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Abba 190
Abbey Road studios 119–20
Adam and the Ants, ‘Prince Charming’ 220
Afro-Caribbean youth, grievances 217–18
Aladdin Sane 165–6
Aldiss, Brian 140
Aldrin, Buzz 141
‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ 35
Ali, Arif, and In-Betweens 117–19, 128
Allingham, Marjorie 145
Amen Corner 104
Andre Kostelanetz Orchestra, ‘With a Song in My Heart’ 3
‘Baby Let Me Take You Home’ 62
‘House of the Rising Sun’ 62
Anthony, Richard 136
‘Apple Blossom Time’ 31
Arcade Fire 235
Arctic Monkeys 235
Arden, Don 104, 106
Area 97–109
break-up 115
demo disc 103–6
equipment stolen 106–7
gigs 106
playlist/songs 102
‘Control of my Soul’ 103
‘Hard Life’ 103–6
‘I Have Seen’ 105–6
Armstrong, Neil 141
Arnold, P. P., ‘The First Cut Is the Deepest’ 118
Astra Independent 189
audio cassettes 223–4
Bachelors 13, 224
‘Diane’ 57
‘I Believe’ 57
Bailey, Mildred, ‘All of Me’ 25
Bakridon, ‘Mike’, and In-Betweens 117–19
Barnett, Courtney 235
Bay City Rollers 181–5
and pop 34, 59–60
‘needle time’ agreement 20, 60, 91, 108, 112
radio stations
overhaul 112
Light Programme 2–3, 33, 91, 108, 196
Radio 1 146, 163
launch 113–14
Radio 4 146
Television Centre 78–9
World Service 211
Beach Boys
Pet Sounds 91–2
20 Golden Greats 191
‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’ 92
Beast from the East 233
Beatles x, 30, 53–5, 70, 108, 111–12, 139, 173, 213–15, 235
albums 136
Abbey Road 147
Beatles For Sale 215
A Hard Day’s Night 215
Magical Mystery Tour 119–20
Revolver 86, 111
Rubber Soul 86, 91, 111, 215
Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 111, 119
The Beatles (White Album) 134, 136
With the Beatles 54–5
break-up 147
‘All My Loving’ 55
‘All You Need Is Love’ 119
‘And Your Bird Can Sing’ 86
‘Can’t Buy Me Love’ 64
‘Day in the Life’ 113
‘Eight Days a Week’ 215
‘Eleanor Rigby’ 86
‘Hello, Goodbye’ 120
‘Hey, Jude’ 133
‘I’ll Be Back’ 215
‘I’m Only Sleeping’ 86
‘In My Life’ 215
‘It Won’t Be Long’ 55
‘Love Me Do’ 37, 54, 111
‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ 114, 215
‘Money’ 55
‘Penny Lane’ 112
‘Please Please Me’ 53, 164, 214
‘Rocky Raccoon’ 134
‘She’s Leaving Home’ 112
‘Strawberry Fields’ 111, 119, 185, 215
‘This Boy’ 108
‘Tomorrow Never Knows’ 86
see also Harrison, George; Lennon, John; McCartney, Paul; Starr, Ringo
Beck, Harry 78
Beck, Jeff 69, 97
Bee Gees 104, 128
‘To Love Somebody’ 118
Bennett, Arnold 68, 145
Berry, Chuck 53, 58, 136, 139, 235
Hammersmith Odeon concert 61–3
‘Johnny B. Goode’ 53
‘Maybellene’ 62
‘Memphis, Tennessee’ 62
‘Roll Over Beethoven’ 62
School Days EP 53, 62
‘Sweet Little Sixteen’ 53
Bevington Primary School 18, 29, 32–3, 52
Big Bopper 20
Billy Fury Magazine 41
Binks, Freddie 132
Bizet, Georges, Carmen, ‘Habanera’ 40
Black, Cilla, ‘You’re My World’ 65
Blackburn, Tony 114, 115
Blake, William, ‘Jerusalem’ 36
Blake family 93–4
Deborah 93–5
Stephanie 93–5
Blondie 209
Bloomfield, Mike 71
Blue Aeroplanes 235
Booker T. and the MGs, ‘Green Onions’ 59
Boomtown Rats 209
Boone, Pat 48, 231
Bowie, David ix, 137, 165, 235
‘Changes’ 165
‘The Laughing Gnome’ 137
‘Life on Mars’ 165
‘Space Oddity’ 137–8, 140–1, 165
‘Starman’ 166–7
‘Suffragette City’ 166
‘The Jean Genie’ 70
Hunky Dory 165
Bowlly, Al 132
Bradbury, Ray 140
Branigan, Laura 203
Brel, Jacques 59
Brian Poole and the Tremeloes, ‘Do You Love Me?’ 50
Bright, Pauline 51, 63, 66
Brightman, Sarah, ‘I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper’ 209
British Legion 206
Britwell estate, 138, 142–3, 157, 159, 166, 192–3, 207, 218–19
Brixton College 121
Brixton riots 216–18
Brockway, Fenner 229
Brown, Joe, ‘A Picture of You’ 43
Browne, Jackson 153
Bucks Fizz, ‘Making Your Mind Up’ 220
Bunty 41
Bunyan, John, ‘He Who Would Valiant Be’ 36
Burdon, Eric 62
Burlington grammar school 138
Burnette, Johnny 29
Burnham, deliveries to 142, 166
Busby, Matt 21
Bush, Kate 201–2
The Kick Inside 202
‘The Man with the Child in His Eyes’ 202
‘Wuthering Heights’ 202
Butler, ‘Buck’ 170–1
Bygraves, Max 192
‘Fings Ain’t What They Used T’Be’ 29
Byrds, Younger Than Yesterday 136
Callaghan, James 198–9, 216
Callas, Maria 119
Camelford Road 123, 127, 131, 138, 140
Campbell, Glen, ‘By the Time I Get to Phoenix’ 125
Cannon, Freddy 29
Caribbean music 99
Carlen, Mr (English teacher) 68, 69, 233
Carlyle Grammar School for Girls 40, 51, 63, 64
Carmen, and In-Betweens 117–19
Carnaby Street 64
Carr, John Dickson 145
Carter, Jimmy (Linda’s boyfriend) 41–2, 49–50, 58–9, 80
Carter, Johnny 53, 68–9
Cash, Dave 115
catalogue companies 224
‘Cathy’s Clown’ 28
Chamberlain, Richard 5
Channel, Bruce, ‘Hey! Baby’ 34
Chapeltown riots 218
Charles Buchan’s Football Monthly 41, 58, 145
Charles, Prince of Wales 219
Charles, Tina 190
Charlton, Bobby 21
Charteris, Leslie 145
Checker, Chubby 49
Cheyenne 14
children’s songs 152–3
Children’s Country Holiday Fund (CCHF) 43
Children’s Favourites, 19
Chiswick Empire 11–13
Christian attitudes 23
Christie, Agatha 145
Christie, John 52
Churchill estate, Pimlico, AJ attacked 87–9
cinemas, national anthem 126–7
Cisco Kid 14
Clapton, Eric 58, 69, 120
Clark, Ian
and Area 100–9
and pub piano 101
Clarke, ‘Nobby’ 132–3
Clarke, Arthur C. 140
Clooney, Rosemary 14
Close Encounters of the Third Kind 209
Cochrane, Kelso 17, 52
Cocteau Twins 226
Cogan, Alma 12
Como, Perry 19
Coogan, Steve 173
Cook, Peter 214
Cook, Sue 231
Cooper, Gary 5
corner shops 22, 28
Costa, Sam 19
Costello, Elvis, 194–6
‘Penny Lane’ 196
‘Pidgin English’ 226
‘Red Shoes’ 194–5
‘The Long Honeymoon’ 226
‘Watching the Detectives’ 196–7
‘You Little Fool’ 226
Armed Forces 209
Imperial Bedroom 226–7
My Aim is True 195
AJ’s songs 232, 233
Cotton, Billy 34
Cox, Carole 97, 100
Cox family 83, 155
AJ living with 98–100, 113–14, 119, 121
move to Roehampton 115
Cox, Judy, and AJ 121–2, 127–9
first date with AJ 123–7
engaged 128–9
pregnant 129
wedding 130–1
see also Johnson, Judy
Cox, Natalie 122, 127, 130
see also Johnson, Natalie
Cox, Pat 47, 83
Cox, Paul 100
Cox, Tony 33, 47, 83, 97, 100
Crawdaddy club 78
Crazy World of Arthur Brown 111
Crenshaw, Marshall 226
Crosby, Bing, ‘True Love’ 4–6
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Déjà Vu 153, 162
Crown pub, Berkhamsted 230–1
Cuban missile crisis 37
Curtis, Danny, Area singer/manager 97–109, 116
Daily Sketch 46
Dainton, Frank 132
Dammers, Jerry 218
Dante, Inferno 81
Darin, Bobby, ‘Things’ 43
Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich 83
Davies, Dave 66
Davies, Megan 117
Day, Doris 5
Dearlove, Mr (music teacher) 39–40, 135
Dee, Kiki 6
Deer Hunter, The 231
Denmark, AJ’s CCHF visit 43–4
Derby Arms pub 1
Diana, Princess 213, 219
diaries 187–8
Dickens, Charles 23, 145
Diddley, Bo 53
Dire Straits, Love Over Gold 226
Dixon, Norma 18
Dodd, Ken 83
Dolce, Joe, ‘Shaddap You Face’ 222
Doll, Sir Richard 208
Domino, Fats 29
Donegan, Lonnie 9, 10–15, 19, 58, 63, 103, 165, 196
‘Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavour on the Bedpost Overnight’ 12
‘My Old Man’s a Dustman’ 12
‘Rock Island Line’ 10
‘Tom Dooley’ 13
and pop revolution 12
concert 11–13
in pantomime 12
Donovan 71, 134
Doors 148
Dors, Diana 220
‘Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes’ 58
drugs 85
Dury, Ian, and the Blockheads 209
Dylan, Bob 59, 70, 82
‘Baby Let Me Follow You Down’ 62
‘It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)’ 72
‘Like a Rolling Stone’ 72
‘Love Minus Zero 72
‘Mr Tambourine Man’ 72
‘She Belongs to Me’ 72
‘The Times They Are a-Changin’’ 70
Bringing it All Back Home 71–2, 136
The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan 70
Dylan ‘goes electric’ 71
E Street Band 181
Eagles 181
Earl of Warwick pub 1
Easybeats, ‘Friday On My Mind’ 83
Echobelly 195
Eddy, Duane 29, 196
Edmonds, Noel 19
Edna from Whitechapel 43–4, 45, 47
Edwards, Charlie (Linda’s second husband) 202–4
Eko acoustic twelve-string 173–4, 232
Emerson, Lake and Palmer 192
Emile Ford and the Checkmates 29
Epstein, Brian 139
Equals, ‘Baby, Come Back’ 128–9
European Community referendum leaflets 177–80
Evening Standard, and CCHF holidays 43
Everett, Kenny 19, 115
Everything Everything 235
Fairs, Billy 132, 133
Faith, Adam 10
Faith, Percy, ‘Theme from a Summer Place’ 29
Falklands War 228
Fall 193
Fame, Georgie 48
Farnham Common rural delivery 178
Farr, Gary and the T-Bones 78
Fender Telecaster guitar 97
Fenton, Shane (Alvin Stardust) 34
‘Fings Ain’t What They Used T’Be’ 29, 133
Fifth Dynasty 106
Flanagan’s (restaurant) 176
Fleming, Ian, James Bond novels 51
Fontana, Wayne 107
football World Cup 1966 92–3
Forces Favourites 4
Forrester, C.S. 68
Four Seasons, ‘Bye Bye Baby’ 182
Four Tops 80
Fourth Feathers youth club 100–1, 104
Area equipment stolen 106–7, 230
Frampton Peter 108, 109
Francis, Connie 29
Fred, record dealer 85–6
Freeman, Alan 33
French nurse 46, 74
Fury, Billy 10, 193
Futurama guitar 100
Gardeners’ Question Time 163
Gaye, Marvin 48
Gibson guitar 62
Gilmour, David 151
‘Ging Gang Goolie’ 16
glam rock 172
Glitter, Gary 172
Golborne Road 17
Good, Jack 59–60
‘Good Vibrations’ 185
Goon Show 48
Graduate, The 75
Grant, Cary 5
Grant, John 235
Grease 209
Great Yarmouth Hippodrome 110
Green, Brian 134
Green Shield stamps 90
Gregg, Harry 21
Grenfell Tower 116
Griffiths, Les 132
Gun Law 14
Haight-Ashbury 110
Hair 175
Haircut 100 220
Halleran, David 212
Hamlet Gardens 116, 125
Hammersmith Palais 38, 48–51, 69, 85, 101, 196
Handley, Ronnie 91, 103
Handsworth riots 218
‘Hang on Sloopy’ 102
Hardie, Keir 229
Hardy, Françoise 136
Harris, ‘Dolly’ (teacher) 38
Harrison, George 6, 58
solo albums 147–8
see also Beatles
Hassan, Sham 143, 155, 167
and the In-Betweens 117–19
proposes AJ join Post Office 129–30
proposes new band 128–9
Havens, Richie 148
Hayes, Lenny 183–5
Hayling Island 74
headphones 225–6
‘Heart of my Hearts’ 31
Hendrix, Jimi 104, 148
Henry Compton School 65
Henry, Dr (Sloane headmaster) 38
Henry, O. 145
Henry’s Radios 173, 197
Henshaw, Dave and Pauline 174–6
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush 126
Hi-fi Stereo Sound System 223–6
High Noon 14
High Society 5
Hillman Avenger 210
Höfner ‘C’ mouth organ 71
Höfner Verithin guitar 96, 107, 108, 236–7
‘Hold Tight’ 102
Holder, Noddy 171
see also Slade
Hollies 162
Holly, Buddy 139
‘It Doesn’t Matter Anymore’ 19–21
‘Peggy Sue’ 20
‘That’ll Be the Day’ 20
plane crash 19, 20–1
Holst, Gustav, The Planets 135
Honeycombs, ‘Have I the Right?’ 117
Horne, Lena 19
hospital radio 53
Hotspur 41
Household, Geoffrey 68
Housewives Choice 19
Hughes, Marilyn 8, 25
100 club 78
Hyland, Brian, ‘Sealed with a Kiss’ 44
Ifield, Frank
‘I Remember You’ 43
‘Wayward Wind’ 164
‘In a Cottage in a Wood’ 152
In-Betweens 155
AJ and 116–19, 121, 128–9
‘All or Nothing’ 118
equipment stolen 128–9
‘Ticket to Ride’ 118, 121
‘Wild Thing’ 118
Incredible String Band 154
The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion 146–7
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions 221–2
ITV, and pop programmes 59–60
Ivanov, Captain Yevgeny 45
Jack Hylton and his Orchestra, ‘Tap Your Feet’ 25, 30
Jackson, Jack 19
Jackson, Joe 195
I’m the Man 209
Night and Day 226
Jackson, Michael, Thriller 226
Jacobs, David 19, 59
Jagger, Mick 98, 113, 120, 139–40, 234
Jam 209, 226
James, Colin 51–2, 54, 63–6, 72–7, 78, 234
James family 73–7
Jay, Peter 34, 108–10
Jaywalkers, AJ’s audition 108–10
Joel, Billy
‘Allentown’ 224
‘Goodnight Saigon’ 224
The Nylon Curtain 224
John, Elton 5
‘Rocket Man’ 164–5
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 209
John Fred and His Playboy Band 133
Johnny Kidd and the Pirates, ‘Shakin’ All Over’ 29–30
Johnson, Alan
Bevington Primary School 18, 29, 32–3
beatings 52
Sloane Grammar School 35–6, 65, 68, 71, 78, 135
unhappy at 38–41
appendix 46, 54
eye injury respite 40–1
free school meals 39
careers advice 77
friendships 47–52, 78
Denmark CCHF visit 43–4
with James family 73–4, 75–7
Southam Street 1–3, 6, 8, 15, 22, 23, 25–7, 87, 98, 99, 203
bedtime rituals 18
shared bedroom 16, 17–19
Sundays 1–6
unfit for human habitation 17, 115–16
West Indian residents 17
Walmer Road 41, 43, 47, 52, 57, 59, 157, 197
move to 27–8
Wilberforce estate 69, 78, 85
neighbours’ hostility 86–7
with Cox family 98–100
with Mrs Kenny (landlady) 116, 123, 131
marriage to Judy
Britwell estate home, 138, 140, 141, 142–3, 157, 159, 166, 192–3, 207, 218–19
Judy’s home birth 150–2
decorating new home 143–6, 148–9
Devon holiday 189–90
first restaurant meal 130–1
driving lessons 156–7
passes test 174
Ford Escort 174
and air travel 21–2, 220–1
and smoking 42, 87, 205–9
on ageing 163–4
street attacks on 52, 87–9
teenage emotions 43–4, 45–6
working life
leaves school 68
clerk at Remingtons 69, 75, 77, 79, 85, 131
Tesco, Hammersmith 85–6, 89–95, 103
Anthony Jackson’s supermarket 103, 124, 129
Post Office
decision to join 129–30
Barnes Green Post Office 131–5
Slough Post Office 140
acting postman higher grade (PHG) 168, 190
rural delivery, Littleworth Common 190–1
and UPW 177–80
branch chair 188
assistant district organiser 199–200
on UCW Executive 216–17, 220–2
see also Post Office; postal workers; UCW
and music
Area see Area
In-Betweens 116–19, 121, 128–9
Jaywalkers audition 108–10
Vampires 54, 63, 66–7, 69, 77
as songwriter
‘I Have Seen’ 103
sends tape to Elvis Costello 232, 233
Eko acoustic twelve-string 173–4, 232
Höfner Verithin 96, 107, 108, 236–7
Spanish 15, 57–8, 63, 149, 174
‘Tommy Steele’ guitar 14, 15
Vox solid electric guitar 68–71, 87, 96
Yamaha acoustic six-string 236
buys piano 157–9
lessons 157, 159–62
piano goes missing 231–2
music listening
crystal radio set 35
Hi-fi Stereo Sound System 223–6
record collection 136
78s 24–30
audio cassettes 223–4
book collection 145
diaries 187–8
poem ‘The Bomb’ 71
This Boy 7
Johnson, Emma (AJ’s daughter) 151, 152
birth 136, 150
and Ali Baba 211
and pop music 209, 220
Johnson, Jamie (AJ’s son) 154
birth 150–2
musical ambitions for 151–2
and pop music 209, 210, 220
music career 151
Johnson, Judy (AJ’s wife)
at Camelford Road 123, 127, 131, 138, 140
at Britwell estate, 138, 140, 141, 142–3, 157, 159, 166, 192–3, 207, 218–19
grandmother 130, 131, 138, 155
home birth 150–2
playgroup 143, 185
record collection 136
see also Cox, Judy
Johnson, Lily (AJ’s mother) 1–6
and music
Bachelors 13, 57, 224
Beatles 37, 54
Cliff Richard concert 10–11
Lonnie Donegan concert 11–13
‘True Love’ 4–6
heart condition 27, 33, 37–8
in hospital 44, 55, 56–7
death 1964 56
and AJ
and AJ’s social life 52
legacy 96
on ‘facts of life’ 46
smoking 42
and Southam Street 17–19
bingo 29
cleaning jobs to support family 7–9, 10
football pools 15, 24
legal status in 1950s 9
Liverpool childhood 56, 196
marries Steve 56
Johnson, Linda (AJ’s sister) 1, 7–9
and ‘facts of life’ 46
at Fulham County Grammar School 27
bedroom shared with AJ 16, 17–19
CCHF holiday in Guildford 43
Girl Guides 16–17
responsibilities 37–8
and front room 27–8
and Lily’s legacy 96
at 12, evening jobs 28
hopes for Lily 57
and music
Cliff Richard concert 10–11
Dansette record-player 15, 24–30, 59, 87
Melodica 14
record-buying 33–4
78s library 24–30
boyfriend Jimmy 41–2, 49–50, 58–9, 80
nursery nurse 80
marries Charlie Edwards 203–4
AJ’s later contact with 156
see also Whitaker, Mike
Johnson, Natalie (AJ’s daughter) 150, 151, 152
and pop music 209, 219–20
see also Cox, Natalie
Johnson, Steve ‘Ginger’ (AJ’s father) 31, 56, 143, 144
leaves family 2, 5, 8–9
pub pianist 1–3, 8, 31–2
buys old 78s 24
and maintenance payments 28, 33
Jones, Brian 140
Jones, Jimmy 29
Juke Box Jury 59, 79
Jules Rimet trophy 93
Kathy Kirby Show 79
Kaye, Danny, ‘The Ugly Duckling’ 19
Kearns, Tony 100–9
Keeler, Christine 45
Keller, Jerry, ‘Here Comes Summer’ 19
Kelly, Grace, ‘True Love’ 4–6
Kelly, Kathleen 46, 61–3, 74
Kelly, Susan 63–6
Kennedy, John F. 213
Kenny, Mrs, (AJ’s landlady) 116, 123, 131
Kensington Gardens 7–8
Khachaturian, Aram 141
King Crimson 135
King, Jason 200–1
King’s Head pub, Clapham 216, 218
Kingston Trio 13
Kinks 104
‘You Really Got Me’ 66, 67
Knowledge (magazine) 41
Kooper, Al 71
Kubrick, Stanley, 2001: A Space Odyssey 140–1
Labour party 198–9, 217–19, 227–9, 236
Ladbroke Grove 1, 28, 42, 52, 98, 131
library 33
Lads of the Village pub 1–2, 8
Laidlaw, Joe 175
Laine, Frankie, ‘Do Not Forsake Me, O My Darlin’’ 14
Lancaster Road 98–100
demolition 116
Langton, Maureen 18
Lantree, Honey 117
Laramie 14
Larkin, Philip 45, 54
La’s 195
Leadbelly, ‘Rock Island Line’ 10
Led Zeppelin 148
Lenin, Vladimir 229
Lennon, John 139, 172
solo albums 147–8
‘And Your Bird Can Sing’ 215
‘Gimme Some Truth’ 215
‘Happiness Is a Warm Gun’ 215
‘Imagine’ 215
‘Jealous Guy’ 215
‘Julia’ 213
‘Mother’ 213
‘My Mummy’s Dead’ 213
‘Working Class Hero’ 213
Double Fantasy 212
In His Own Write 214
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band 213
death 211–15
see also Beatles
Lestor, Joan 198, 219, 229
Ligeti, Györgi 141
Lilliput 54
Littleworth Common 190–1
Liverpool relations 83, 155
Llewellyn, Clive 78
Locomotion (dance) 51
Lofthouse, Nat 21
Lombardo, Guy, ‘You’re Driving Me Crazy’ 24
London Evening News 10
London Palladium 10–11, 196
London Records 58
Lone Ranger 14
Long Furlong Drive 138, 142–3, 150, 165, 172, 174, 185
Loog Oldham, Andrew 98, 139
Loss, Joe 34, 49, 196
Lotis, Dennis 12
Lovin’ Spoonful 92
Luxemburg, Rosa 229
Lynchpin pub 166
Lynott, Phil 190
McCartney, Paul 86, 139, 165, 172–3, 196, 213–14
‘Mull of Kintyre’ 215
Ram 172–3
solo albums 147–8
see also Beatles
McDonald, Janice 88
McKenzie, Scott 110
McLean, Don, ‘American Pie’ 20
McLuhan, Marshall 120
MacManus, Ross 196
Manchester United 21
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band 135
Mann, Manfred 79
Marine Offences Act 113
Marlin, Laura 235
Marquee club 69, 97
Marriott, Stevie 84, 118
Marshall amp 107
Marshall, Mr (teacher) 69
Martin (neighbour) 153
Maugham, W. Somerset 145
‘Maybe It’s Because I’m a Londoner’ 31
Meat Loaf, Bat Out of Hell 203
Meehan, Pat 128
Melody Maker 98, 100, 107, 137
Metcalfe, Jean 4
Metropolitan Police 217
Michelmore, Cliff 4
Mick (neighbour) 145–6
Militant 227
Mindbenders 231
‘Kind of Love’ 107–8
Mitchell, Joni
‘A Case of You’ 154
‘Clouds’ 153–4
Blue 154
Ladies of the Canyon 153–4
Mods 48, 49, 51, 82, 97, 99
clothes 81, 84, 200–1
revival 201, 209
Monkees 182
Monteverdi, Claudio 40
Moody Blues, ‘Nights in White Satin’ 122
Moore, Dudley 214
Moss Side riots 218
Mothers of Invention 148
Move, ‘Flowers in the Rain’ 114
MTV ix, 220
Mud 172
Murray, Pete 115
Murray, Ruby 12
Musicians’ Union, ‘needle time’ agreement 20, 60, 91, 108, 112
Myers, Stanley, ‘Cavatina’ 231
Nash, Graham 120, 153
‘Our House’ 162
‘Teach Your Children’ 162
Nashville Teens, ‘Tobacco Road’ 61–2
National Service 65
‘Nellie the Elephant’ 19
New Cross fire deaths 217
New Romantics 193
Newley, Anthony 137
Newport Folk Festival 71
Newton-John, Olivia 209
Nichols, Mike 75
1975 235
Noble, Ray, ‘Isle of Capri’ 24
North Kensington 22
return to 99–100
violence 52–3
Not Only … But Also 214
Notting Hill 7
carnival 99
Obama, Barack 196
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) 18
Ocean, Billy 190
Oh Boy! 60
Oh! Calcutta! 175–6
Olivier, Sir Laurence 184
‘On Mother Kelly’s Doorstep’ 31
Ono, Yoko 212
‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ 35
Orbison, Roy
‘Blue Bayou’ 135
‘Running Scared’ 34
Orwell, George 68, 145
Our World (TV) 119–20
Owen, Wilfred 68
Oxford Book of English Verse 187
Page, Jimmy 69, 135
Pallai, Mr (teacher) 69
palais prowlers 50
‘Papa’s Taking Us to the Zoo Tomorrow’ 153
Parker, ‘Colonel’ Tom 194
party music 165
Pavilion pub, Area and 102
Peel, John, Perfumed Garden show 148
Peers, Donald, ‘In a Shady Nook by a Babbling Brook’ 24
Pepper, Mr (social worker) 84–5
Perkins, Carl, ‘Blue Suede Shoes’ 61
Peter, Paul and Mary 70, 136
Petty, Tom 226
PG Tips chimp adverts 157–8
Picasso, Pablo 119
Pick of the Pops 19, 33
Pickett, Wilson, ‘Midnight Hour’ 118
Pied Bull pub 121
equipment stolen 128–9
Pink Floyd 111
Dark Side of the Moon 192
Pinky and Perky 26
pirate radio 60, 112–13, 235–6
Pitt House, Battersea 69, 78, 80–1, 92, 93, 94, 97
Police 220
‘Can’t Stand Losing You’ 210
‘Roxanne’ 210
Outlandos d’Amour 209
Regatta de Blanc 209
Pontin’s, Bracklesham Bay 75–7
Pony (dance) 51
pop charts 164
Porter, Cole, ‘True Love’ 4–6
Portobello Road 9, 24, 28, 29, 47, 98, 133
Post Office
Barnes Green 131–5
Burnham, deliveries to 142, 166
Christmas Pressure 168–71
Farnham Common rural delivery 178
football team 174
Slough sorting office 140, 167–71
strike 1971 152–4
Telegram Office 170
postal workers
and leaflet distribution 178–80
Christmas casuals 168–70
free driving lessons 156–7
promotion by seniority 167–8
Praed Street pub 101–2
prefabs 93
Presley, Elvis 10, 13, 213, 235
‘I Feel So Bad’ 194
‘Old Shep’ 77, 194
‘She’s Not You’ 44, 194
‘Wild in the Country’ 194
death 193–4
Pretty Things 78
Price, Alan 62
Prince, 1999 226
Procol Harum, ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’ 110–11
Profumo affair 45–6
protest songs 70
‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ 153
Punk 192–3, 195
Pye International label 53, 58
Quadrophenia 209
Quarrymen 214
Queen, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ 185–6
Queens Park Rangers (QPR) 21, 78, 86, 106, 134, 175, 183
1950s 2–6
Radio Caroline 60
Radio Hilversum 3
Radio London 60, 113
Radio Luxembourg 3, 35, 105
see also BBC
Radio Rentals 2, 3, 26, 28
Rafferty, Gerry
‘Baker Street’ 203, 204
‘City to City’ 203
Ravenscroft, Raphael 203
Ray Davies Quartet 67
Razorlight 151
Ready, Steady, Go! 59, 67, 71, 91, 108
Record Mirror 137
Record Roundup 19
Record Song Book 43
Reeves, Jim 83
Regan, Joan 12
Regent Sound studio 104
Remingtons Electric Shavers 69, 75, 77, 79, 85, 131
Revolutionary Socialist League 227
Rice-Davies, Mandy 45, 46, 74
Richard (punk neighbour) 192–3
Richard, Cliff 9–11, 13, 60, 193
Richards, Keith 58, 139–40
‘River Deep, Mountain High’ 185
Robb, Jimmy 54, 63
Robbins, Marty 19
Roberts, Christine 63–5
Robinson, Tom 195
Rollermania 181–5
Rolling Stones 50, 51, 53, 78, 83, 139, 234, 237
‘It’s All Over Now’ 139
‘I Wanna Be Your Man’ 139
‘Mother’s Little Helper’ 113, 139
‘Not Fade Away’ 139
‘Out of Time’ 139
Aftermath 136, 139
Hyde Park concert 138, 140
Ronson, Mick 166
Rooftop Singers, ‘Walk Right In’ 173
Rorem, Ned 112
Rose and Crown pub 170–1, 191
Rose, Josie 18
Rosko, Emperor 115
Rossington, Norman 214
Rothman’s King Size 42
Roussos, Demis 190
Rowe Housing Trust 17, 27
Roxy Music, Avalon 226
Roza, Lita 12
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (Edward FitzGerald) 214
Rundgren, Todd 226
Rydell, Bobby 29
San Francisco 110
‘Satisfaction’ 102
Scarman Report 217
Searchers, ‘Sweets for My Sweet’ 50
Sebastian, John 92
Sedaka, Neil 19, 29
Seeger, Pete 136
‘Semi-Detached Suburban Mr James’ 102
session singers 34
Seville, ICFTU tent city 221–2
Sex Pistols 192, 195, 209
Shakespeare, William 200
Shakin’ Stevens 5
Shane Fenton and the Fentones 34
Shang-a-Lang 182
Shannon, Del, ‘Runaway’ 34
Sharma, K. K. 188
Shaw, Sandie 79
Shepherd, Jennifer 18
Shepherd’s Bush 29, 47, 78–9, 94, 106, 128
Sherlock Holmes novels 145
Showaddywaddy 172
Simon and Garfunkel
Bookends 146
Bridge Over Troubled Water 153
Simon, Paul
‘The Late Great Johnny Ace’ 215
Hearts and Bones 215
Simonelli, Peter 132
Sinatra, Frank 5, 13
Sinatra, Nancy 5
singer-songwriter era 154
Six-Five Special 59
skiffle 12–13
Sky 231
Slade, ‘Merry Xmas Everybody’ 171, 235
Sloane Grammar School 35–6, 65, 68, 71, 78, 135
AJ unhappy at 38–41
friends 47–51, 78
Slough College, piano course 159–62
Slough Labour party 227–8
Slough Supporters’ Club 191
Sly and the Family Stone 153
Small Faces 104
‘All or Nothing’ 102
Smith, Cyril, ‘With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm’ 24
Smith, Mark E. 193
Social Democratic Party (SDP) 228–9
Soft Machine 111
Sonny and Cher, ‘I Got You Babe’ 75–6
South Kensington 7
Southall riots 218
Southam Street 1–3, 6, 8, 15, 22, 23, 25–7, 87, 98, 99, 203
electricity 25–7
shared bedroom 16, 17–19
unfit for human habitation 17, 115–16
West Indian residents 17
Spanish guitar 15, 57–8, 63, 149, 174
‘Sparky’s Magic Piano’ 19
Special Patrol Group (SPG) 217
Specials, ‘Ghost Town’ 218
Spektor, Regina 235
Spiders From Mars 166
Springfield, Dusty 79
Springsteen, Bruce 224
Born to Run 181
Squeeze 209, 226
St Vincent 235
Stacey family 81
Stacey, Yvonne 51, 63, 78, 81
Star Wars 209
Stardust, Ziggy 165, 166
Starr, Ringo 37
see also Beatles
Staton, Candi 190
Stealers Wheel 203
Steele, Tommy 10, 14
Stevens, Cat 103
‘The First Cut Is the Deepest’ 118
Stewart, Rod 97
Stills, Stephen, ‘Love the One You’re With’ 153
Sting 209
stop and search 217
Strauss, Richard 141
Street Singer (Arthur Tracy), ‘Was It Tears That Fell or Was It Rain?’ 24
Summer of Love 110
Sunday league football 189
Sunningdale golf course 74
supermarkets, 1960s 90
Supertramp 209
Supremes 79
Sweet 172
Talking Heads 209
Tapper, Dereck 33, 47
Taylor, Frank 179–80
Taylor, James 153
Teddy Boys 17
Television 8, 28, 59–60
Tesco, Hammersmith, AJ at 85–6, 89–95, 103, 106, 116, 129, 145
Thatcher, Margaret 180, 198, 217, 219, 228
Thin Lizzy, ‘The Boys Are Back in Town’ 190
Tidman, Brian 181
Tillotson, Johnny, ‘Poetry in Motion’ 33, 36
‘Time Is on My Side’ 102
Times, The 112, 199
Tolstoy, Leo, War and Peace 198
‘Tommy Steele’ guitar 14, 15
Top of the Pops 60, 91, 106, 163, 166, 220
Tormé, Mel 13–14
Townshend, Pete 82
Toxteth riots 218, 219
Trafalgar Square, 1966 World Cup night 93
Traffic 111, 126
Travolta, John 209
Trellick Tower 22, 116
Troggs 104
‘Wild Thing’ 118
Trollope, Anthony 145
‘True Love’ 4–6
Tubeway Army 209
Tubular Bells 165
Twist (dance) 49
Two-Way Family Favourites 3–4, 6
Tynan, Kenneth 175
‘Uncle Mac’ 19
unemployment 1981 217
Union of Post Office Workers (UPW) 177–80, 188
and ‘Winter of Discontent’ 199
Valens, Ritchie, ‘La Bamba’ 20
Valentine, Dickie 12
Vampires 54, 63, 66–7, 69, 77
Vanilla Fudge, ‘Ticket to Ride’ 118
Velvet Underground 148
Ventures 29
Vienna Boys Choir 119
Villagers 235
Vizinczey, Stephen, In Praise of Older Women 75
Vox solid electric guitar 68–71, 87, 96
Walker Brothers 79
Walker, Scott 84
Walmer Road 41, 43, 47, 52, 57, 59, 157, 197
move to 27–8
Ward, Clifford T. 203
Ward, Stephen 45
Washington, Geno, Ram Jam Band 48
Waters, Muddy 53
Watford, Linda’s house 83, 84
Watusi (dance) 51
Webb, Jimmy 125
Weedon, Bert, Play in a Day 13, 57–8, 63, 149
Weller, Paul 151
West Indian residents, Southam Street 17
West Side Story 132, 136
Westway 116, 138
Westwood, Vivienne 192
‘Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round’ 152
‘When Father Papered the Parlour’ 144
‘When the Saints Go Marching In’ 161
Whitaker, Mike (Linda’s first husband) 59, 61, 69, 71, 80, 173
Christmas 1967 119, 120–2
in Tring 143
marries Linda 83
Watford house 83, 84
suicide 197
Whitaker, Renay 120, 122
White City estate 93
Whiteman, Paul, ‘All of Me’ 25
Whitfield, David 12
Who 104
‘My Generation’ 82
‘The Kids Are Alright’ 82
Wilberforce estate 69, 78, 85
neighbours’ hostility 86–7
Wilde, Kim, ‘Kids in America’ 220
Wilde, Marty 10
Williams, John (musician) 231
Williams, John (schoolfriend) 48, 78, 81–2
Williamson, Sonny Boy 53
Wilson, Harold 180
Wiltshire, Andrew 47–51, 61, 69–72, 78, 83, 214
and Area 96, 97–109
at Post Office 131, 134
at Tesco 92–5
brother 49, 51
family 47, 49, 51, 70, 72
equipment stolen 106–7
jazz drummer 229–31
Wiltshire, Ann 115, 130–1, 155–6
Wimbledon Palais 78, 139, 234
Wings, Band on the Run 173
‘Winter of Discontent’ 199
Winwood, Stevie 108, 126
‘With a Song in My Heart’ 3
Wizzard, ‘I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day’ 171
Wombles 172
in pop groups 117
legal status in 1950s 9
in employment 142–3
Wonder, Stevie 50
Woofenden, Miss (teacher) 32–3, 35, 39
Woolworth’s Embassy label records 34
Woosnam, Mr (teacher) 39
‘Working in the Coal Mine’ 102
World At One 215
Wright, Gerald 47
Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook 233
Wyatt, Robert 151
XTC, English Settlement 226
Yamaha acoustic six-string guitar 236
Yardbirds 69–70, 104
‘For Your Love’ 102
‘I’m a Man’ 70
Roger the Engineer 136
Yerby, Philip 78, 88–8
Yes 135
‘You Do Something to Me’ 31
Young, Jimmy 115
Young, Neil, After the Gold Rush 148, 153