modern coastline
- bathymetry
- geomorpho-dynamics, erosion and accumulation
- GIA effects
- Pleistocene–Holocene sediment thickness
- solid geology
- wetlands, deltas, marshes, lagoons and coastal lakes
- post-LGM environment
- climate
- paleogeographic reconstruction
- sea level and coastlines
- shelf climate conditions
- submerged terrestrial landforms and ecology
- known seabed-submerged features
- paleoclimate and fauna
- river valleys
- taphonomy and site survival
- oceanographic conditions
- Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites
- site preservation
- Zone A – Celtic Sea, shelf margin and Western Approaches to Start–Cotentin Ridge
- Zone B – Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary
- Zone C – English Channel from Start–Cotentin Ridge to Beachy Head
- Zone D – eastern Channel
- cementation of beach sand
- Central Greece Extensional Zone
- Central Mediterranean Sea
- see also Eastern Mediterranean Sea; Western Mediterranean Sea
- Earth sciences
- bathymetry
- coastal geomorpho-dynamics and erosion/accumulation
- geodynamic setting
- modern coastline
- vertical land movements
- volcanoes
- wetlands, deltas, marshes, lagoons and coastal lakes
- maps
- Adriatic Sea bathymetry
- bathymetry
- coastal and marine pollen records
- GIA adjustment
- Holocene sediment thickness
- Italy, coastal geomorphological types
- Italy, coastal karst areas
- Italy, digital elevation
- Italy, simplified coastal shelf map
- Italy, tectonic map
- Italy, tectono-stratigraphic units
- Italy, volcanoes
- Latium shelf reconstructed paleovalley
- Sardinia DEM
- sea surface temperature (SST) at LGM
- sea surface temperature (SST) during Holocene Climatic Optimum
- Tyrrhenian Sea bathymetry
- vertical displacement rates
- vertical movement
- Pleistocene–Holocene sediment thickness
- post-LGM environment
- climate and sea surface temperature (SST) patterns
- sea level and coastline evolution
- wave climate
- submerged terrestrial landforms and ecology
- areas of rapid sediment erosion/accumulation
- marine caves
- paleoclimate and vegetation indicators
- river valleys
- Central Swedish Depression
- chalk deposits
- Channel River
- charts, naval/navigational
- Chaudian beds
- Cleaver Bank
- climate
- Holocene morphodynamics
- Quaternary change
- Climate Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5)
- climate models
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- coastal landscapes
- submerged prehistoric site formation
- early diagenesis
- eolian erosion and transport
- fluvial erosion and transport
- glacial erosion and transport
- high latitude rock weathering
- mid latitude rock weathering
- substrate
- coastal morphodynamics
- Holocene
- simulated morphological evolution of Darss–Zingst Peninsula
- coastal physiography
- coastal processes
- core variable databases
- submerged prehistoric site formation
- early diagenesis
- eolian erosion and transport
- fluvial erosion and transport
- glacial erosion and transport
- high latitude rock weathering
- mid latitude rock weathering
- substrate
- coastline evolution
- coastlines
- continental shelf profile and submerged prehistoric sites
- effect of sea-level variation
- North Sea bathymetric map
- northeastern Spain shelf bathymetry
- regional map
- Coral Cave
- core variables
- automatic feature recognition
- concept
- recommendations
- seabed features relating to terrestrial landscapes
- variable characteristics and sources
- bathymetry
- coastlines and coastal processes
- electronic charts
- multibeam surveys
- Quaternary marine and coastal features
- seabed core data
- sediments
- solid substrate geology/Quaternary geology
- sub-bottom acoustic data
- Corinth, Gulf of
- Cosquer Cave
- fatalities
- projected elevation
- crenulated coasts
- Cretan Strait
- Crete
- Crimea coast
- Crimean shelf
- Cromerian Complex
- Cyclades archipelago
- Cyclops Cave
- Cyprus
- Danish archipelago
- Dansgaard–Oeschger (D-O) fluctuations
- Danube canyon
- Danube Delta
- Late Quaternary evolution
- modern coastline and processes
- Danube River
- Dardanelles Strait
- Darss–Zingst Peninsula
- simulated morphological evolution
- Dead Sea Strike-Slip Fault (DS)
- Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites
- Dense Shelf Water Cascading (DSWC) events
- Deukalion Planning Group project
- diagenesis
- Digital Bathymetry Data Base 2 (DBDB2) of the Naval Research Laboratory
- Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
- digital terrain models (DTMs)
- EMODnet Bathymetry Project
- Dinaric Glaciation (DIG) dataset
- Dinarides
- disappearance of lacustrine species (DLS)
- Dneister Delta
- Dodecanese archipelago
- Dogger Bank
- glaciation
- preserved landscape evidence
- wind farms
- Doggerland
- dolomite dissolution
- Dover Strait
- Drevneeruxinian beds
- drumlins
- Dynamic Equilibrium Shore Model (DESM)
- Dzharylgachsky Gulf
- early seafaring
- Earth model VM
- Earth System Models (ESMs)
- Earth's gravity field
- Earth's orbit, periodic variation
- Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- see also Central Mediterranean Sea; Western Mediterranean Sea
- background
- archaeology
- continental shelf formation processes
- geology/geomorphology
- discussion
- Carmel coast, survival of submerged settlements
- maps
- bathymetry
- bathymetry of Achziv mega canyon
- Carmel coast Holocene changes
- Haifa Bay, Holocene coastal evolution
- Haifa Bay, submerged kurkar ridges
- Israeli coast paleosol finds
- Levant coast
- western Galilee coast, submerged kurkar ridges
- oceanographic and archaeological data sources
- physical conditions
- climate
- connections with global and regional pressure systems
- connections with landmasses
- currents
- daily breezes along southern Levant
- waves
- potential for finding paleolandscapes and submerged settlements
- recommendations
- study areas
- Akko to Alexandretta
- Alexandria to Anatolia
- Cyprus coast
- Libyan–Egyptian coast and Nile Delta
- Nile sediment supply to south Levant coast
- ECHAM4 atmospheric model
- ECHO-G global climate model
- coastal morphodynamics
- North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
- Northern Hemisphere mean temperature
- Elbe River
- Electronic Chart and Display System (ECDIS)
- electronic charts
- Elsterian Glaciation
- European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)
- Baltic Sea
- Bathymetry Project
- Geology Project
- coastlines
- solid substrate geology
- multibeam surveys
- Northwest Shelf
- Seabed Habitats
- sedimentary database
- English Channel
- English Channel paleolandscapes
- areas for future work
- data sources
- maps
- bathymetry
- Cap Lévi image
- Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites
- permafrost distribution
- zone locations
- modern coastline
- bathymetry
- geomorpho-dynamics, erosion and accumulation
- GIA effects
- Pleistocene–Holocene sediment thickness
- solid geology
- wetlands, deltas, marshes, lagoons and coastal lakes
- post-LGM environment
- climate
- paleogeographic reconstruction
- sea level and coastlines
- shelf climate conditions
- submerged terrestrial landforms and ecology
- known seabed-submerged features
- paleoclimate and fauna
- river valleys
- taphonomy and site survival
- oceanographic conditions
- Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites
- site preservation
- Zone A – Celtic Sea, shelf margin and Western Approaches to Start–Cotentin Ridge
- Zone B – Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary
- Zone C – English Channel from Start–Cotentin Ridge to Beachy Head
- Zone D – eastern Channel
- eolian erosion
- eolian transport
- Eridanos River system
- eskers
- EuroCore project
- European Pollen Database
- European Sea-Level Service (ESEAS)
- EUROSION project
- eustatic change
- Evia Gulf
- Farasan Islands, Red Sea
- feature recognition, automatic
- Fennoscandia
- Fennoscandian Shield
- Fig Tree Cave
- flint, knapped
- Cap Lévi (Anse de La Mondrée, France)
- fluvial erosion
- fluvial transport
- Fondos Marinos (FOMAR) project
- mapping
- Pleistocen–Holocene sediment thickness
- foraminifera
- forestation
- Fosse de L'ile Vierge
- Fosse d'Ouessant
- fossil finds in North Sea
- Franchthi Cave
- Galicia Mud Patch (GMP)
- General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)
- Baltic Sea
- Northwest Shelf
- geological setting of Europe
- meso-Europe
- neo-Europe
- overview map
- paleo-Europe
- proto-Europe
- Gibraltar Strait
- glacial erosion
- glacial transport
- glacio-isostatic adjustment (GIA)
- Baltic GIA
- relative sea-level modeling
- Golfe du Morbihan (Brittany, France)
- Gondwana
- grabens
- Rhine graben
- Viking graben
- Green functions
- Greenhouse gas
- Grotta Verde (Sardinia)
- Gurian beds
- Haifa Bay
- Holocene coastal evolution
- submerged kurkar ridges
- Happisburgh
- Hebrides, Outer
- Heinrich events
- Hellenic Arc
- geomorphology
- Ionian Margin
- tectonic background
- Hellenic Trench
- Holocene
- climate change
- morphodynamics
- sea level change
- Holocene Thermal Maximum
- HOPE ocean model
- Huet Cave
- human/hominin indicators
- eastern England
- effects of coastal shallow water processes on site survival
- knapped flints
- Cap Lévi (Anse de La Mondrée, France)
- hunter–gatherer communities
- Hurd Deep
- Iberian Atlantic Margin
- geomorphological framework
- Gulf of Cádiz coastal geomorphology
- Gulf of Cádiz continental shelf
- northern coastal geomorphology
- northern continental shelf
- northwestern coastal geomorphology
- northwestern continental shelf
- southern coastal geomorphology
- southern continental shelf
- western (Sines-St. Vicente) coastal geomorphology
- western (Sines-St. Vicente) continental shelf
- western (southern Nazaré) coastal geomorphology
- western (southern Nazaré) continental shelf
- maps
- Gulf of Cádiz
- northern sector
- northwestern sector
- sectors of the Iberian Atlantic Margin 282
- southeastern sector
- southwestern sector
- western sector
- marine climate
- northwestern coast
- southern coast
- western coast
- past landscapes and their preservation
- comparison of potential preservation
- data sources
- Quaternary evolution
- Iberian Margin
- ice rafted debris (IRD)
- ice-load history model (ICE-5G)
- Indicative Map of Archaeological Values (IKAW)
- Initial Marine Inflow (IMI) of Black Sea
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Practitioners Network
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- climate models
- Fifth Assessment Report
- International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean (IBCM)
- International Congress on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA)
- International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
- International Quaternary Map of Europe
- Ionian archipelago
- Ionian basin
- Ionian Sea
- coastal karst areas
- simplified coastal shelf map
- IQUAME 2500 Project
- Irish Sea
- areas for future work
- highest potential of site survival
- site prioritization
- Earth sciences
- bathymetry
- modern coastline
- Pleistocene–Holocene sediment thickness
- solid geology
- maps
- bathymetry
- ice sheet retreat
- overview
- paleogeographic change
- Quaternary seabed sediment distribution
- submerged landscape potential
- summary map
- vertical isostatic uplift
- post-LGM climate and sea-level change
- ice-sheet evolution
- sea-level and paleogeographic change
- shelf climate
- shelf paleoenvironments
- submerged landscapes
- former terrestrial environments
- glacial features
- paleochannels
- paleoshoreline features
- taphonomy and site survival
- Karangatian beds
- karst, southeastern France
- karstic caves
- karstic springs
- karstification
- karsts
- French Mediterranean coast
- Kattegat
- Kephallinia Fault
- Kephallinia Transform Fault (KF)
- knapped flints
- Cap Lévi (Anse de La Mondrée, France) 73
- Krymgeologiya
- La Couronne massif
- La Fonera canyon
- La Manche see English Channel
- La Mondrée
- La Triperie Cave (Marseille)
- Last Glacial Cycle (LGC)
- Dansgaard–Oeschger (D-O) fluctuations
- seal-level change
- Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
- Late Glacial Period
- Laurentia
- Les Trémies Cave (Cassis)
- Levant
- Akko to Alexandretta study area
- Alexandria to Anatolia study area
- Atlit-Yam site
- Carmel coast settlements
- Carmel coast settlements, submerged
- Haifa Bay Holocene coastal evolution
- littoral sand transport along Israeli coast
- submerged river canyon
- Wadi Rabah sites
- coast
- daily breezes
- Nile sediment supply to south coast
- potential for finding paleolandscapes and submerged settlements
- Levantine basin
- Libyan basin
- Ligurian Sea
- limestone dissolution
- Lithophyllum lichenoides
- littoral sand transport (LST)
- Littorina Sea
- Paleogeographic reconstructions
- longshore currents
- Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)
- Low-System-Tracks (LST)
- Malta sinkholes
- MAREMAP program (UK)
- Marine Aggregate Deposits (MAD)
- Marmara, Sea of
- Maxwell body
- mean high water spring (MHWS)
- MEDFLOOD dataset
- Mediterranean Oceanography Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS)
- Mediterranean Sea
- see also Central Mediterranean Sea; Eastern Mediterranean Sea; Western Mediterranean Sea
- bathymetry
- maps
- neo-Europe
- paleo-Europe
- salinity
- subsidence
- tectonic controls
- Meltwater Pulse (MWP)
- Merou Cave
- Mersa Matruh gyre
- meso-Europe
- Messinian Salinity Crisis
- Mid Atlantic Depression (MAD)
- Mid-German Crystalline Zone (MGCZ)
- Milankovitch Cycles
- Moldanubian unit
- Mullein archipelago
- multibeam surveys
- Naaman canyon
- Nahal Hilazon canyon
- Narva-Luga basin
- National Oceanography Centre (Liverpool, UK)
- Naval Research Laboratory Digital Bathymetry Data Base 2 (DBDB2)
- Nazaré canyon
- neo-Europe
- Neoeuxinian beds
- Neolithic sites
- agriculture
- culture
- paleoshorelines
- pathways
- remains
- monuments
- standing stones
- Revolution
- settlements
- sites
- standing stones
- NEOTOMA database
- Nile Delta
- Nile littoral cell
- Nile River
- sediment discharge
- sediment supply to south Levant coast
- NOAA Paleoclimatology portal
- non-cultural processes involved in submerged prehistoric sites
- case examples
- A240 concession area (East Anglia, UK)
- Atlit-Yam (Israel)
- Bouldnor Cliff (Isle of Wight, UK)
- Cap Lévi (Anse de La Mondrée, France)
- Golfe du Morbihan (Brittany, France)
- Pavlopetri (Greece)
- Rotterdam Port (Netherlands)
- Severn Estuary (Western UK)
- Southwest Baltic, Danish and German coasts
- continental shelf profile
- effect of sea-level variation
- North Sea bathymetric map
- northeastern Spain shelf bathymetry
- regional map
- distribution of submerged prehistoric sites
- environmental and industrial threats
- reasons for site survival/destruction
- histogram of sites by depth
- long-term effects of coastal shallow water processes
- number of sites by country
- short-term effects of coastal shallow water processes
- site formation and coastal landscapes/processes
- early diagenesis
- eolian erosion and transport
- fluvial erosion and transport
- glacial erosion and transport
- high latitude rock weathering
- mid latitude rock weathering
- substrate and coastal physiography
- value of submerged landscape
- Norica
- North Aegean Trough (NAT)
- North Anatolian Fault (NAF)
- North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation
- North Atlantic Meridional Circulation
- North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
- North Sea
- bathymetry
- data sources and links
- evidence of submerged landscapes
- floodplains
- fossil materials
- hominin occupation
- vegetation reconstruction
- GIA models
- glaciation
- proglacial lakes
- Saalian deglaciation
- maps
- bathymetry
- borehole density data
- Eridanos River drainage basin
- Late Pleistocene paleogeography
- paleogeographic scenario maps
- paleolandscape projects
- proglacial lakes
- tectonic subsidence
- modern environment
- oceanographic modeling
- physical geography
- Quaternary background
- data, mapping and reconstruction quality
- Early Pleistocene
- GIA effects
- glaciation
- Late Glacial and Holocene
- Late Pleistocene to LGM
- Middle Pleistocene
- stratigraphic correlation chart
- tectonic subsidence
- sedimentary databases
- since LGM
- taphonomy
- GIA effects
- mapping archaeological potential
- sea-level changes
- variables
- North Sea, northern
- areas for future work
- bathymetry
- bedrock geology
- data sources
- Earth sciences
- geomorphological background
- Holocene RSL changes
- maps
- bathymetry
- glaciation
- Holocene additional dry land
- Late Glacial shoreline isobase
- overview of European Shelf
- seismic exploration lines
- seismic survey blocks
- models of postglacial isostatic adjustment
- outlook
- Quaternary geology
- relative sea-level (RSL) changes
- Outer Hebrides
- Rockall
- Scotland, Northeast and Northern Isles
- Scotland, Northwest mainland
- St. Kilda
- taphonomy
- sea level and paleoshorelines post-LGM
- ice extent
- ice sheet maximum
- Late Glacial shoreline isobase map
- submerged finds
- Northwest Shelf
- data sources
- bathymetry
- oceanographic processes
- substrate/geology/geomorphology
- evidence base
- map
- oceanographic modeling
- Paleoenvironmental change
- taphonomic process
- ocean function 23
- OneGeology network
- Orkney archipelago
- Outer Hebrides
- Outer Silver Pit
- oxygen isotope studies
- Pakefield
- paleo-Europe
- PALSEA2 dataset
- Panarea archipelago
- Panarea volcano
- PANGAEA portal
- Pangea
- Pavlopetri (Greece)
- Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL)
- Petralona Cave
- phytoplankton
- plankton
- Po River Plain
- pollen record
- Pontic steppes
- Pontic–Caspian steppes
- Portuguese Western Meso-Cenozoic Fringe (PWMCF)
- Pottery Neolithic period
- Carmel coast
- Wadi Rabah sites
- Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNC)
- Atlit-Yam site
- Carmel coast
- Prichemomor SRGE
- proto-Europe
- Quaternary
- Aegean Sea tectonics
- climate change
- sea level change
- sedimentary environments
- Quaternary marine and coastal features datasets
- International Quaternary Map of Europe
- Quaternary paleoenvironments
- radiocarbon dating
- Raso, Cape
- Raster Chart Display System (RCDS)
- relative mean seal level (RMSL)
- relative sea level data
- relative sea level probabilistic model (RSLPmax)
- relative sea-level modeling
- glacio-isostatic adjustment (GIA)
- remote sensing (RS)
- Rheic Ocean
- Rhine graben
- Rhodes gyre
- rip currents
- Roca, Cape
- rock weathering
- high-latitude
- mid-latitude
- Rockall
- Romanian coast
- coastal zone geology
- stratigraphy
- tectonics
- vertical earth movements
- geomorphological data
- accumulative coasts
- erosional coasts
- northern unit
- southern unit
- hydro-meteorological regime
- air temperature
- currents and sediment transport
- Danube water and sediment input
- precipitation
- sea level
- waves
- wind regime
- maps
- Danube Delta evolution
- longshore sediment transport
- Paleogeographical map
- physiographical map
- settlement distribution
- vertical earth movements
- Romanian shelf
- geomorphology
- inner shelf
- Late Quaternary evolution
- Danube Delta
- stratigraphy
- Neo-Eniolithic settlements
- outer shelf
- relict geomorphological structures
- barrier beaches
- other structures
- submarine terraces
- Rotterdam harbor (Netherlands)
- Saalian Glaciation
- Sakarya canyon
- salinity values
- sandstone, fluvial erosion
- Santa Maria, Cape
- sapropel
- Sardinia
- digital elevation map (DEM)
- Grotta Verde
- submerged cave
- Saxothuringian unit
- Scandinavian ice sheet
- Scavaig Loch
- Scotland
- sea-level changes
- Northeast and Northern Isles
- Northwestern mainland
- sea level
- Baltic GIA
- Black Sea hydrologic system
- glacio-isostatic adjustment (GIA)
- global trend over last 9 million years
- Holocene coastal morphodynamics
- simulated morphological evolution of Darss–Zingst Peninsula
- Quaternary change
- tectonic and geological setting of Europe
- meso-Europe
- neo-Europe
- paleo-Europe
- proto-Europe
- sea surface temperature (SST)
- Aegean region
- Central Mediterranean Sea
- seabed core data
- seabed features relating to terrestrial landscapes
- SeaDataNet
- sea-level equation (SLE)
- sea-level change formulation
- Sea-level Index Points (SLIPs)
- SeaZone Solutions Ltd
- Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy (SEQS) dataset
- sediment databases
- sedimentary environments
- Setúbal canyon
- Severn Estuary (Western UK)
- Seyhan–Ceyhan Delta
- Shiant Isles
- Shikmona gyre
- Sicily
- Sicily Strait
- Silver Pit
- Sinai coast
- Sines, Cape
- sinkholes
- Sinking Coasts Geosphere, Ecosphere and Anthroposphere of the Holocene Southern Baltic Sea (SINCOS) projects
- site formation, preservation and destruction
- case examples
- A240 concession area (East Anglia, UK)
- Atlit-Yam (Israel)
- Bouldnor Cliff (Isle of Wight, UK)
- Cap Lévi (Anse de La Mondrée, France)
- Golfe du Morbihan (Brittany, France)
- Pavlopetri (Greece)
- Rotterdam Port (Netherlands)
- Severn Estuary (Western UK)
- Southwest Baltic, Danish and German coasts
- continental shelf profile
- effect of sea-level variation
- North Sea bathymetric map
- northeastern Spain shelf bathymetry
- regional map
- distribution of submerged prehistoric sites
- environmental and industrial threats
- reasons for site survival/destruction
- histogram of sites by depth
- long-term effects of coastal shallow water processes
- number of sites by country
- short-term effects of coastal shallow water processes
- site formation and coastal landscapes/processes
- early diagenesis
- eolian erosion and transport
- fluvial erosion and transport
- glacial erosion and transport
- high latitude rock weathering
- mid latitude rock weathering
- substrate and coastal physiography
- value of submerged landscape
- Skagerrak
- Snake Island
- Sole Pit
- solid substrate geology/Quaternary geology database
- Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone
- Sormiou 1 Cave (Marseille)
- Southern Bight
- Southern Levantine Current
- SPECMAP (SPECtral MAPping) project
- speleothems 313–315, 460
- Sporades archipelago
- St. Kilda
- St. Kilda archipelago
- St. Vicente canyon
- St. Vicente, Cape
- Storegga Submarine Slide event
- Stromboli volcano
- sub-bottom acoustic data
- Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf (SPLASHCOS) project and database
- histogram of submerged sites by depth
- scope
- submerged site distribution
- submerged prehistoric sites
- case examples
- A240 concession area (East Anglia, UK)
- Atlit-Yam (Israel)
- Bouldnor Cliff (Isle of Wight, UK)
- Cap Lévi (Anse de La Mondrée, France)
- Golfe du Morbihan (Brittany, France)
- Pavlopetri (Greece)
- Rotterdam Port (Netherlands)
- Severn Estuary (Western UK)
- Southwest Baltic, Danish and German coasts
- continental shelf profile
- effect of sea-level variation
- North Sea bathymetric map
- northeastern Spain shelf bathymetry
- regional map
- distribution
- environmental and industrial threats
- reasons for site survival/destruction
- histogram of sites by depth
- long-term effects of coastal shallow water processes
- number of sites by country
- short-term effects of coastal shallow water processes
- site formation and coastal landscapes/processes
- early diagenesis
- eolian erosion and transport
- fluvial erosion and transport
- glacial erosion and transport
- high latitude rock weathering
- mid latitude rock weathering
- substrate and coastal physiography
- value of submerged landscape
- survival of prehistoric remains on sea floor
- age range
- conventions and standards
- general issues
- recent history of collaboration
- terminology
- Swina Gate
- taphonomy
- Tarkhankut Cape
- Tarkhankutian beds
- tectonic setting of Europe
- Atlantic Shelf
- Mediterranean Sea
- meso-Europe
- neo-Europe
- paleo-Europe
- proto-Europe
- tectonostratigraphic units of Europe
- Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone
- terminology
- Tethys Ocean
- Theopetra Cave
- Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10)
- thermokarst
- tide currents
- tsunamis
- Turkish western shelf
- Tyrrhenian Sea
- bathymetry
- coastal karst areas
- Sardinia DEM
- sediment thickness
- simplified coastal shelf map
- southern Latium DEM
- vertical movement
- UK
- bathymetric data by type
- UK Met Office
- Var Department
- Variscan orogeny
- Variscides range
- Veyron Cave (Marseille)
- Viking graben
- Viking period gold arm ring
- Villefranche Bay
- Viscoelastic Earth model
- Viteaz canyon
- VM2 Earth model
- volcanoes in Italy
- Wadi Rabah sites
- Wanner events
- Warthe phase of Saalian Glaciation
- wave height simulations
- Weald–Artois Ridge
- weathering of rocks
- high-latitude
- mid-latitude
- Weichselian Glaciation
- Well Hole
- Western Mediterranean Sea
- see also Central Mediterranean Sea; Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- areas for future work
- industrial activities
- regions with highest change of site survival
- Calanques of Marseille
- ancient landscape
- last sea level rise
- Earth sciences
- bathymetry
- modern coastline
- Pleistocene–Holocene sediment thickness
- solid geology
- vertical earth movements
- karst of southeastern France
- maps
- Barcelona relief map
- bathymetry
- EMODnet mooring distribution map
- FOMAR project
- geological map
- glacio–isostatic seal-level change
- karst of southeastern France
- morpho-bathymetry
- overview
- predicted sea-level change
- seismic hazard map
- submerged caves and chambers
- tectonic map
- tidal gauge stations
- post-LGM environment
- climate
- sea-level and coastline evolution
- shelf climate
- submerged caves and chambers
- Alpes Maritimes
- archaeological field projects
- Calanques of Marseille
- diving observations
- freshwater research
- La Couronne massif
- La Triperie Cave (Marseille)
- Les Trémies Cave (Cassis)
- other chambers and cavities
- Sormiou 1 Cave (Marseille)
- Var Department
- Veyron Cave (Marseille)
- submerged landforms and ecology
- climate variation and marine productivity
- paleoclimate and vegetation indicators
- river valleys
- seabed terrestrial features
- areas of prehistoric potential
- oceanographic data sources
- sediment erosion/accumulation
- site preservation
- wave damage protection areas
- Yarmouth Roads Formation
- Yoldia Sea
- Younger Dryas climatic event