Hoy no ha venido nadie a preguntar;
ni me han pedido en esta tarde nada.
No he visto ni una flor de cementerio
en tan alegre procesión de luces.
Perdóname, Señor: qué poco he muerto!
En esta tarde todos, todos pasan
sin preguntarme ni pedirme nada.
Y no sé qué se olvidan y se queda
mal en mis manos, como cosa ajena.
He salido a la puerta,
y me da ganas de gritar a todos:
Si echan de menos algo, aquí se queda!
Porque en todas las tardes de esta vida,
yo no sé con qué puertas dan a un rostro,
y algo ajeno se toma el alma mía.
Hoy no ha venido nadie;
y hoy he muerto qué poco en esta tarde!
Today no one has come to ask questions;
nor has anyone asked anything of me this evening.
I haven’t seen so much as a cemetery flower
in a joyful candlelit procession.
Forgive me, Lord. How little I have died!
This evening everyone, everyone, goes by
without asking a question or asking anything of me.
And I don’t know what they forget and what fits so badly
in my hands, like something that doesn’t belong to me.
I have gone to the gate.
and I want to yell to everyone:
If you are missing something, it’s here!
Because on all the evenings of this life,
I don’t know what gates will open onto a face,
and something other take possession of my soul.
Today no one has come;
and today I have died oh so little this afternoon!